Royally Not Ready(117)

The doorknob jingles, and then the door pushes open. Brimar flicks on the overhead light, and when he looks up to find me in the middle of his room, staring at him, he startles backward into the wall.

“Jesus Christ,” he says as I stand and slam the door shut behind him. He pinches his brow and asks, “What the fuck are you doing here?”

“Why do you think I’m here?” I ask, gauging how drunk he is. From the clarity in his eyes and the steadiness in his legs, I’m going to say not drunk at all. But there’s a lipstick stain on his neck and a noteworthy perfume that’s unfamiliar swirling around him.

Outrage and anger take over as I press my hand to his chest and back him up against the wall. “Are you fucking cheating on Lara?”

His eyes lift as he stares directly at me. “Is that why you’re here?” he asks.

“You know why I’m fucking here, but answer the question.”

“Yes,” he says. “For months now.”

The absolute fucking audacity of the man. Before I can stop, I bring my fist back and slam it into his jaw.

He doesn’t fight back. He slinks down to the floor, spitting out a gob of blood and smiling while holding his jaw.

“You used to punch harder than that. Lost some of your steam now that you’re fucking some American?”

“Watch it,” I say.

He stands and moves around his room, setting his things down and taking off his suit jacket. “So, figured out the text was from me, huh? I’m surprised it took you this long.”

“I’ve been waiting for you, not wanting to make a scene in public.”

“Ah, but the boys down at the pub would’ve enjoyed that.” He wipes his white sleeve across his mouth, blood staining the fabric. “They were all talking about the new princess, wondering if she was single and looking for someone to help continue the strong Strom name. Lots of guys are lining up to get a piece of your girl. You could have defended her honor, let them know your dick claims her . . . and the throne.”

My jaw tenses.

My fists clench at my sides.

I know he’s provoking me, trying to get me to fight him, and even though I’d like nothing more than to beat the ever-loving shit out of him, I didn’t come here for that right now. I came for answers, and that’s what I’m going to get.

“Who have you told?”

He unbuttons his shirt. “Who have I told what? You’re going to have to be more specific.”

“About my relationship with Lilly. About the adoption.”

“Ah, I see. You’re worried about your reputation.”

“No, I’m worried about Lilly,” I say. “You know how hard it’s been for her to make a decision—”

“Oh, boo-fucking-hoo,” Brimar bemoans. “She’s plucked from a life in America and brought to a beautiful foreign country where everything will be handed to her. What a rough life.”

“What the fuck is your problem?” I ask, my frustration reaching new levels. “You’re supposed to be my brother.”

“That’s where you’re wrong,” Brimar says. “Because a brother wouldn’t treat someone the way you treat me.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You think you’re better than me.”

“How do I act like I’m better than you?” I ask.

“For one, you’re so far up Theo’s ass, I don’t know how you breathe. He’s the king, but he doesn’t have the power to make you one.”

“Why do you keep saying that? When have I ever wanted to be king? Never. Not once.”

“Or how about the fact that you think you’re better than me because Theo adopted you?”

“As a formality,” I yell.

“What?” Brimar asks.

“The papers never went through because of the complications with Theo and Katla being royalty. So, they said I’d always be their son, despite the paperwork not going through. It was never real.”

“So why the fuck did you lead us to believe that was the case?”

“I don’t know,” I yell again. “Because I was desperate to feel like I had something, someone to take care of me. I had someone to fall back on. You, out of all people, should know that.”

“And you, out of all people, should know what it feels like to have someone brag about having parents when you don’t.”

“I wasn’t bragging. Plus, that was over fifteen fucking years ago, Brimar. Have you been holding on to it for that long? Why are you dredging this up now?”

“Because you’ve been on a power trip, and I assumed that was why. Since Theo asked us to go find Lilly, you’ve taken it upon yourself to lead the way.”

“Because Theo asked me specifically.”

“Yes, but I’m the head of fucking security, meaning I’m the one who should be calling the shots.” He points to his chest. “I’m the one who should be figuring out where we’re going and who’s allowed near us and who isn’t. But you’ve treated me like your goddamn assistant this entire time, and I’m sick of it. We come from the same cloth, from the same upbringing, and it’s about time you realize that.”

“I do,” I scream at him. “I fucking realize it every day. Every time I look at Lilly, I realize it. I know I don’t belong in the same room as her, but she wants me there for some reason. Do you realize the mental anguish I’ve had to filter through to love the woman I want to love?”

Meghan Quinn's Books