Tied Up by the Boss (Office Kink #2)(22)

Morgan wore a navy pinstripe suit and a vibrant orange tie that made my mouth water. He always looked ready to win. At everything.

He looked up and smiled at me. My knees got weak. Who knew a smile from Morgan?—a genuine, non-sarcastic one?—could feel like that.

“Good morning,” he said, leaning back in his chair.

“Morning, sir,” I replied and swallowed, ready to get on my knees and crawl over to him. I almost shook my head. Was this how it would be now? Was this the new me? Submissive and obsessed with my overbearing, no-nonsense boss?

He licked his lips and I wondered if he knew what that alone did to me. I took a deep breath and went over to the guest chair and took my usual seat. I could smell him and I fought myself to stay put.

He stared at me for a while, so much so it made me uncomfortable in a very sexy way. Damn him for having this kind of effect on me.

He finally grabbed a sheet of paper off his desk and handed it to me.

“Be back here at five. Karla’s leaving an hour early every day this week to volunteer at her kid’s school.”

“Of course, sir,” I said, then added, “Yay for crafts.”

“I was more than fine with it.” Morgan smiled and returned to his computer. “You better go before I think of a reason to keep you here.”

I got up and realized I’d sprung wood.

He turned to me quickly and did a double-take, his gaze zeroing in on my crotch. “Parker . . .” He bit his lip.

“Sorry, sir,” I replied.

“Sorry, not sorry more like it.” He gave me a stern glare. “You’ll pay for making me ache for you later.”

There went my ability to control my boner. “You know, saying things like that really doesn’t help my situation.”

“Get out, Parker,” he said, refusing to look at me.

I smiled. “Yes, sir.” I straightened my shoulders and turned, walking out of the door, hoping my cock would give me some peace for a while. Why the hell did he have to be so fucking hot? How did I suddenly come to desire him more than any man I’d ever met? Especially when just a week ago, I could have punched his lights out without an ounce of guilt.

Heading to my office, I glanced down at the document in my hand. Get ready to have your mind blown, Morgan. This time, you’ll be proud.

Life was strange indeed.

Our unique business relationship coupled with our kinky evenings continued effortlessly over the course of the week. Each day hotter and more amazing.

I was tied up and teased, denied, and edged until I’d thought I might explode from the sheer anticipation of it. But if I did, I’d be punished, which honestly was the most delicious punishment I’d ever known. I knew when to mouth off. Usually it was when I wanted to push Morgan’s buttons and get him to play with me until we were both so turned on we were dying to come.

As the week progressed, I was able to show more control, but it wasn’t effortless. Morgan knew all of my weaknesses, and he’d exploit them mercilessly?—from the physical to the psychological.

And I begged him for every crazy, brutal, erotic minute of it.

I found myself working extra hard to impress him and . . . behave, for lack of a better way to explain it. I completed my assignments with very little complaint. My work was top notch, but I made it a point to acknowledge and praise my teammates when I could. I’d ask for help and be appreciative of their time and resources. I’d also make myself available to them if they needed me for anything. I’m sure many of them thought I was off my rocker or that I was just waiting to go ballistic like a ticking time bomb. Or maybe they thought I was trolling for a new position, hoping to get in with another company and needed good references.

Nope, I just wanted Morgan satisfied in every way possible.

After our next team meeting at the end of the week, Steph Vincent called out to me.

“Parker, hold up. Got a minute?”

I was gathering my materials and glanced over at Morgan. He took off before I could see if he knew anything about this.

“Sure, Steph. Everything okay?”

She gave me a confused look. Amazing how such a simple phrase could make an impact.

“Everything’s great. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I’ve been seriously impressed with your work the last two meetings and with your, well, attitude.”

“My attitude?” I asked.

“You’re . . . different. In a good way,” she added when I must have pulled a face. “Are you in therapy or something?”

Therapy? “Something like that,” I replied, thinking about Morgan. “I’m glad you approve.”

She cocked her head. “Wow, no snark there.”

“Nope.” I shrugged. I just didn’t care to be right all the time anymore, to force my opinion, and constantly prove myself. It wasn’t worth taking down the others to show I had skills. I found being honest and helpful worked better. People seemed more at ease around me and actually wanted to work with me. It felt good.

Did I have Morgan to thank for this? Probably.

“Well, keep it up. You’re doing a great job and I know Morgan’s impressed too. I’ve never seen him this attentive and engaged with us.”

“Thank you, Steph. That means a lot to hear you say that.”

She smiled and walked out of the conference room with a wave. “Have a great weekend.”

Hunter Frost's Books