The Crow King's Wife (The Elder Blood Chronicles #5)(63)

His hands dropped reflexively to his belt as he surveyed the city and his fingers wrapped lightly around his dagger hilts. There were several that he would have to check on tonight. He knew the troublemakers amongst the demons, and he knew the ones he would have to kill. The rest would require reminders of who held the power, but no more than that. A bit of pain and they would be cowed once more. He was the top of the food chain and by morning they would all remember that.

As long as he supported Finn the Lord of Death’s reign was secure. That thought gave him pause, but he didn’t allow himself to focus on it. Finn was the first man he had ever willingly given his loyalty to. In the past his loyalty had always been forced and he had spent all of his time plotting escape, and now his energy was turned toward preserving his master. It was unsettling if he dwelled on it, so he pushed it aside. For now he was loyal and it was as simple as that.


His steps slowed as he neared the palace. He had only been gone for a few hours and yet the entire landscape of his home had changed. The forbidding black stone walls had become soft grey stone work with wide sweeping windows. Dark vines twisted over the entry gate and rose along the stone wall of the building itself. What had been a stronghold now resembled a noble’s country manor.

Seth’s eyes rose slowly to the upper stories where his tower had once been. There was still a spire there, but it was graceful rather than foreboding. Balconies lined the upper stories as well as wide open windows. He could see curtains of gauze flowing through some. His mouth went dry at the sight. There was no way to defend this building. Invaders could swarm the palace and find entry at a hundred different points.

“He has gone mad.” Fiona declared loudly from the wide double doors.

Seth gazed at her in dismay. He hadn’t even heard the doors open. The doors of the old palace had been made of two foot of oak and iron and they had groaned as they creaked open. He watched in silence as Fiona stepped lightly down the curving stairs toward him. Her mouth was set in a grim line and her gold eyes were flashing with fury.

“It’s not just this he plans to change. He intends to shift the entire Darklands.” She informed him acidly. He could see the tension in her muscles as she drew closer. Had Fiona Veirasha still lived her face would have been red with anger. She waved a hand back at the palace and a look of disgust formed on her features. “Does this look like the Palace of Death to you? How can he possible believe the condemned souls will respond to this? It looks like they are taking a bloody vacation in the country rather than being judged for their sins.” The words poured out of her in a flood as she stared at him in accusation.

Silently Seth composed himself and studied the building once more. With a slow breath he folded his hands behind his back and gazed down at Fiona. She was only a few inches shorter than him, but what she lacked in height she made up for in temperament and skill. She was one of the more powerful creatures in the Darklands, but it wasn’t her strength or anger that was unsettling him, it was the fact that he agreed with her. Their opinions were usually so different that he could barely stand to be in the same room as her, and yet, she was right. Finn had chosen very unwisely, and it was all because of his suggestion to change his home to suit him.

“Did he give a reason for his choice?” Seth asked carefully in a neutral tone.

“Of course he didn’t.” Fiona snapped and her eyes narrowed. “He said you suggested he make some changes and that he thought it was an idea with merit. I warn you Seth if you are trying to weaken his defenses with this so that you can gain...”

“I have just spent the past three hours dealing with his problems to secure his power.” Seth interrupted in a snarl before she could finish the threat. “Where is he?” he demanded before she could even begin to rant again.

“In what used to be his throne room. It looks more like a parlor now.” Fiona growled and looked ready to say more, but Seth stalked past her before she could even draw breath to begin.

He took the stairs two at a time noting how even this aspect of the palace had changed for the worse. The old staircase had been narrow and steep giving barely enough room for two men to walk abreast to the doors. Now there was room for a full infantry squad and a battering ram. Not that they would need one. The doors at the top were made of mahogany and carved with intricate designs. They were beautiful, and fragile. A stout kick from a booted foot would shatter the frame.

The room beyond was open and bright with tapestries hanging on the walls and a sweeping staircase that dominated the center of the hall. Seth let out a harsh breath and fought back the urge to curse. He couldn’t see a single fixture that represented defense. If the demons rose against Finn in numbers they would pillage this place in minutes.

He halted before turning for the throne room and forced his emotions back down. Closing his eyes he willed his breathing to slow and rubbed at his temples. He couldn’t fathom why Finn would leave himself so open for attack. It seemed too much idiocy for Finn. He knew the boy wasn’t a fool, but everything about his changes screamed otherwise.

With calm Seth didn’t feel he moved toward the throne room once more and considered the music echoing faintly on the air. It was relaxing and sweet. Something about the notes tugged at him, and Seth finally recognized it as he pushed the doors inward. It was an old song, older than the barrier itself. He hadn’t heard it played since before the fall of Tevonale.

Melissa Myers's Books