The Crow King's Wife (The Elder Blood Chronicles #5)(70)

Grim cleared his throat to catch her attention as he shifted his backpack to a more comfortable position on his shoulder. With a casual nod ahead he motioned for her to follow Shade. He seemed on guard despite the deserted look of the place. She felt rather than heard him fall into place behind her and Dray and knowing he was behind her eased her nerves a bit. It wasn’t that she was expecting an attack. It was the fact that he was still willing to protect her. After their talk in Merro she had wondered if Grim still considered her a friend, and now she knew he did.

Her steps slowed as they crossed the courtyard. She could remember the last time she had trained at swords there with such clarity. It had been right before her failed attempt at running away, right before her father had killed her. She didn’t even realize she had stopped completely until she felt Dray’s hand on her arm. He was watching her with concern and she tried to smile reassuringly, but she could tell by the look on his face that it was a botched attempt.

“Why don’t we go back to Merro?” Dray whispered and there was a note of pleading in his voice.

“RenDelvayon is dead.” Grim said flatly from behind her and she felt a steady weight in the small of her back as he urged her forward. “Everything he said, and everything he did is a memory. You are looking at your past.” Grim turned her gently from the courtyard as he spoke and she found herself staring at the massive wooden gates set in the cliff face that were obviously newly constructed. The wood still gleamed with fresh varnish and the sigil of house Delvay stood out brightly with fresh enamel. “Look toward the future instead.” Grim suggested quietly and gave her another gentle push to urge her after Shade.

Shade had already reached the gate and after a quick examination he stepped back. “No smaller doors and no latch for this one.” He observed loudly then glanced over his shoulder at his companions. “I suppose knocking might work.” He mused hesitantly.

Between the obvious thickness of the barrier and the stone walls they were set in Zoelyn had her doubts if anyone inside would hear a simple knock.

“If only I had a battering ram to knock with.” Shade said with a smile. He raised an eyebrow as Grim moved past them all and walked purposefully toward the gates. Silently Grim dropped his backpack beside the stone wall and tossed his coat down over the top of it. Flexing his arms he examined the gates quickly before setting a hand to each near the seam in the center. “Oh look, I do.” Shade added dryly as he took a hasty step back toward Zoelyn.

“Shouldn’t they have sentries?” Dray asked quickly as it became more obvious that Grim had no intention of knocking. The Arovan had already set his heels and Zoelyn could see the muscles in his back tensing.

“They should, and probably do. I wouldn’t be surprised if Neph were on the other side of that door laughing at us, or using us to test his defenses.” Shade sighed. “Do you want some help with that Caleb?” he called in a louder voice.

Grim ignored the offer and focused on the doors as he applied pressure against the seam at one point and then raised his hands a bit higher and repeated the process. He had moved his hands four times before he seemed satisfied and Zoelyn watched in fascination as he planted his feet once more. The muscles of his back strained against his shirt as he put his full strength against the gates.

The entire area fell silent and she realized with shock that she had been holding her breath. Both Dray and Shade seemed just as captivated as Grim increased the pressure on the gates. Nothing happened for a long moment and then the air filled with the sound of groaning wood. Several loud pops resounded through the courtyard followed by a resounding crack as the gates pushed open. Traces of light flashed across the sigil that had been carved into the gates and Zoelyn gasped as the sparks centered on Grim and danced across his hands. She knew it was the magical wards that had been breached and most likely ones that were intended to be lethal, but Grim seemed unfazed by the magic. Still silent he stepped back from the gates and flexed his fingers before picking up his coat and backpack once more.

She could hear cries of alarm from within the city and the sound of running boots. It wouldn’t be long before they were swarmed by guards. Yet she seemed to be the only one troubled by that fact. Dray had faded from view with his camouflage and neither Grim nor Shade looked the slightest bit concerned. “I somehow doubt they are going to be happy.” She whispered to Dray, or at least where Dray had been. For all she knew he had already moved inside the city and she was talking to herself.

“He should have installed a bell or knocker or something if he didn’t want his gates broken.” Shade observed with a smile then strolled toward the gate with a nonchalance that she most certainly didn’t feel. “Damn, Caleb. You broke the bar holding the gates closed in two and It’s the size of a bloody tree.”

“When he repairs it he will put up more than one bar and reinforce it with iron.” Grim replied calmly. He motioned for Zoelyn to follow with a casual wave of his hand as he adjusted the backpack once more then stepped into the shadowed halls of Valemuir behind Shade. There was a flurry of movement by her legs then the goblin was past her in its frantic haste to catch Shade with the dirt covered rock once more clutched in its hands.

“Definitely the ugliest child I’ve ever seen.” Dray grumbled and she started slightly at his voice. He hadn’t replied to her earlier comment so she had thought he was already inside the city. “And you still jump when I speak.” He sighed and cuffed her gently on the shoulder. “C’mon might as well see what is going on. It would be nice to know if Shade is going to get us thrown into a Delvay prison.”

Melissa Myers's Books