The Crow King's Wife (The Elder Blood Chronicles #5)(72)

A smile formed on her lips as the sigil of Delvayon loomed before them carved deeply into the walls of the city itself. Two more turns down the wide stone hall and she would be standing before the door to her home. Her heart fluttered a bit at the thought and she closed her eyes for a moment trusting her memories to keep her from bumping into the walls as she walked.

“Are you ok?” Dray’s voice broke the silence with a whisper that was barely audible and she nodded silently in response. “You haven’t spoken a word since we entered the city.” He pressed.

“It’s like walking through a dream.” Zoelyn said after a long moment. “I know it all, and yet it isn’t me that knows it.” She kept her voice low and there was hesitation to her words. It wasn’t really a good explanation for what she was feeling, but it was the best she could manage without speaking the truth where Madren might over hear. He seemed like a nice person, but she didn’t know him, and she had a hard enough time trusting people she did know.

Madren’s steps had slowed as they drew closer to the door to House Delvay. The High lord rubbed the back of his neck and then glanced to Shade. “I’m not sure what kind of mood he will be in. He has been distracted for days. I believe Zoelyn’s presence will improve his mood drastically, but I can’t promise that.”

Zoelyn blinked in surprise and stared at the man. She had been concerned about him discovering who she truly was, but with what he had just said it was obvious he already knew. A twinge rose in her chest as she realized there was only one way he could know. “Neph told you?” her voice was soft but carried easily through the quiet hall.

Madren nodded once and gave her a faint smile. “There are only a few that he can trust his secrets with, but I believe I am the only one in the city that knows this particular secret.”

She nodded slowly and watched him with new found interest as he turned back to the door and slowly pushed it open. Neph liked people even less than she did, and if he found this man trustworthy it would likely be in her interest to learn more of him. The world was filled with enemies. It was allies that were in short supply.

“Neph, are you busy? Shade has arrived and he brought Zoelyn.” Madren called in a cautious voice. He peeked around the edge of the door, but seemed unwilling to actually enter the house without Neph’s permission.

“Damn Madren are you still scared of him?” Shade sighed as he brushed past Madren and pushed the door open fully. “Neph! I am short on time and we need to talk.” He called in a louder voice as he disappeared inside the room.

Zoelyn hung back as Grim followed Shade in and glanced at Madren who was still eyeing the door skeptically. “What has he been distracted with?” She asked calmly.

Madren started to reply but fell silent as a flurry of movement sounded from within the room and the door crashed shut in front of them with a resounding boom. Muffled curses echoed through the wooden door and Madren shoved his weight against it in a frantic effort to get inside. “Damn it!” He hissed through clenched teeth.

With growing alarm Zoelyn added her weight to the door and pushed her way into the room before Madren had a chance to move past her. Shade had been the obstruction holding the door closed she realized as she watched him stagger toward one of the walls. He seemed dazed and his jaw was hanging at an unnatural angle. Her gaze flashed quickly to the other side of the room in time to see Grim drawing his fist back. Neph was pinned against the wall, but judging by the bruise forming on Grim’s face he was giving as good as he was getting.

“No!” Zoelyn’s voice rose to nearly a scream as she sprinted across the room and launched herself at Grim’s upraised arm. He was already beginning the swing as she threw herself on him and her weight pulled his arm downward to crash into the stone wall rather than her brother’s face. Squirming frantically Zoelyn wrapped herself more tightly about his arm and braced both feet on Neph trying to force the two men apart. Snarls rose from the ground below her as the goblin launched itself onto Neph’s leg. Apparently it had decided that her actions were an invitation to join the fight. “Dray! Help me!” she bellowed as she tried to nudge the goblin back with one foot while still bracing Neph far enough away to keep him from striking Grim.

“What in the bloody hell is going on?” Madren demanded with the air of command in his voice once more. His words did no good though, both men were obviously too angry for simple conversation to satisfy them.

Dray had managed to get a firm hold on the goblin and was trying to pull it back, but it was taking all of his attention and she could feel the muscles of Grim’s arm tensing once more. She wouldn’t be able to hold him back and she knew it. She had one of his arms pinioned, but he was more than capable of throwing a solid punch with either arm.

There was a scuff of movement behind her, but she couldn’t spare her attention to see who it was coming to help. She doubted either Shade or Madren had the physical strength to break up the fight completely, but maybe with their help the men could at least be restrained. A hand moved gently past her to rest on Grim and she felt the muscles in his arm go slack at the touch. With a squeak she realized she was falling as Grim collapsed, but strong arms caught her before she could hit the floor. Neither Grim nor Neph were so fortunate however. Both had fallen boneless to the cold stone floor. Neph had the benefit of sliding down the wall, but Grim had hit hard. In a daze she stared up at Shade’s face and her eyes widened at the look of cold fury lighting his features. She had never seen him angry before and the sight was more terrifying than Neph’s temper had ever been.

Melissa Myers's Books