The Crow King's Wife (The Elder Blood Chronicles #5)(75)

“How do you know Kali is a Guardian?” Neph asked with suspicion clear in his tone.

“I have tea with her every week and chat with her about her life and goals for the future.” Grim returned sarcastically before looking directly at Shade with a glare. “While I understand this is an important conversation it also seems to be one that will keep for a time. Will the rest of our business today keep?”

Shade blushed in response and shook his head quickly. “No you are right and I’m sorry we were so off track.” Shade apologized quickly. He turned in his seat to face Neph and smiled weakly. “I don’t suppose you might have recent reports from Rivana would you?”

Neph continued to watch Grim for another long moment before slowly nodding to Shade. He cleared his throat and settled back in his chair. “Most of their soldiers have been deployed to perch on my border like vultures though a few are waiting on the borders of Goswin as well. Prendington has become a holding place for prisoners and has guards sufficient to keep the ones they hold there in check, but little more than that. It’s a bit much for the two of you, but you have managed to pull off miracles with worse odds before.”

“And how did you know we were going to Prendington?” Grim asked in a mockingly suspicious tone. His dark eyes danced as he stared hard at Neph. Despite his earlier impatience and their need for information the temptation to goad Neph had obviously been too much for him to resist.

Irritation lit Neph’s face at his words but to Zoelyn’s surprise Neph’s only response was to inhale sharply and glare at Grim before turning back to Shade. “There has been an increase in Spell Hawks crossing into Rivana lately and while I don’t know why they are there I will tell you that they are arriving, but not departing. The reports from my scouts say they are Morcaillo ships, but with the Firym and Oblivion ready to attack Morcath I can’t see any reason why Lord Morcaillo would send soldiers to Rivana. Still it might make getting across the borders tricky if you plan to fly there which I’m assuming you do.”

Shade nodded slowly and took a moment to digest the information before looking up at Neph once more. “What do you mean prisoners? That sounds far more plural than I was expecting. I thought they were just holding certain individuals there.”

Zoelyn watched her brother closely and marked the gleam that rose in his eyes at the question. His expression didn’t shift in the slightest, but she could tell just by looking at his eyes that Neph had been hoping Shade would ask that particular question.

“They are holding prisoners from Arovan and Delvay in their cells and from the reports I have the majority are children below the age of twelve. Though I’m sure they managed to acquire girls a bit older than that as well for obvious reasons. From what I understand the prisoners are to be traded to Nerathane in return for support and no doubt financial gain.” Neph explained calmly in a dispassionate voice. He let out another quiet sigh and shrugged one shoulder at Shade before picking up his glass once more. “It sickens me, but what can I do? I have barely two thousand people and I can’t spare any to attempt a rescue. Not with so many soldiers sitting on my borders awaiting orders to attack. I will be lucky if I can hold Delvay already and if I lose more of my warriors I don’t have a chance in hell.”

Well played Neph. Zoelyn silently congratulated her brother as she watched Shade’s face pale and then crease with frustration. Grim had stiffened at the words too, and while his expression was more guarded than Shade’s she could tell he was just as troubled by the information.

“Shade, how do you expect to empty a prison?” Grim asked softly. There was no reproach in his voice it was simply a question and Zoelyn knew if Shade could answer it Grim would help. Neph had chosen his words well when he spoke. By saying Arovan children first he had guaranteed that if a rescue could be accomplished Grim would see it done.

“Perhaps this will help.” Neph offered quietly as he reached down beside his chair and heaved two heavy looking leather bags onto the table. Shade looked up expectantly but Neph pushed the bags toward Grim instead. “I was told to give them to you and that you would know what to do with them.” Neph explained as Grim stared at him without moving a muscle toward the bags.

“By who?” Grim asked coolly still eyeing the bags with suspicion.

“My chosen companion for weekly tea. I find Kali’s company so tedious and seek my entertainment with livelier folk. Take it or leave it Huntsman. It makes no difference to me if you live or die.” Neph growled in response.

She doubted anyone else at the table could hear the lie in his voice, but Zoelyn could read it clearly. Neph wanted them to live and whatever was in the bags was proof of that. If he truly didn’t care he wouldn’t have offered any assistance at all.

“What can it hurt to look?” Shade asked when Grim still showed hesitation.

With a resigned sigh Grim leaned forward and pulled the closest bag over to him. His expression shifted from suspicion to shock as he stared at the contents and then looked up sharply at Neph. “Who do you drink tea with?” he demanded. He slipped his hand into the bag and lifted a handful of what looked to be black gravel from her vantage point across the table. Still watching Neph he let the handful spill slowly back into the bag and glanced to Shade who looked thoroughly confused. “These are Stonevine seeds from Glis. Typically they are in very short supply and the amount in front of me is worth a small fortune in gold.”

Melissa Myers's Books