The Dom Who Loved Me (Masters and Mercenaries #1)(84)

But that was a dangerous thing to accept. Her heart raced at the thought. She could offer herself to him only to find out that he really was just staying close to her because he had a job to do. He could be interested in her only as a submissive partner. The sex would wear off eventually. He could decide he wanted a fresh young thing to marry. He could never want to get married at all, despite what he had said. He’d been feeling guilty at the time. Or, worst of all, he could be perfectly serious. He could love her. He could marry her. And he could die.

Grace sipped the wine Sean had placed in front of her not twenty minutes before. She had loved Peter Hawthorne with all of her heart, and he had died on her. He had been killed in a car accident. There was nothing in the universe that promised her this time around would be different. Sean had a dangerous job, but even if he was the IT guy he’d said he was, accidents happened. It all came down to one question. Tears filled Grace’s eyes as she asked herself the question she’d been dreading.

If she loved Sean Taggart, didn’t she owe it to herself and him to be brave enough to risk her heart?

Sean was putting the finishing touches on his enchiladas when Grace stood and walked to the bedroom. She heard the oven door open and close as she shed her slacks and sweater. When she was naked, she fell to her knees and assumed the proper position on the floor. Head down, palms up, she waited.

It was only a moment or two before she heard the door open. “Grace? Sweetheart, dinner should be ready…” His voice fell silent, but after a moment his shoes came into view, and she felt his palm on her head. “Grace, if this is your version of goodbye, I do not accept it. You seem to believe that I’ll disappear after tomorrow and your life will go back to normal, but I’m telling you, it won’t. I’m not going anywhere. I love you. I’m going to say it until you believe it. If you toss me out, I’ll sleep in your doorway again.”

She was well aware that tears were flowing down her cheeks as she looked up at him. His face was red with emotion, his jaw tense. “I think I prefer having you in bed with me, Sir, rather than tripping over you as I leave in the morning. Besides, I’ve gotten used to having someone cook for me.”

He shook his head and got to his knees, face to face with her. “No. No more Sir.” His hand disappeared into the right pocket of his slacks. He pulled out the small gold chain with the heart he had given her and she had thrown in his face. “I sloshed through a lot of mud to find this, little one. I want it around your neck, and I won’t be called Sir anymore.”

She nodded and held up her hair. She knew what he wanted. He clasped the necklace around her throat. “Thank you, Master.”

He cupped her face, framing it with his big hands. “My Grace.”

He leaned in and took her mouth. Grace softened under his onslaught. Sean was fierce. His tongue plunged, demanding her response. His hands were suddenly everywhere. He cupped her breasts and ran them along her curves. He traced the curve of her back and curled his fingers around the cheeks of her ass, pulling her against his rock-hard erection.

He finally pulled her gently back, his hands twisted in her hair. His blue eyes were dark with passion, and his face a mask of barely leashed desire. “You will marry me, Grace.”

She almost laughed. It was the best she would get from a Dom like Sean. In essence, it was a question. She would accept or not, and that would be her answer. There was no reason to make him wait. “Yes, I will.”

“We’re getting married, and I’m quitting the company. I’m going to culinary school, and then I’m going to open a restaurant when the time is right.”

Tears pooled in her eyes again. “You’re quitting?” She clutched his arms to stay upright, her relief was so great.

He frowned, obviously misunderstanding. “Yes, and it’s not negotiable. I have plenty of money saved up. I’ll sell my condo and move in here with you. I have enough to take care of you. You won’t have to find another job.”

“I like to work, Sean. I don’t mind. I’m just happy you won’t be risking your life.”

His eyebrows drew up, and he chuckled. “You were worried about me?”

“Every day since I found out what you do,” she admitted. “I’m glad you’re quitting. I know you’re good at what you do, but it isn’t your passion.”

“You’re my passion, and you like to eat. I’m only doing it to please you, little one.” He grinned down at her and sighed as he pulled her close and nibbled on her earlobe. “When I’m ready to open the restaurant, you can help me run it.”

A little shiver of anticipation went through her. “I would love that, Sean, but until then…”

He slapped her ass, the little pain causing her * to gush with arousal. “You will do as I say.”

Aroused or not, they were going to settle this here and now. “I thought you didn’t want to be twenty-four/seven.”

He had the good sense to look a little sheepish. “Maybe I’ve come to the conclusion that Ian’s right. I think I didn’t care enough before, but now I want to be responsible for you. Grace, I don’t want to fight. I want to spend the night inside you. If you insist on working, then we’ll find something suitable, but I won’t let you work for a man like Matt again. We’ll compromise. All right?”

Lexi Blake's Books