Tied Up by the Boss (Office Kink #2)(30)

She pulled back to look at him.

“I’m no liar, woman,” he joked. “Let’s have a look at you. My stars, you’re an angel.”

“Oh, Ken. You’re embarrassing me.”

“Too bad. I’ve been dreaming about this day and what I would say to you for a long time.”

She smiled, and he gave her a kiss on the cheek.

I thought I’d be overprotective about my mum meeting someone, her attention focused on someone else besides me. But watching her blush and smile and enjoy his adoration made my heart swell. If he could make her feel like she was a young, strong woman again, who was I to get in the way.

I took the moment to introduce myself to Ken’s daughter, Jillian, and then to the man himself.

“Wow, Glenda. Your son is a looker! But then I know where he gets it from!”

Now it was my turn to blush. I smiled and thanked him with my deepest voice.

It was then that Parker walked in, saving me.

“Parker. Hello!” I grabbed his arm and pulled him over.

“Hello, s?— I mean, Morgan,” he said, and I nodded in agreement. Calling me sir would seem out of place here.

He looked absolutely smashing in casual slacks and a soft blue sweater that made his eyes even more dazzling.

Introductions were made all around. He kissed my mum and gave her a small gift. Smooth, charming, and sweet. We took our seats around the table. Mum at the head and I next to her, Parker on my right.

“Some champagne for the occasion, Glenda?” Ken asked when the waitress came around to take our drink orders.

“Why not? You only live once. Do you mind, Morgan?” She looked at me hopefully. Though she knew she didn’t need my permission.

“Whatever makes you happy, Mum.”

She smiled. “Champagne for everyone, miss.”

Ken proposed a toast and we drank to our health and happiness. I felt Parker’s knee nudge mine under the table.

“Sorry,” he said next to me. He smelled delectable, his cologne sparking the memories of those times in my office watching his beautiful face as he held out as long as he could, my hand stroking him into another plane of existence.

The way he was looking at me now, it was as if he could read my thoughts.

“What are you thinking of ordering?” Parker asked, a slight smirk on his lips.

“The filet. It’s been a while since I’ve had a nice slab of meat.”

Parker raised his eyebrows. “Sir!” he whispered.

I leveled my gaze at him and shook my head.

He grinned, and I wanted to kiss his face. Again and again.

“I’ll try the lamb chop.”

“Good choice.” My knee brushed his again under the table. Were we sitting that close to one another? I cleared my throat. “Pardon.”

“I don’t mind.”

I took a swig of champagne, trying not to go down any dangerous paths. “Thank you for showing up.”

“I said I would.” He added, “I have no problem seeing you outside of work.”

My shoulders dropped. Why did I feel guilty? Because I knew Parker could handle more than I gave him credit for. When it came to certain affairs of the heart, I was sure he was much more experienced and more mature than I. I’d come to this realization after thinking long and hard in my lonely office.

Luckily, he let it go for now.

We ended up chatting with the others around the table, eating, drinking, and laughing. I hadn’t laughed like that in a while. Everyone seemed to be having a great time. I bet we all were a little drunk, but it didn’t matter. We felt like family. I’d missed that since dad passed away long ago.

Parker fit in with the group so effortlessly. He still managed to push my buttons, but he allowed me my jabs as well. And the way he talked to my mum . . . I might have fallen for him right then. He was gracious and openly interested in what she had to say. If Ken wasn’t there, I’d say Parker had eyes for her.

My ex never tried to talk to my mum or get along with her. She was a piece of my baggage to him, an inconvenience at best. And he wondered why I never bothered to convince him to stick around.

I’m sure Parker knew something was up when I kept stealing glances at him, like when the chocolate and caramel pot de crème we ordered for dessert arrived. I wished I could spoon feed it to him and then kiss his sweet, hot mouth.

Eventually, he got up to use the loo and Sarah leaned over to me. “Morgan, he’s an absolute dream. Such a gentleman and a sweetheart to your mother. Are you dating?”

“No! Absolutely not.”

“Well you should be,” Mum chimed in, overhearing us. “He’s a doll.”

“Listen to your mother, Morgan,” added Ken. He caught on quick. Siding with Mum.

“He’s my employee. There are rules involved.”

Ken waved a hand. “Psha. True love doesn’t care about rules. You stumble on someone like that, you find a way to hold on to them.”

I shook my head. “You’ve only known him for a couple of hours!”

Mum patted my hand. “But I know you, Morgan. And I see how you two look at one another.”


“Hush. You’ve laughed more in the last two hours than you have in years.”

I took a deep breath and tossed my napkin on my plate. I didn’t need this right now. “You need to back off. I’m a vice president. I can’t just be dating employees. I have my integrity to think about!” With that I got up from the table as the lot of them started talking all at once.

Hunter Frost's Books