The Dom Who Loved Me (Masters and Mercenaries #1)(82)

Grace leaned in, her hopes soaring.

Matt took a moment, and even when he spoke, he was quiet. “Something happened yesterday. I got a call from the police.”

Grace felt tears well up. She had known this would happen. At least she didn’t have to really act now. Her emotions were real. “About what?”

“Grace, I know you were friends with Kayla Green.” He closed his eyes as though he couldn’t stand to look at her. “I’m so sorry to tell you this. She was killed yesterday. The police think it was a mugging gone bad.”

Grace let herself go. She finally allowed the tears to flow. She listened to the bullshit Matt was spouting and for the first time realized her boss was in on this. She knew him. She knew his tells. He was feeling guilty, and there was only one reason for that. He had known his brother was going to kill. He had known his brother wanted to kill her, and he’d let it happen. A cold chill crossed Grace’s skin.

Matt got up and crossed the space between them. He got down on one knee and looked up at Grace. “Sweetheart, I’m so sorry to be the one to tell you. She was so young. I still can’t believe it myself. I talked to her just yesterday.”

But now Grace recalled that he had barely been able to look her in the eyes. He’d left early, and he’d been very short with her. He had known what was supposed to happen. Grace wanted to smack him. As a second option, she would run screaming from the room. She could do neither. She had to suffer through his clammy hands sliding over hers, his red-rimmed eyes looking up at her. “I just can’t think about her being gone.”

She forced herself to be still, to accept his “sympathy.”

“I know.” His voice was low. “But these things happen. I guess it was just fate. But, Grace, sometimes fate can save us, too. Sometimes, it can stop us from making a terrible mistake.”

His hand moved restlessly on top of hers. She couldn’t take it anymore. She pulled away and stood. “I don’t think Kayla would have felt that way. And I certainly don’t think it was fate. It was some wretched man. It was some person who didn’t care who he hurt.”

Matt stood, unsteady on his feet. “Yeah, I guess. But sometimes things aren’t so simple.” He walked up to her and invaded her space. “Grace, tell that * to go back to Chicago. You promised. You promised you would give us a chance.”

His hands were on her hips, and she could smell the whiskey on his breath. She crossed her arms over her chest, trying to get some distance between them. “Matt, we’re just friends.”

His eyes narrowed, and his hands tightened. “You promised.”

She had to stop herself from shoving him away. “I told you I would think about it. I don’t love you, Matt. Not that way. I’m so grateful for the chance you gave me, but I just don’t have those feelings for you.”

“Because of him,” Matt practically spat. “Everything was fine before that meathead showed up.”

“You didn’t even look at me before Sean showed up.” And she’d been perfectly fine with that. She’d been more than happy to be his admin/keeper who he utterly took for granted.

A little smile played on his lips. “Is that what you’re upset about? Darling, sometimes it takes a little jealousy to force a man to step up. I’ve always seen you. I was just waiting until I was ready to commit. Now I am.” He got serious again. “I can save you, Grace.”

“Save me from what?” She knew, but she wanted him to say it.

He hesitated, his eyes sliding away from hers. “From that bastard Johansson. What else could I be talking about? Can’t you see he’s just going to use you? He doesn’t love you. He can’t love you the way I can. He couldn’t possibly. He’s going to use you and leave you. He’ll never marry you.”

“He already asked.” She didn’t bother mentioning that she’d told him no. That wasn’t part of their cover. Grace tried to pull away from Matt. His hand wrapped around her upper arm.


Grace bit her bottom lip. “You’re hurting me.”

“And what the hell do you think you’re doing to me? I love you, Grace. I gave you a job when no one else wanted to hire you.”

“And I’m damn good at it.” She wasn’t a charity case. She’d run this office for years. Resentment bubbled through her. “You’re hurting me.”

“Yeah, you’re hurting me, too.” Matt growled at her, shaking her slightly. “What about me?”

“Well, you’ll have your head taken off if you don’t get your hands off her this instant.” Sean’s low voice was menacing, and Matt immediately backed off.

Sean stood in the doorway. He didn’t move to intercept Matt, but the threat was in his stance. His gaze was on Matt, and the other man wouldn’t meet it.

“Sorry, Grace,” Matt muttered.

“Grace, sweetheart, I just heard some disturbing news.” Sean’s voice was back to being even and smooth.

She nodded and collected herself. The blood was still pounding through her system. “Yes, I heard about Kayla.”

Sean crossed the room. Matt went to his desk as though he needed to put some distance between them. Sean pulled her into his arms, and she felt safer than she had all morning. They didn’t have to pretend when it came to this. It was part of their cover. Grace buried her head in his chest.

Lexi Blake's Books