The Crow King's Wife (The Elder Blood Chronicles #5)(59)

“I suppose I lose then.” Jala sighed.

“I’m amazed you didn’t choke on those words.” Grim observed with a snort of bitter amusement.

Valor took a half step forward and opened his mouth to speak, but Jala held up one slender hand and he remained silent. The High Lady watched Grim for another long moment and then smiled sadly. “When Finn died I wanted to lash out at everything too. My emotions were so close to the surface that every word seemed to chafe on my nerves. I’m sorry for your loss, Caleb, and I hope you find peace in Rivana.”

“We will.” It was Dray’s voice that broke the unsteady silence and all eyes turned to regard him. He smiled faintly at Zoelyn and bowed his head to her. “I wanted you to be safe, and you will be in Delvay. I’m going with Shade and Grim. They killed my father before I ever had a chance to meet him. Grim isn’t the only one that owes them Kevala’drin.” He informed her quietly.

Zoelyn nodded slowly. It wasn’t what she had been expecting from him, but it did explain his obsession with training. “I won’t say I like it, but I will say I understand.” She couldn’t think of better words to offer, but both men seemed to accept them. The idea of losing two friends, possibly even three if Shade didn’t return weighed heavily on her, but she knew better than to try to talk them out of it.

Jala’s eyes rose to the storm darkened sky and then looked to Shade. “When do you think you will be able to leave out?” she asked with concern.

“Now.” Shade replied with a smile. He glanced toward the lightening in the distance and his smile widened.

“Shade you will have to fly directly through that to reach Delvay.” Jala protested.

“I know, and it’s exactly what I need. If nature herself can’t stop me how could anything in Rivana possibly have a chance? My ego took a heavy blow, Jala. I need to get my confidence back fully.” he looked ready to say more, but fell silent at the sound of a bowstring twanging loudly behind him.

All eyes shifted to Dray once more as the Blight calmly lowered his weapon and walked toward a crumpled black form in the grass. Kneeling slowly he picked up the crow’s body and drew his arrow from it. “They make good fletching.” He offered in feeble explanation as he noticed their attention. It was only after he had spoken that Zoelyn realized every arrow in his quiver bore black feathers.

“We will get along just fine.” Grim said with a slow smile. He nodded his head slightly and looked to Shade. “We have an appointment in Rivana to keep. Let’s quit wasting time and get it over with.” Turning back he smiled at Dray once more. “I’ll tell you about your father on the flight.” He offered as the Blight moved to stand next to him.

“Really not sure if you should have killed one of Death’s minions right before we fly through a massive storm on our way to an impossible mission, but ah well. What’s a bit more challenge?” Shade said with a sigh before turning back to Jala. “I’ll let you know the moment I head for Glis.” He promised her.

“I will meet you there.” Jala agreed, but her eyes were still lingering on the dead crow.

Zoelyn couldn’t blame her. The sight of the creature was holding her attention as well, and she only hoped Dray hadn’t noticed the look of horror that had crossed her face when he had picked it up. It was like seeing Seth dead, and a part of her was wailing like a child at the sight of it. She knew how Dray felt about Seth however, and she knew she should feel the same way after all of the charm magic the demon had used on her. That didn’t mean she did though.

“It’s just a bird, Zoey. He doesn’t suffer when one of them dies he only loses his sight into our world for a time.” Shade whispered to her in a reassuring voice.

“How do you know that?” She returned softly in a voice she hoped only he could hear.

“It’s a guess based on the fact that Dray is still walking around with a quiver full of black arrows. If Seth suffered when a crow died I think he likely would have killed Dray with the first dead bird.” Shade replied with a faint smile.

“Why can’t my friends just get along?” Zoelyn sighed heavily.

“My sentiments exactly.” Shade grinned and draped an arm lightly across her shoulders. With a gentle tug he began leading her toward the Spellhawk. “It comes with power I think. The more powerful you are, the harder you are to reason with. It’s kind of funny when you think about it though. The higher up the evolutionary ladder we climb the more base and primal we become.”

“Why aren’t you difficult to get along with then? Jala says you are more powerful than most you just don’t show it.” Zoelyn asked softly.

Shade smiled widely and too her amazement gave her a quick kiss on the forehead. There was a faint tingle as her curse nipped at his life force and she mentally scolded herself for not controlling it in time. She hadn’t been expecting Shade to touch her on bare flesh though, but if Shade minded the fraction of lost power he didn’t show it at all.

“Thank you for that. My ego can use all of the bolstering it can get today.” Shade said with genuine gratitude. With a faint chuckle he shrugged one shoulder and gazed toward his ship. The goblin was already milling by the steps and by its agitated stance it had been waiting there for a while. “I don’t follow any of the rules I suppose. I think that’s why I can’t seem to find my place in this world. I keep looking for others that think like me, and I’m slowly realizing I’m a broken mold. There aren’t any others like me. Jala is close, but I still find myself shaking my head at her. She is doing what she has to in order to be a High lady, and I understand that. It simply tells me that I could never be a High Lord.”

Melissa Myers's Books