Tied Up by the Boss (Office Kink #2)(29)

He adjusted himself in the chair. “A momma’s boy? I’d run.”

“It’s not like that.” I started in on the sandwich. “She’s ill and he just wants to make sure she’s taken care of.”

“I admit that’s cute.”

I smiled. “See, you’re learning things about Morgan.”

He shivered. “Some I prefer not to know.”

“Fine. Then I’ll think about them.”

“You really believe he’ll change his mind about you?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know, but I’m already having withdrawals. Don’t get sick,” I said as Charlie grimaced again. “It’s not just the sex, as hard as that is to imagine.”

“Trust me, Parker. I get it. One day when we have more time, I’ll tell you how it happened with Trent and me. You’ll get a kick out of it.”

“I’m sure I will.” I eyed him. “You won’t tell Trent will you?”

Charlie stood and shook his head. “Nah, I owe you one for leaving me in the executive bathroom on Halloween.”

I furrowed my brow. “What?—?”

“I’m going to get some lunch. Thanks for the chips. I’ll see you in what . . . forty-five minutes?” He reached for the door after the rush of words. It was obvious he didn’t want to talk about it now.

“Okay. Later,” I said pointedly.

He nodded with a goofy smile. “I’m glad you’re okay, by the way. Or, you know what I mean.”

“Thanks, man. Good luck.”


And with that, he left and I got back to business trying not to think about Morgan.

Chapter Fifteen


“Nice work, Morgan,” the sales manager at Axion, Bill Langley, said as he slapped me on the back with his meaty paws. He was one of those touchy-feely-slappy blokes that I wished would just stick to a hand shake. But his genuinely pleasant character made it tolerable.

“Thank you, Bill. But my team did the work. I just oversaw the project.”

“Well, they all did great,” he said, and they thanked him, Parker included, as they walked out of the conference room.

Once everyone except Bill and I were left, he clapped a hand on my arm.

“Can we talk for a minute?”

I looked at his hand. “We seem to be already?”

Bill chuckled and took his hand away. “I’m going to cut to the chase. Axion has an open position for VP of Acquisitions, and we don’t want to go public with it. Our first choice is you, Morgan.”

I looked up at him as I clicked my briefcase closed. “Me?”

He nodded. “We’ve done our research, and we like your portfolio. We’d love for you to join Axion.”

I was a tad shocked by this. And maybe a little miffed. Try to get our business and then poach our employees? It didn’t mean I wasn’t thinking about it. “I am a VP. Why should I consider a lateral move?” I heard myself asking.

“You tell me. More money? More vacation? We’re open to negotiate the details.”

I regarded him with a keen eye. This could have potential.

“Think about it and give us a call.”

“I will.” He shook my hand and left me standing there in a daze.

Despite my decision to release Parker from our deal, that didn’t stop him from invading my thoughts at all hours. The weekend after I’d sent him away was brutal, the week after that sadder than I cared to admit. How could I miss someone after such a short time? Had we really got so intimate that he’d invaded my heart? I didn’t get it. It took years for me to feel this way with my ex.

And to feel this way with Parker? A brat with a bad attitude, clever tongue, and the most brilliant body. Bollocks!

I couldn’t deny that I was excited to see him the most, when we arrived at The Boulevard for Mum’s birthday. I hoped he meant what he said and that’d he’d attend. Even if it was just for Mum and no other reason. Though I’d be slightly disappointed if that were the case. Okay, gutted, more like.

Mum and I were greeted by Sarah and her husband, Chuck, at the door to the private room. “You look beautiful, Glenda,” Sarah said. Mum smiled. She looked radiant in her dress. I’d taken her earlier to get her hair done, and combined with the light dusting of makeup, she glowed. I hadn’t seen her this happy in a while.

When we sat down, Sarah handed Mum an elegantly wrapped gift.

“You shouldn’t have,” Mum said, taking the gift and placing it on the table.

“It’s just something to show how much I enjoy working with you,” she said. “And Chuck helped me pick it out.” She took hold of my mum’s hand. “You’ve become like family to us.”

Mum smiled and dabbed at her eyes with a napkin. “Don’t make me cry. My mascara will run.”

Sarah laughed, her own eyes glistening, and I patted my mum’s back.

“No crying, Glenda. You haven’t even met me yet!” An older man using a walker waddled into the room, followed by a woman that I guessed was roughly my age with her white-blond hair tied back in a clip.

“Ken! You made it!” Mum began to stand, and I helped her up. The two made their way to each other and embraced.

Hunter Frost's Books