Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)(69)

She laughed while I shook my head in disgust. I may have to go home and take a shower now. I felt a little dirty just hearing her comment, let alone the visual I now had. Anna throatily chuckled, her finger looping around a perfect, silky lock of hair as she raised her eyebrows suggestively. I was still shaking my head at her when my pocket vibrated.

A bit startled, I reached into my jacket and pulled out my phone. The most








screen— Incoming call from Kellan Kyle. Giggling at the marvels of technology, I pressed the connect button and put the phone to my ear. “Hello?” A husky voice greeted me, along with a lot of background noise; boisterous boys laughing and talking. “Hey, is it too early to miss you?” Laughing a little as Jenny and the girls watched me, I shook my head.

“No, it’s never too early for that. I miss you too, Kellan.” Anna rolled her eyes while Jenny and Rachel grinned. Kellan laughed in my ear, the sound instantly taking me to my happy place. “Good…is it too early for phone sex?”


Straightening, I felt my cheeks heat. “Kellan!” He laughed even harder in my ear and Anna stopped smirking, raising an eyebrow instead. I could only shake my head at her, my mind too busy wondering what phone sex was exactly, since I’d never done it. I couldn’t imagine anything more horrifying, although…the thought of Kellan panting in my ear, touching himself, moaning my name, thinking of me…it did send a rush through me.

But there was no way I’d even consider it in the company I was in now.

I stammered for something to say and he chuckled, amused. “I’m just teasing, Kiera. I’m glad you’re okay. I thought you might be a blubbering mess by now.”

Relaxing a bit as Anna, Jenny and Rachel moved on to their own conversation, giving Kellan and me some privacy, I twisted my lip. “Yeah, well, your recruits have done their job well.” My voice came out a little dry and he laughed again.

“Good, then part one of my plan has been successful.” I blinked, tilting my head. “Part one? Wait…what plan?” Vaguely, I heard the girls start to make plans of their own, mainly to head over to Pete’s, to tear down the guys’ equipment and move it over to Evan’s place, since Jenny had the keys to his loft. My main focus was on Kellan, though…and this mysterious plan that he had.

Chuckling a little, he murmured, “Just a little something to keep you occupied while I’m gone.”

I smiled, wondering just what he had in mind. “Hmmm, I see.” As Jenny tapped my shoulder, mouthing that they were going to head over there, I nodded.

While I walked over to our cars, well, the cars the boys were letting us drive in their absence, Kellan sighed in my ear. “I’m liking this phone idea you had. This is nice, being able to talk to you whenever I want to.” 193

I waved at Jenny as she opened Evan’s car door, ducking inside it with Rachel. Anna blew me a kiss as she opened Griffin’s van door and ducked inside. Smiling at Kellan’s comment, I cracked the Chevelle’s door open and sat inside. It was strange to be in it without him. But with his voice in my ear and the residual smell of him in the car, it was almost like he was here, sitting beside me. I smiled as I answered him. “Yeah, see, I knew you’d like it better than handcuffs.”

“Oh, hey now…I didn’t say that.” He chuckled as I bit my lip. Pulling the keys out of my pocket, I twisted the ignition, the solid engine roaring to life.

Kellan sighed. “Did you just start my baby?” I laughed, waiting while Jenny and Anna pulled their vehicles out of their respective stalls. “Well, I do have to drive her home, so…yeah.”

“Well, you shouldn’t drive and talk on the phone, so I’ll let you go.” I frowned, wishing for a moment that we could spend the entire time apart connected on the phone. I knew that was horribly impractical, though. “Okay…I love you.”

He sighed, the sound a happy and content one. “I love you, too. I’ll call you later tonight.”

I nodded, then remembered he couldn’t see me. “Okay…bye.”

“Bye.” He disconnected and the rambunctious laughter in the background faded. I sighed, then smiled. At least I’d get to hear from him a lot while he was gone. And maybe, if I someday felt brave enough, we’d try that phone sex thing. I was insanely curious to hear what he’d sound like, making love from a distance…and I could always fake my end of it anyway.

Sighing as I popped the phone back in my jacket, my pocket feeling warmer just having the connection to Kellan inside it, I smiled and wrapped my fingers around the wheel. The power of the car reminded me of the power in the man who owned it. Sleek and sexy, strong and 194

hard, it fit Kellan perfectly, and I knew I’d think of him whenever I went anywhere inside it.

In a much better mood than I’d ever thought possible, I headed over to Pete’s Bar, to remove all traces of my boyfriend from it. That thought managed to bring down my good mood a smidge.

Parking in Kellan’s traditional spot, I shut off his car. I pictured his sexy half-smile as I sat there a second. Then my window was rapped on and I jerked back to the moment. Anna smiled at me, waving her hand in a signal for me to get out of the car. Inhaling the lingering scent of him, knowing that I needed to get a handle on my rotating emotions, I pushed open his heavy door.

S.C. Stephens's Books