The Crow King's Wife (The Elder Blood Chronicles #5)(67)

Seth smiled and remained silent simply waving his hand for the bard to continue. It was a dark story, he knew that, but it was a story Zoey would know given how long she had lived in Glis. Once she realized what he was doing she would know what to do, and as clever as she was it wouldn’t take her long to piece together his plan.

The Spirit hesitated his gaze flicking between Seth and back to Finn until he was waved to continue by Finn as well. His voice faltered at first and then regained the rich tones he had no doubt been famous for in life. “At first guards were placed in an attempt to protect her from the spirits that came to torment her, but after several brave men suffered dearly for their service she was moved to the temple. When even the holy ground failed to keep the torments at bay Karalea began to rest under the protective light of the sun and remained awake and terrified during the long lonely hours of the night. As the troubles continued first one messenger then another was sent to the capital to beseech help, but no answer came, and not a soul that was sent returned. The days progressed and her suffering increased as did the pain of her village. The game that had always been bountiful in the forests fled and for many days the hunters returned to their family with empty hands. Then one by one the hunters began to disappear as well. Karalea’s heart swelled to breaking as each life was lost for she knew it was because of her that they suffered. She vowed to her people that she would surrender herself to the Crow King if he would end their torment, but her village loved her so that they refused her brave offer. As the guilt grew in her she insisted it was the only way and so to protect her they began to lock her inside the temple and prayed every night that salvation would come before all was lost. It wasn’t until her own father was lost on one of his hunts that Karalea truly lost all hope and knew that if she didn’t act the entire village would fall to ruin. Already her people were starving. For with the theft from the crows and the lack of meat from the hunters there was nothing left to them. So it was that in the dark of a moonless night that she climbed to the rafters of the small stone church. She knew that they had locked the doors and the windows fast below, but they had not considered the small window near the roof. As quiet as a mouse she crept through the window and down to the narrow porch below it. She could hear the fearful whispers of the men who guarded her below, but she was the daughter of a hunter and so knew how to move as silent as a shadow. Without light to guide her she made her way into the deep forest to a glade that she knew from her wanderings and there she called upon the Crow King. He came without pause to claim the prize he had worked so dearly for and so it was that Karalea was never again seen by those she loved so dearly and the Crow King won his wife. The village that she had sacrificed herself to protect faded with her for no one that dwelled there could remain without thinking of the beautiful sweet girl that had been stolen from amongst them and the torments they had endured on her behalf. To this day that land lays barren, and to this day the people of Glis are wary of all creatures they do not know as their own, especially crows.”

Finn stared at the bard for a long moment and then turned slowly to regard Seth. “So you plan to romance her by sending her nightmares, dead people, and cursing her home?” he asked in an incredulous voice. Shaking his head slowly he stared at Seth then rubbed his face quickly. “Tell me that isn’t a true story. By the look on his face I think it might be.” Finn added and waved a hand toward the bard who stood glowering.

“Karalea lived in Glis some time ago. The sleepless nights and haunted look came from a tryst she was having with what she thought was a wandering hunter. The lad was handsome and Karalea was na?ve. The dead that haunted her were sent by a mage and most of them were illusions. The crows were summoned and the game was scarce because her lover had a large group with him that was preying upon the same forest for their own comforts. The story she gave about the Crow King was rubbish to hide what she truly did in the moonlit hours, and when she disappeared it wasn’t because I kidnapped her. It was because she had finally run off with the slaver that had been seducing her for months. The hunters that disappeared were victims of the same group and all of them eventually found themselves in Nerathane as slaves. The men I’m sure died from the labor, but Karalea still lives there. She had enough Elder Blood in her veins to lead a long life and has existed as a courtesan for years.” Seth explained calmly. He leaned back in his chair and grinned at the Bard who was watching him with doubt.

“What about Zoey? Why don’t you just go to her in person? Why would you put her through torment when you could simply go see her and apologize?” Finn pressed with a note of frustration clear in his voice.

“I can’t go to her in person right now. She is with Ryvenken so it isn’t safe. I should have before, but as you remember I was busy sulking and angry with Jala. Now it’s too late. So either I wait for Ryvenken to leave or I convince her to come to me. The latter is the faster. I have a feeling he will linger around her for a while. He knows what she truly is now and he will want to keep an eye on her because of it.” Seth sighed and tried to ignore the confusion on Finn’s face. He would have to explain more and he knew it, but decided to hold his tongue until Finn forced him to speak. He gave a meaningful glance to the spirit that lingered beside them and silently prayed Finn would send the bard away before he forced him to speak. What he was going to share wasn’t something he wanted to become common knowledge.

Finn sat silent and seemed to be considering his words carefully. He waved the bard away from them as he looked up and settled his dark green eyes on Seth once more. “I’ve never seen you show hesitation over confronting anyone before. Even Hemlock doesn’t seem to scare you.” He observed quietly.

Melissa Myers's Books