The Dom Who Loved Me (Masters and Mercenaries #1)(79)

He grinned down at her. “It’s not your normal grilled cheese, little one. I used a smoky Gouda on whole wheat and fried it in a little bit of truffle oil. I like to take comfort food and give it a gourmet flare. One day I’ll make you my version of mac and cheese.”

Eve’s eyes glazed over. “Seriously, it’s amazing. It’s nothing like what comes out of a box. If he weren’t like my brother, I would have been all over him the first time he made that spaghetti thing.”

“Lobster Alsace. I got the recipe from a restaurant in Venice.” Sean turned and started to clean up.

“You know, Sean, as long as you’re cooking…” Ian looked down at Grace’s plate. She pulled it closer, not willing to share.

“Kitchen’s closed. I used all the cheese on Grace’s sandwich.” Sean turned his back on his brother. Grace could sense the tension between them. What had Ian said to get Sean to hit him? She was sure it was about her.

Ian placed both hands on the island countertop and stared at Grace.

“Are you going to be able to get through tomorrow?” His tone suggested he believed she wouldn’t.

“Of course.” Grace had the story down. She’d gone over her cover endlessly with Mr. Black. She had left work early with some friends and then Sean Johansson had called. He was back in town, and he’d wanted to see her. She’d spent the night with him and didn’t know about what happened to Kayla until that morning. Once someone told her, she could give way to her real emotions, but she owed Kayla this.

“Because if either of the Wright brothers gets a hint that you’re lying, I have no doubt that we’ll lose them.” Ian looked like a man who didn’t appreciate having a rookie in on his operation. He had mentioned that to the CIA guy a couple of times. “If Evan Parnell goes to ground, we’ll lose our chance. We have to work on the assumption that Parnell has the information he wants to sell. He won’t just e-mail it to them. The United States scans for that sort of thing after 9/11. He’ll make a drop after he’s sure his money is secure. We have to catch him in the act. That’s the only way to take Parnell and the foreign agent down.”

“I understand.” Grace knew the risks. That was why she had to keep it together.

Sean was suddenly at her side. “Or we could just take Grace out of the equation all together. I’ll sweep in and take her away for a romantic getaway. She’ll need it. Everyone will understand. Her friend died. She needs some time.”

“I’m not leaving, Sean,” Grace said wearily. Now that she had some food in her stomach, she was getting sleepy. So much had happened, she wanted to rest and maybe she’d wake up and it would all be a dream. Sean would be a boring IT director, and they could have a normal life. Until that happened, she had a part to play. “It’s going to happen at that party, I just know it. Matt’s been so insistent on us celebrating a contract that loses money. Why else would he push me so hard?”

The party on Friday was the key. Parnell had to drop the information off in order to get paid. The party was perfect. There would be plenty of people and loud music. It was in a hotel, so no one would be surprised that there were strangers milling around. Of course, it all depended on her. She was the one who would make that party happen. Just as he seemed to use her for everything else, Evan Parnell was pulling her strings to cover his actions.

“I agree with Grace. He’s making contact at that party. If he’s working with the Chinese, then he’ll have one shot. They don’t give you a second chance. He’ll need to make his drop at the appointed time, or risk losing his contact.” Ian crossed his arms over his massive chest.

“Yes, he could get desperate. Another reason I don’t want Grace involved.” Sean’s voice was tight, and Eve’s fingers drummed across the table.

“Boys, you had this argument earlier,” Eve pointed out. “It ended in violence, like everything between the two of you does. Grace has made her decision. Shelve it.”

Ian didn’t seem interested in listening to the psychologist. “If you don’t want her to do it, then tell her no. Put a collar around her neck, or a ring on her finger, and tell her what to do.”

Jake groaned and let his head fall to his hands. “You’re all stubborn bastards, you know that, right?”

Grace’s stubborn bastard ignored Jake. Sean took a step toward his brother. “Maybe that would work with your subs, but Grace has a mind of her own.”

“I think that’s probably the reason Ian has a problem with her,” Jake interjected.

Ian turned on him. “I can fire you, you know.”

“Promises, promises,” Jake said with a sigh. “I’m going to bed before this turns into another fist fight.”

Ian ignored Jake, too. “My subs might not be permanent or even exclusive, but they are much more obedient. They follow the rules of our contract or they aren’t my subs for long. It’s why your relationship with Grace will most probably fail. You have no contract and no rules.”

“Hey,” Grace started to defend herself. Eve held out a hand.

The blonde got in between Sean and Ian, turning her face up to Ian’s. “You haven’t been tested the way Sean and Grace are being tested. You have no idea what you would do in their situation. You know I love you like a brother, Ian, but you’re wrong right now. You should back off. He’s not going to be swayed away from her.”

Lexi Blake's Books