The Crow King's Wife (The Elder Blood Chronicles #5)(62)

“Isn’t it possible that they have changed?” Finn asked calmly.

Seth turned to look back at him in disbelief. “No.” he answered coldly. He didn’t even like the suggestion that they might have redeemed themselves. Finn didn’t know them as well as he did. He was too young to understand that men simply didn’t change their natures.

“Perhaps they served their penance in the sunlit world. Maybe they recognized why they were locked in the prison and sought redemption.” Finn pressed.

“No.” Seth repeated in a louder voice and paced further from the table. He couldn’t explain why the words angered him so much, but just the suggestion made him want to kill something. Slowly he turned back to face Finn and let all of the anger bleed from his face. He knew how to rouse Finn. The answer had finally shown itself and he knew without a shadow of doubt that it would work. “You aren’t giving up your own power with this folly. You are damning your son. If you fail here he dies, either by the hands of his enemies or alone when I have leveled everything else. At your insistence I walk a brighter path, but without your nagging I will continue down the same dark trail I have always traveled. I wouldn’t be alone either. Myth would see the opportunity and seek me out. Between the two of us we could end it all.”

“What about Zoelyn? Would you kill her too?” Finn asked coldly.

Seth smiled bitterly at Finn and shook his head slowly. He could see the depression fading from Finn completely. It was working. He just had to press a bit harder. “I wouldn’t have to. She is Undrae, Finn. There is so much about her kind that you don’t understand. With a few gentle nudges I wouldn’t have to destroy her. She would be at my side helping me. I could turn her so easily. You’ve seen what she thinks of the outside world. She is already so close to hating them.”

“And you don’t think that would be destroying her?” Finn snarled as he rose from his seat.

Seth folded his arms across his chest and watched in calm satisfaction as the Lord of Death stalked toward him with fury written clearly on his features. “No, I don’t think it would be destroying her. I think it would be liberating her and removing the blinders from her. There is nothing worth saving in the world above, Finn. It is all a cheap facsimile. A make-believe world they invented to keep us from seeking our true home beyond the barrier.”

“For some of us this is the only world we have ever known and there is a hell of a lot up there that is worth fighting for. You don’t see the beauty because you are too bitter to look for it. You are the one with blinders on.” Finn growled. His bronzed face was contorted in frustration. He seemed unsure if he wanted to throttle Seth or punch him.

“Then by all means Milord, remove the blinders and show me what is worth saving.” Seth said quietly.

“I think I hate you. I know I’ve been baited, but I think there was a bit of truth in what you said. I don’t think you engineered that all just to rouse me.” Finn grumbled as he folded his arms over his chest in a mirror of Seth’s own stance.

Seth smiled at him and shook his head slowly. “It was all truth and none of it was engineered. You are right I am blinded by bitterness, and I no longer have any desire to see the truth.”

“So by sending you after Zoelyn I have damned her.” Finn rubbed his face and shook his head slowly as he turned away from Seth.

“That all depends on Zoelyn. She is Delvay. She might break me before I can enlighten her.” Seth corrected with an amused smile.

“And I will assist her in any way I can.” Finn promised. His gaze was roving over the throne room as he spoke. “You’re right. Part of my difficulty is this dismal place. It is impossible to keep focus when surrounded by shadows and gloom.” He said quietly and glanced back at Seth. Finn’s anger had faded once more, but there was no sign of the depression that had been haunting him. “Congratulations. You succeeded where Fiona failed miserably. You have managed to draw me back.”

Seth smiled grimly and bowed his head slightly to Finn. “What are friends for?” He turned for the doors before Finn could respond. Finn was back, but there was still a lot to do before everything was safe once more. He hadn’t realized the Lord of Death had been so oblivious to his domain, and he knew the demons would have taken advantage of it. There would be a lot of blood to spill before the Darklands were secure again, and it was best to see to it himself and allow Finn to focus on less depressing things.

Fiona was milling just outside the doors as he emerged and her eyes flew to him expectantly as if he were required to report to her.

“Is he well?” she demanded when he tried to walk past her.

Seth paused and turned to her. He despised the woman, but knew she was needed for now. “Am I reporting to you or War?” he asked coldly. Fiona might pretend she served Death, but he knew better. He was certain Finn realized it too.

“Just answer the question.” Fiona snapped in irritation and glanced back toward the double doors that led to Finn’s throne. It was obvious that Finn had banished her from his sight or the woman would have already been inside and directing her questions to Finn.

“He is angry which is better than depressed, and I am busy so skulk in the shadows a while longer and maybe he will summon you.” Seth replied coldly. The feathers of his cloak fluttered as he turned quickly and he ignored her as she called after him. There will be a time when Finn’s patience with her wears as thin as mine has and he will give her to me just as he did Yasny. Seth promised himself silently. The thought brought a smile to his face as he stepped from the warmth of the palace into the cold air of the Darklands.

Melissa Myers's Books