Tied Up by the Boss (Office Kink #2)(23)

“You too.” I grabbed my papers and smiled to myself. Morgan’s impressed.

I hung back until I figured everyone would’ve returned to their offices.

I reached Morgan’s office and knocked. “Pizza delivery.”

“Come in,” the deep, sexy-as-sin voice replied.

I entered and locked the door. He already had the rope up and ready to go. “Eager today?”

“I’m thinking I should get something permanent. I feel like I waste a lot of time tossing the rope up there every day.”

I grinned. Why did I love when he talked long-term? The thought short-circuited my brain. I never considered any of the men I’d been with for a lasting, committed relationship. Boyfriends came and went. Hook-ups were one-time affairs. But I’d been dreaming about Morgan coming home to me at the end of the day. My world had changed.

I began pulling at my tie and unbuttoning my shirt, suddenly warm.

“What did Steph have to say?” he asked.

“Nosy much?”

He smacked me on the butt. “You’re getting it for that.”

“Yeah?” I asked, more of an excited sigh.

He nodded. “Oh yes.”

“She wanted to compliment me on my work and my sparkling new attitude.”

Morgan smiled. “Curious.”

“She’s impressed and thinks you are too.”

He sat down on the desk next to me and helped me undress. “Does she now?”

He was toying with me. I could see the glint in his eye.

“Are you impressed with me, sir?”

He peeled off my undershirt. “Highly.” He leaned over to kiss my bare shoulders, and I got chills. I usually let him do his thing, but I couldn’t help it; I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him to me. I needed to feel his body against me?—warm and heavy. I inhaled deeply, his scent intoxicating as I buried my nose in his neck. He ravaged all of my senses by just being in the same room with me.

He didn’t push me away. Instead he gripped my face and kissed me hard, pushing his tongue deep into my mouth, almost choking me. He somehow knew exactly what I needed. I wanted him to fill me in every way possible.

We hadn’t done any penetration yet. It hadn’t been something we discussed. Shit, discussion wasn’t something we did, barring the playful banter as he edged me. I wondered if Morgan wanted to fuck me as much as I wanted him to. I usually was the pitcher, but for him . . . god, I’d catch.

I moaned into our kisses, and he trembled as he pulled my legs around him. For someone with such a calculated, ruthless business intellect, he had been one of the most giving, compassionate lovers I’d ever had. When I behaved.

He finally pushed me back and sucked on my neck, our breathing heavy. “You’re going to make this difficult for me to keep you on edge.”

I groaned. “Then let me take care of you first this time.”

“You’ll suck me off?”

“If that’s what you want. But I’d rather have you fuck me.”

He made a strange noise in his throat. “God, Parker . . . I’d lose my mind inside you.”

That had to be the sexiest and most romantic thing I’d ever heard him say. Morgan Brant losing his mind, that dominant control shattered as he filled me up and worked me from the inside.

“I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

He pulled me up and looked into my eyes. “Have you done this before?”

“Been fucked? You’ve seen me, right?” I grinned, and Morgan rolled his eyes. “It was a long time ago,” I added. “I’m usually the one doing the fucking . . .”

“And you want my cock inside you?”

“In any way I can get it, sir,” I replied, and his eyes blazed.

“You say the sweetest things, Parker.”

“I’m learning.”

He stroked my lip with his thumb, staring at my face, as if thinking it over.

“Please, sir. I need you.”

The shock on his face made my gut clench. Did I say something wrong? I wished I knew more about his past so I could ease those feelings suddenly laid bare on his face.

He seemed to snap out of it and go over to the bag he hauled out of the closet every night for our sessions. He pulled out the lube and condoms.

“Turn over,” he ordered as he walked back to me. He put the items next to me on his desk, then began undressing. I wanted to watch, but I also didn’t want to disobey him.

I heard the clothes hitting the chair behind me, and in moments, he had his cock, already hard as fuck, against my ass. I groaned.

His hands traveled down my back, caressing me. Somehow his touch was always tender, even when he was being rough and commanding.

My body shuddered, goosebumps breaking out over my skin. He squeezed my ass cheeks and moaned at the same time I did.

“Your body is . . .”

“. . . a wonderland?” I finished for him.

Another quick smack landed on my butt. “Hey!”

“Stop being . . . cheeky,” he said, and I had a feeling he was smiling at his joke. His palm caressed the spot he spanked.

“Sorry, sir.”

“I was going to say enchanting.”

“I’m glad you think so,” I replied, swooning. On the inside.

Hunter Frost's Books