The Dom Who Loved Me (Masters and Mercenaries #1)(83)

“You’ll understand if I take her home. She’s too emotional to stay for the day.” Sean’s hands smoothed down her back as he spoke.

“Sure. Take her home. Is everything ready for Friday?”

Grace turned to her boss, her former friend, the man who hadn’t bothered to warn her that she was going to be murdered. “Yes, I can make the calls I need to make from the house, and I’ll do the walk-through tomorrow. The invitations are already out, and the hotel is booked. Don’t worry. You’ll have your party.”

“Then you should go home. I can handle things here.” He sat down at his desk. “Send in Pat…Parnell on your way out. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Sean took her hand and led her out. She gathered her things as Parnell watched. All the way, she could feel Parnell’s eyes on her.

Sean was quiet as they waited on the elevator. He used his phone, his fingers typing out a message. She was sure he was informing Jake and Adam that they were on the move. Things between Sean and Adam were tense, but at some point they must have reached a truce. They were working together to ensure her safety. She’d received a stern outline of all her safety protocols from the Taggart brothers before she was allowed to go into the office. Both Sean and Ian had promised violent retribution should she stray from the protocols. She had been informed that she was to obey not only Sean, but Ian, Adam, and Jake. She had sat there wondering if the absent Liam would have been topping her, too, if he weren’t out protecting her sons. When she’d pointed out to Sean that she didn’t have his collar on anymore so he didn’t have the authority to boss her around much less allow his friends to, she’d been met with a long, dangerous, unnerving stare. She’d decided not to push her luck. They were the experts, after all.

The elevator doors opened, and Sean pulled her inside. The minute they closed, his hands ran along the skin of her arms. “I swear to God I will kill him if he left a mark on you.”

His face was fierce and now she realized just what it had cost him to play the game. He’d wanted to tear Matt up for touching her. Grace let him inspect her then pressed her body into his, softening instinctively against him. “I’m fine, Sean. He just got a little handsy.”

It was up to her to calm him down. She might have protested earlier that she wasn’t his submissive anymore, but the argument was sounding weaker and weaker. It was starting to be sheer stubbornness. She ran a hand through his hair.

His fingers sought her hips. His entire body relaxed as she touched him. His face lost its ferocity as he touched his lips to her forehead. “I don’t want you alone with him, little one.”

This was the dangerous part. She wasn’t so sure Sean wouldn’t toss her over his shoulder and simply lock her away until this was over. That wouldn’t suit her purposes or the mission’s. She had to keep his caveman firmly in check. “I promise. I’ll avoid him like the plague. There’s just today and tomorrow, and then I’ll spend all of Friday at the hotel. I won’t be alone with him.”

“Just know that someone is always watching, or listening.” He gently touched the brooch she was wearing. It had a small camera and listening device imbedded in amongst the jewels. He’d hooked it into her sweater himself and made sure it was functioning before he would drive her to work this morning. Grace knew that Ian and Eve were listening in from somewhere in the building. “All you have to do is say the word, and the cavalry comes riding to the rescue.”

“And I will.” Though only as a last resort. She wanted to keep Sean safe. She didn’t want him using his body as a shield. “Now, let’s go and check out the event site.”

He nodded, though he didn’t seem to like it. He was thoughtful all the way to the hotel.

Two nights later, Grace knew she had to make a decision. She sat at her table, watching him as he worked in the kitchen. Some heavenly aroma filled the house. The last couple of days with Sean had been strangely peaceful. The odd normality of their daily routine had set Grace on edge. She should be worried about the party coming up tomorrow. She should be planning and practicing, but all she could think about was the fact that it would all be over and she would have no real hold on Sean. She had been friendly with him, but she’d held him at arm’s length, unwillingly to open her heart to him again. At night he slept beside her, but they kept to their own sides of the bed. He seemed to be waiting for her to come to a conclusion.

What was she really afraid of?

For Sean’s part, he had been nothing but sweet. He’d backed off, but spent as much time with her as she would allow. He’d cooked breakfast and dinner and showed up to escort her to lunch. At night, they watched TV or read in companionable silence. Grace had received a phone call from Liam and was able to talk to her sons. The night before, David had asked to speak with Sean. She’d handed the phone over, and he’d promptly left the room. She wasn’t sure what David had to say to Sean that took thirty minutes, but Sean was quiet the rest of the evening.

Now he concentrated on his work. His easy smile had been replaced with a tenseness that didn’t go away no matter what they were doing. She wondered if he was thinking about the same thing she was. After tomorrow, there would be no reason for him to stay here with her. The job would be over. She would be safe. He could go home.

And Grace could look for a new job. She could try to find her way back to normal. She could take her friends’ advice and try dating again, maybe fill out one of those online matchmaking surveys. They might be able to find the perfect man for her. Or she could acknowledge that the perfect man for her was currently frying tortillas not ten feet away.

Lexi Blake's Books