The Dom Who Loved Me (Masters and Mercenaries #1)(81)

“I’m just waiting on the boss man.” Evan showed none of his gut-churning anxiety. He kept his face peaceful and used his best “man of the people” tone. He had been playing this particular role for several years now. He had it down pat. “We have a problem at the Bryson Building.”

“Sounds boring,” the queer said with a dramatic sigh. He gave Grace a little wave. “See you for lunch, dear?”

The big blond man frowned. His chest puffed out like a gorilla about to defend his territory. Didn’t the idiot know the other man was gay? “Not today. I’m afraid I’ll need my fiancée this afternoon, Adam. We’re picking out rings.”

Another unpleasant surprise. It didn’t suit his purposes to have the * back in town at all, much less hanging all over his victim. What the hell was that man’s game? “You finally snagged a man, Hawthorne?”

She didn’t take the bait, merely sighed. “I guess so. I can’t seem to get rid of him.” She opened the appointment calendar on her desk as the gay guy exited to go do whatever gay guys did for a living. She was frowning when she looked back up. “You don’t have an appointment.”

He shrugged. He’d never made an appointment. Grace might not know it, but he was the freaking boss and had been since the day he’d walked back into his brother’s life. “Don’t need one.”

She drummed her fingers in an impatient tattoo along the oak of her desk. Something was different about little Grace. She seemed far too sure of herself. “You know, all of Matt’s other direct reports make appointments to see him. He’s a busy man.”

Yes, Matt was probably busy getting his ass sloshed at nine in the morning. Evan felt his anger on the rise. What right did she have to question him? He forced himself to stay in check. She would get hers. “I just need a minute of his time.”

“Fine. I’ll pencil you in, but I would prefer if you would do me the courtesy of making an appointment from now on.” Her lips thinned as she picked up a pencil and wrote his name in the appropriate box. Johansson sat on the edge of her desk, his big presence the only thing that kept Evan from finishing the job he’d f*cked up yesterday. Parnell knew a brief moment’s gratitude for the big, besotted idiot. He still wasn’t sure that Johansson wasn’t an agent of some kind, but he did know now was neither the time nor the place to deal with Grace.

Matt chose that moment to drag his red-eyed body into the office. He was wearing a suit that looked pressed and fresh, but the rest of him looked like he’d been steamrolled. His eyes were bloodshot, his hair mussed. His skin was a sallow yellow. He stopped and stared at Sean for a moment.

“You’re back.”

Johansson smiled. It was the type of smile that annoyed other men. It was a smile a man only used on a rival to let him know he’d already won everything they had fought over. “Don’t worry about it. I’m not here on business anymore. I’m just here for Grace.”

Evan stood up. It was time to get down to business. He couldn’t let Matt get involved in this little love triangle again. “I need to talk to you.”

His brother slid him a sullen look. “In a minute. I need to talk to Grace first.”

His temper ticked up another notch, headed straight into the danger zone. “This is important.”

Matt’s hand was on the door. Grace was already walking toward him, laptop in hand. “So is this. I have to talk to Grace. Something terrible has happened. I’ll see you in a minute.”

The door closed behind them before Evan could get another word out.

Johansson’s smile was smug as he sipped on his fiancée’s coffee. “Nice weather we’re having, huh?”

It was stormy outside. It was nothing compared to the storm Evan intended to bring down on all their heads.

“What’s he doing back here, Grace? I thought you got rid of him.”

Matt’s words cracked through the air, and the hope that they could have a civil conversation was blown to smithereens. Grace set the laptop down, not bothering to open it. It didn’t look like they would be doing any work today. It occurred to Grace that if he fired her, she wouldn’t have to go through with any of this. She could walk away with a clean conscience. And Sean would stay on. No matter what he said, he had a job to do, and he would do it. His brother was counting on him. Despite the small feud they were in, Grace knew Sean loved his brother.

“I didn’t get rid of him, Matt.” Grace sat down, hoping to ease the tension in the air. “He got called back to his office.” She stuck to their cover. “He went back to Chicago, got some loose ends tied up, and took a sabbatical. He’s just back here to spend some time with me.”

“You’re sleeping with him.” The accusation was ground out of his mouth.

Grace held her temper. If she shouted the way she wanted to, Sean would be in here laying out Matt, and that wouldn’t help anyone. “That’s none of your business, Mr. Wright. If you feel it is affecting my performance, then I will discuss it with you.”

He slumped into his chair. “Damn it, Grace, I thought we were friends.”

“We are, Matt. You know you can tell me anything.” Tell me about Parnell. Tell me you aren’t involved in this. Please ask for help.

His face fell, mouth drooping, eyes watery. “I do have to tell you something.”

Lexi Blake's Books