Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)(65)


I blinked as I looked over at him, wondering how he knew what I was thinking. Smiling, he shook his head and pointed at me. “Whatever bad scenario you’ve created in your head, where I become a rich and famous douche and leave you high and dry…it won’t happen that way.” Frowning, I tilted my head at him. “I thought you said you couldn’t read minds.”

Laughing, he twisted back to the road. “I can’t…I just know how you think is all.” Peeking back at me, he added, “You think you’re not enough for me. You think I’ll see all the hot tail in front of me and I’ll dive into it without a moment’s hesitation. You think I’ll cheat…because I won’t be able to help myself.”

He frowned and I sighed. Shaking my head, I said, “And now you’re thinking that I’ll be so lonely and depressed, imagining you with every starlet wannabe out there, that I’ll find comfort in another man’s arms.

You think I’ll cheat…because I’ll assume that you already are.” I frowned and he sighed, staring back to the road. “Well, aren’t we a pair,” he muttered.

Laying my head on his shoulder, I whispered, “I won’t, Kellan. Even if I do think that about you, and I’m not saying that I will think that, but…either way, I won’t…I’m yours.”

Sighing, he laid his head over mine. “And I won’t…because I’ve only ever been yours.”

I bit my lip and closed my eyes, desperately wanting to believe him.

Moments later, it seemed, we were there. Kellan pulled into a parking stall next to Evan and shut the car off. We sat for a moment in silence while Evan opened his door beside us. He rapped on our window, a wide smile on his face. Jenny opened her side and joined him, waving in our direction. As the pair met up with Matt, Griffin, Rachel and Anna, Kellan and I still sat in his car, enjoying the last moment of quiet before he had to go.

A few rows behind us in the lot, there was a flurry of activity. Several guys, who I assumed were members of some of the other bands, were 182

bustling around three, long motor home-like busses. Men in uniforms talked with a few; the bus drivers. There were a lot of guys around, girls fawning over them as they said their goodbyes. With only a few busses for so many people, I figured Kellan was right when he said they’d be pretty packed. He may not know the other band members now, but he certainly would by the end of the tour. At least, with that many people already on board, there wouldn’t be a lot of room for girls. Although…I suppose nothing would stop them from caravanning after the busses, stopping at the various ports along the way. That was a disheartening thought, and I immediately pushed it to the back of my head.

As I looked back at the mass of people at the very edge of the super-mall parking lot, Kellan twisted the keys out of the ignition and handed them to me. I blinked as I took them. “Take care of her for me, okay?” His deep eyes seemed reluctant to let the keys go as my fingers curled over them.

My eyes widened. “You’re giving me your car?” Slightly frowning, he shook his head. “I’m just letting you borrow her.” He lifted an eyebrow. “I’ll want her back.” I smiled a little at the thought of cruising around in his muscle car and he frowned. “Make sure you get the oil changed and fill her up with premium…and don’t drive on the hills if it snows and no joy riding…” Pondering for a moment, he quickly added, “And don’t let Anna drive her.” Rolling his eyes, he muttered, “I’ve seen what she did to Denny’s car.” I smiled, my fingers tightening on the keys. No, I wouldn’t let Anna turn another one of my boyfriend’s cars into her personal, portable closet. “I won’t,” I whispered. “I’ll keep your baby in mint condition, Kellan.”

He smiled that I’d personified his car, then sighed. “It just seems a shame for her to sit in a driveway while you argue with Anna over who gets that P.O.S. Honda.” Running his fingers through my hair, he shook his head. “I want you to be able to get to…wherever you need to go while I’m gone.”

Swallowing, I nodded. Somehow, Kellan handing over the rights to his baby seemed more final than staring across the lot at his future home for 183

the next six months. My eyes stinging, I shoved the keys in my pocket.

Kellan’s eyes followed them for a second before he finally cracked open his door. Reluctantly, I followed suit.

There was an excited buzz in the air as heavy equipment was secured into a couple of trucks that would follow the busses. Twenty-something boys everywhere were tucking bags and instruments under the bus, jabbing and mocking each other, or kissing the few women in the crowd.

Matt and Evan walked up to a couple of guys that I recognized. They were in a bigger band with a couple of hits on the radio. I loved their stuff, and sang along in the car whenever one of their songs came on.

Usually pretty loudly. Kellan had said they were headlining the tour, but seeing them, and seeing people that I knew talking to them, was totally surreal.

Grabbing his guitar case from the back seat, Kellan slung it over his shoulder. Once he’d retrieved his bag from the trunk, he grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the celebrities in our midst. I froze up, not wanting to go anywhere near them.

He looked back at me, his brow furrowed. I shook my head and whispered, “Don’t you know who they are?”

S.C. Stephens's Books