Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)(66)

Kellan smiled and nodded. “Yeah, they’re sort of the reason we’re on this tour. I was going to go say hello and thank them.” Seeing my horror at the idea of talking to them, he tilted his head. “I’ve heard you sing their stuff. Don’t you want to meet them?”

I shook my head even harder. No, I tended to look like an idiot meeting people. Meeting people I actually admired would be…unimaginably mortifying. Laughing at my reluctance, Kellan pulled my arm a little harder. “They’re just people, Kiera. They started out as nobodies,” he laughed a little harder, “just like me.” Raising an eyebrow in a devilish way, he yanked my body into his side. “And you don’t seem to have a problem talking to me.”

I giggled despite myself and reluctantly let him lead me their way. I was embarrassingly shaky when we stepped up to the pair of bona fide rock stars. Before Kellan addressed them, he whispered in my ear, 184

“You’re trembling just like some of my fans do…I’m a little jealous. I’ll try not to be offended that I don’t make you…quiver.” I busted out laughing, right as the men turned to look at us. My cheeks flamed red-hot as they both bunched their brows like I was a mental patient. God, I suck at introductions.

Lightly laughing himself, Kellan dropped his bag and stuck his hand out; I clung to his other one like a lifeline. “Kellan Kyle, D-Bag, I wanted to thank you for inviting us to this.”

The blonder of the two guys, Justin, the phenomenal lead singer of the band, clasped Kellan’s hand and shook it. “Yeah, man, we’re honored to have you. You guys rocked the festival.”

Kellan beamed. “Thanks.” Looking over at where I was slightly hiding behind his shoulder, blatantly staring at the tattoo across Justin’s collar bones, Kellan bumped my shoulder. “This is my girlfriend, Kiera.” I glanced up at Kellan, wishing I could tell him to shut up. He chuckled as he added, “She’s a huge fan of yours…more so than she is of me, I think.”

Justin looked straight at me and I wanted to crawl into a hole. He had pale eyes and they held the same amused look that Kellan got when he ran into shivering, shaking female fans. Throwing on a professional smile, Justin extended a hand out to me. I was positive mine was clammy as all get out, and I really didn’t want to gross him out by taking his, but I didn’t have a choice if I didn’t want to offend him. So, reluctantly, I did.

Tilting his fabulous head of layered hair, Justin casually said, “It’s always nice to meet a fan. What’s your favorite song?” As his skin touched mine, all coherent thought left my brain. I couldn’t think of a title of any of their songs. Not a damn one. I stammered and stuttered, my cheeks heating to a nearly uncomfortable level until I finally spat out, “I like them all…”

Kellan quietly laughed at me while I realized that I’d been shaking the rock star’s hand for an inordinately long amount of time. Dropping it, I 185

cuddled into Kellan’s side, again wishing I could disappear. Justin and his friend looked over at Kellan and Justin clapped him on the shoulder.

“Well, we’re just about ready to roll. We’ll see you later.” Kellan nodded and the two walked off to enter the first bus in line.

That had been just as embarrassing as I thought it would be…I wanted to die. After they were gone, Kellan peered down at me, an eyebrow raised. “You couldn’t think of one song, could you?” I sighed and shrugged and Kellan rolled his eyes. “I’m not sure how I feel about another man making you so nervous.” Slinging his arms around my waist, he smiled. “I want to be the one that makes you sweat.” Rubbing my hands on my pants, my eyes widened. “Oh my God, was I sweaty?”

Kellan squatted down to meet my eye, his lips pursed. Laughing at the expression on his face, I exhaled a calming breath and looped my arms around his neck. “I am your biggest fan, Kellan Kyle.” Leaning in, I kissed him. “And don’t you forget it.”

Languidly kissing me back, he murmured, “Well, I do aim to please the fans.” He slid his tongue into my mouth, but I smacked his shoulder on principle. He chuckled, pulling my body into his and I melted, letting his passion seep into me. My hands tangling into his wonderfully shaggy hair, I lost myself in the moment, in his body. Just as our kiss was in-tensifying, and I started hoping that he’d press me into the bus and claim me again, Kellan’s shoulder was tapped on.

“Uh, man, it’s time to go.”

We broke apart and glanced over at Evan. Jenny was attached to his side, slight tears in her eyes as she clung to him. Behind him, Matt was quietly saying goodbye to Rachel, both of them lightly kissing in-between words that I couldn’t hear. Griffin had Anna pressed against the bus.

Kellan nodded as Evan reached down and picked up Kellan’s bag for him, giving us a few extra moments. Straightening, Evan gave me a swift goodbye hug and then he and Jenny walked to the doors of bus number three. Not able to watch their painful goodbye, since my own painful 186

goodbye was upon me, I jerked my head back to Kellan. He swallowed and brought his eyes back to mine. Cupping my cheeks, he looked over my face, memorizing me.

“This isn’t goodbye, okay. There are no goodbyes…not between us.” Whispering intensely, he lowered his forehead to rest it against mine.

S.C. Stephens's Books