Tied Up by the Boss (Office Kink #2)(25)

Taking Parker was not part of the plan. Honestly, I couldn’t resist the thought once he’d planted it in my head. Having him over my desk, there was no stopping me from giving him what he’d begged for.

He surprised me when he said he needed me. For I felt it was exactly the opposite. I needed him. In the most intimate way I could get him. Filling him with my prick and making him feel like the heavens were colliding inside his magnificent body.

When we came together, it was more than an orgasm.

We came together. It sounded so cliché. But painfully true.

I didn’t want to admit it, but the lad had me wrapped around his little finger. Ironic when I was the one teaching him control, edging him to the point of no return.

And that scared me.

What was I doing? Having sex with my employee that I was supposed to be mentoring. In secret, at that. My god, that sounded appalling. Parker and I could both lose our jobs if anyone found out, destroying otherwise rewarding careers. But that was only a sliver of why this really bothered me. I prided myself on my moral code, especially my work ethic. What had happened to me? This whole situation went against everything I’d ever believed in and worked for. I was nothing without my principles. I wouldn’t be able to keep a clear conscience if Parker and I kept this up.

I finished and left with a heavy heart. When I opened the door to my office, Parker reclined on the couch, pants on, shirt undone, and feet up on the armrest, talking on his cell phone. I took a deep breath. He was like a brilliant ray of sunshine.

As I fastened my watch and walked to my desk, my cell phone wasn’t where I’d left it. I searched briefly for it when I heard Parker say, “Oh, hold on a minute, Glenda, your son just returned. I’ll give the phone over to him.” He held the phone out to me. “It’s your mother.”

I just stared at him, unable to speak.

Parker was talking to my mum. On my phone! Who, the hell, did he think he was? That was my private phone, not my work phone, which he still should not be answering for any reason. And now he was speaking to my mum like he’d known her for years? I opened my mouth and started to say something but realized she could hear.

I ripped the phone from his hand and put it to my ear. “Mum? Give me a second. I promise I’ll call you right back.” I didn’t wait for her to answer, just tapped it to hang up.

“What the bloody hell do you think you’re doing?” I crossed my arms over my chest, trying to hold myself together.

His eyes went wide, fear tingeing their corners, reminding me of the very first day he came to me, begging me not to fire him.

“Your office phone was blowing up, but you must have put it straight to voicemail since I couldn’t see the caller ID. Then your cell followed. I saw Mum and worried it might be an emergency, so I picked up. Your welcome, sir.” He finished sarcastically, putting his feet flat on the floor and resting his elbows on his thighs.

“You are never to answer my phone, you understand?”

“No, I don’t. You have other guys calling you to come teach them a lesson or something?”

“Don’t be a tosser, Parker. Of course, I don’t. But it wouldn’t be any of your business if I did.”

Parker huffed and shook his head. “You have some nerve, Morgan. Just because I give you authority in the bedroom doesn’t mean you can treat me like that dirty spunked-up towel everywhere else. I was trying to be nice. I had no intention of saying anything that might ruin your precious relationship with your mother.”

“Leave her out of this.”

He pulled at his hair. “I just find it ironic that we can get naked and you can stick your cock up my ass, fucking me like it means something, but as soon as things get personal, I’m back to being treated like a mischievous child that disappointed his father.”

“You violated my trust.”

“I answered the phone because I thought there was an emergency. I care about you, dammit! The little I know about you. Since you’re so fucking tight-lipped about anything that proves you have a life outside of work!”

“I think you’re confused about what we’re doing here, Parker.”

“Am I? Then set me straight, will you?” He blinked.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. “I thought I could get through to you by having some fun. But I let it get out of hand.”

“Out of hand? You mean letting yourself feel something for once? My emotions may run amok at times, but shit, at least I recognize them for what they are. You stuff them in perfect little boxes so they can never see the light of day. News flash, that doesn’t work. One day you’ll explode just like I did.”

“You should go,” I said, my entire body catching fire.

“Whatever,” he said, tying his shoes, then grabbing his coat from the rack. He tugged on his knit cap and opened the door.

“There’s no need to come in early or stay late next week. You can keep your job. Just don’t screw up again.”

Parker’s expression fell for the briefest of moments, and then he turned to go, slamming the door.

I cringed as if someone had squeezed my heart until I could barely breathe. I managed to will the feeling away and dialed my mum.

“There you are,” she answered.

“What did you need, Mum?” I asked.

“I’m out of digestives and I forgot to ask Sarah to get them. I was hoping to catch you before you left the office.”

Hunter Frost's Books