The Crow King's Wife (The Elder Blood Chronicles #5)(80)

“My followers will obey my will.” Exodus said defensively but he could see the understanding in her eyes as she nodded her agreement with his logic. “As will the followers of the other Aspects.” She conceded with a faint smile and a nod.

“Everyone will be too afraid of missing something important to let their flock stray.” Finn agreed with a slight nod.

“But what about those who visit the city? How will you keep them in order? Our priests might follow from reverence, but not everyone will.” Exodus asked after a long moment of contemplation. She was leaning back on her arms now and looked perfectly relaxed despite where she was. Not many could manage to look so at ease while speaking with the Lord of Death in hell Finn realized with amusement.

“If it is more than our priests can handle, then we handle it ourselves. Which would you suppose a visitor to the city would find more unnerving, an angry city guard or an infuriated god? It will only take one or two instances before word spreads about the city and its laws.” Finn returned without pause. He wasn’t sure if she were truly as curious as she seemed or if she wanted to know how much thought he had placed toward his goals. Either way he doubted she could ask anything that he wouldn’t have an answer for. He had spent days in contemplation over this. The changes to the Darklands had been more spontaneous, but they were the spark that had ignited his new plans. With every change he made to his domain he considered what changes he could make in the rest of the world, and the plan had slowly grown.

Exodus fell silent with his words. Her blue eyes were filled with thought as she traced a slender finger back and forth across a rock. “War won’t like this.” She muttered and glanced up at him to see his reaction.

“Neither will Lutheron.” Finn agreed and shrugged one shoulder. “They can feel free to discuss the issue with me at length, but they won’t stop me.” He assured her firmly.

Her chin lifted slightly and a faint smile touched her lips as she held her hand out toward him. “You won’t face them alone Lord Death. Give me the vial. You have my loyalty.”

Finn smiled at her and bowed his head to her in respect. “Thank you Exodus.” He replied gently. “There is one thing I ask and I hope you don’t find offense, but it’s a matter I won’t budge on.” She nodded for him to continue and he glanced down at the vial in his hand as he spoke. “I’d like you to drink it now and give me back the vial. I don’t intend to use more than one vial in this process. It’s not that I don’t trust you, but there are some amongst the Aspects that I don’t trust, and the fewer vials with traces of my blood inside them the better I feel about my continued good health.”

“Wisely planned and no offense taken. Considering some of the magic that can be worked with blood I can’t say that I blame you.” Exodus agreed with a grin.

Finn nodded and felt his stomach clench as he handed the vial over to her. There was a possibility that she would simply vanish with the prize, but he didn’t’ think so. He didn’t exactly trust Exodus, but he thought he had judged her character well enough to know what she would do.

With nimble fingers she opened the vial and tilted it to her lips. Her face contorted slightly as his blood filled her mouth, but she didn’t hesitate in swallowing. Her eyes closed as she lowered the vial and her breathing quickened as faint traces of sweat broke across her pale face. The vial tumbled from her fingers to land in the moss beside her and she leaned forward to brace herself on the ground.

“Give it a moment and it will pass.” Finn assured her as he picked the fallen vial up and tucked it carefully back into the pocket in his cloak. He couldn’t seem to pull his gaze from her and was a bit shocked by the stir in his own blood at the sight. Her head was thrown back and her breath was coming in short quick gasps. He couldn’t tell if it was pain or ecstasy, but the effect was the same regardless. For the first time since Jala had shared his bed he was admiring another woman and the stir in his blood was lust. He had thought he was beyond that emotion and the fact that he wasn’t unsettled him more than he cared to admit. He knew better than to consider Exodus in those terms however and so he pushed the thoughts away as she slowly regained her composure. He needed her as an ally without anything between them that would confuse things. She was not a bed warmer, and at the same time she wasn’t someone he could keep. By her very nature she wouldn’t allow herself to be tied down.

“That was the most exquisite bliss and yet the most excruciating pain.” Exodus gasped and folded her arms around her tiny frame. Shaking her head she smiled at him as her breathing slowed. “It seemed to last an eternity and yet ended too soon.” She added and then laughed breathlessly. “And I’m not making any sense at all.”

“It’s not something you can put into words easily.” Finn assured her with a smile.

“Was it like that when you killed Death and took her mantle?” Exodus asked softly.

Finn shook his head slowly and let out a quiet sigh. “There was nothing about that experience that I would ever consider blissful. It nearly tore my body apart and the only thing my mind could focus on was what I was losing rather than what I had gained. I had no preparation for what was coming, and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, not even an enemy.”

“If you could go back and change things would you? I mean if you could avoid gaining the mantle would you give it up?” Exodus asked quietly and he could tell by the tone of her voice what she wanted to hear.

Melissa Myers's Books