The Crow King's Wife (The Elder Blood Chronicles #5)(58)

Zoelyn glanced past them to Valor who was frowning deeply and then looked to Shade. They were the most rational ones as far as she could tell, aside from Dray, but she knew Dray wouldn’t be willing to speak up amongst so many. Silently she moved closer to Shade and tugged on his arm lightly. His blue eyes settled on her and he smiled faintly.

“He is spoiling for a fight today isn’t he?” Shade sighed and shook his head slowly.

“What started it?” Zoelyn asked softly. From what she could tell Jala was tearing into Grim about doing what was right, but she wasn’t sure exactly what Jala was referring to.

“Jala wants to take Dray to Arovan. Caleb isn’t having it.” Shade explained simply and his faint smile faded into a frown. “How exactly do you break up a fight between the two most frightening people you know?” he mused softly but she didn’t think he was actually speaking to her.

Zoelyn snorted faintly and gave him a bitter smile. “Like this.” She informed him as she strode forward toward her friends with a look of determination on her face. Grim was angry with her and lashing out at Jala because of it. She wasn’t about to let a fight occur because of it either.

“And it isn’t your decision!” Jala bellowed in her High Lady voice as Zoelyn calmly walked between the two of them.

“Well it certainly isn’t yours!” Grim snarled back and she could see his fist clenching as she looked up between them. Neither appeared to spare her the slightest bit of attention as they glowered at each other and both of them looked on the brink of violence. “How would you know what is best for Arovan?” he demanded.

“I happen to be betrothed to an Arovan if you hadn’t noticed. I have discussed this with Valor and this is the way it should be.” Jala’s voice held the whip of command that sent everyone in Merro scurrying, but Grim didn’t even flinch at her tone.

“And have Micah remembered in this fashion? I don’t think so.” Grim growled.

Zoelyn sighed heavily and braced herself. Turning sideways she glanced up at both of their faces and then placed a hand on both of their chests and shoved them away from each other. Despite the force of her push Grim simply rocked under her hand while Jala staggered back several steps. “Shut up both of you.” Zoelyn snapped loudly. “It isn’t either of your choices. It’s Dray’s choice.” She informed them in a quieter voice as they both stared at her with dumbfounded expressions.

“Zoey is right.” Shade spoke up loudly before either of them could recover from their shock. He moved forward quickly and took a place beside Zoelyn. “Both of you have valid reasons and both of you have skulls like rocks. You wouldn’t find a mutual agreement even if it were up to you to decide.” He faced Jala as he spoke, but glanced back toward Grim as if to assure the man he was speaking to both of them.

“This isn’t fair to Dray.” Jala protested her violet eyes flashing with anger. “Caleb acts as if he is the shame of his family and in truth he could be their salvation.” She added in what Zoelyn was sure was an attempt at a rational voice.

Grim snorted with disgust. “A Blight the salvation of Arovan?” he asked in clear disgust. “Do you want to throw civil war on top of the problems Arovan already faces, Lady Merrodin? That’s what it would come to if you take him to Elijah. He will be recognized by the High Lord because Elijah is an honorable man, and not even General Hai’dia will be able to keep order after that.”

Jala seemed to deflate a bit and her expression grew uncertain. She took another slow step back from Shade and Zoelyn and turned to look at Valor. “Do you think he is right?” she asked softly.

“You know I’m right, Valor. Micah’s son will have to prove himself before he ever considers returning to Arovan. If he goes now with nothing more than the stigma of being a Blight resting on his shoulders than only those who felt true loyalty to Micah will give him a chance.” Grim paused and turned to Dray. “It’s harsh, but that’s the way it is. I’m sorry.”

To Zoelyn’s amazement Dray didn’t look unsettled by the attention. In fact he was smiling faintly. He nodded slowly to Grim and then looked to Jala. “I understand what you are trying to do for me, Lady Merrodin. Don’t think I don’t appreciate it, but he is right. I don’t want to go to Arovan. I think my presence there would herald the fall of my family.”

“It would depend on how Elijah handled the knowledge. I think he would do what is right by Dray, but he would still have to move carefully to avoid unrest amongst his remaining people. It would require intrigue, and even then it would be difficult.” Valor said quietly and shifted his stance toward Jala. “Regardless of that however this isn’t worth the fight, Jala. Dray doesn’t wish to go, and Grim won’t allow it. To state it bluntly love, I would lose in a fight with Grim and I know it. You might win, but I’m not entirely sure of that. Choose your battles for the best of Merro, Jala, and realize this isn’t one of them.” There was no fear in Valor’s voice. His voice was calm as if he was simply stating facts.

Zoelyn watched in silence as Jala turned to regard Grim once more. She could see the High Lady reassessing him and wondering what she had missed. Grim was a large built man, but to the casual observer he carried no weapons. Only those that knew him very well realized he didn’t need weapons at his side.

Melissa Myers's Books