The Dom Who Loved Me (Masters and Mercenaries #1)(74)

“I understand. I guess I feel the same way.”

He chuckled. “You are an entirely different creature, little one. I finally came to terms with that. You’re a woman who trusts and loves with an open heart. You have to forgive me for not recognizing something I’ve never had.”

“Yeah, well, my open heart gets pummeled on a regular basis, so I think I’ll close it off a little bit.” Maybe it was time to toughen up.

His hands tightened. “There’s no need now. I told you I would protect you, and I mean to do it. The first way I can protect you is by getting you away from here. You are not cut out for this game. We’ll go somewhere and never look back.”

It sounded perfect. They could find some tropical island and be two completely different people. They never had to come back. And she wouldn’t see her sons again. Grace sat straight up as a horrible thought occurred to her. She understood that Parnell hadn’t meant to kill Kayla. He’d been coming after her. But he could do far worse things than merely killing her. “My boys. He can get to my boys.”

Sean tugged her back down, shaking his head. “No, he can’t. By tomorrow morning, they’ll both have twenty-four/seven security. Liam is on his way to Austin even as we speak. He’s going to pick up your sons and take them to a safe place until this is finished. Ian and I already spoke to them. Your oldest son has quite a mouth on him.”

Grace laughed a little. David was always careful around his mother, but she knew he could cuss a blue streak when he got angry. He was also very protective. Kyle was sweeter, but he would be just as concerned. She didn’t want to bring them into this. They had their own lives. “What did you tell them?”

“I explained the situation. I told them you’re in the middle of something dangerous and that I would protect you. I had to talk really fast, or I think they would have been on a plane to get here. That’s not a good idea.”

Grace agreed. She didn’t want her babies anywhere near her right now. They could end up like…

“It wasn’t your fault.” Sean pulled her close as though he could read her mind. More than likely, he was just really good at reading her face and body language.

Grace shook off the emotion. If she dwelled on Kayla, she would dissolve again. “So this Liam guy is going to protect my boys? Is he any good?”

Sean’s lips quirked slightly up. “Well, several European governments think so.” He looked at her seriously and cupped her face. “Liam is deadly, babe. He’s smart and fast. He’s never let me down before. He’ll take care of them. I had to promise that you would call them in the morning.”

It would be good to hear their voices, to know they were safe. She could answer their probably numerous questions. “What else did you tell them?” Surely he wouldn’t have mentioned anything but the case.

“I told them I was going to marry you.”

“You said what?” Her screech reverberated through the room.

Sean merely shrugged and reached out for the wine glass he’d set on the nightstand. He took a long sip and then passed it to her. “I told David that I was going to marry you, and he shouldn’t worry. I think that was a miscalculation on my part. He still seemed very worried, though now about me in addition to the situation we’re in.”

Grace took the wine. It looked like she would need it. She tried not to think about the fact that Sean’s lips had touched the same place hers had. It was one of those intimate things couples did. Grace scrambled out of bed and started to pace. “I can’t believe you told him that.”

Sean lay back against the ornate headboard looking ridiculously hot in jeans and a T-shirt and no shoes. Even his big feet were sexy. “Well, I thought it was better than telling the boy I was engaging in superhot D/s sex with his mother. Besides, it’s true. I do intend to marry you. I thought that putting my very good intentions out there would ease his mind. I don’t understand kids. After I explained I would marry you, he threatened to cut off my penis with a rusty knife and shove it someplace where a heterosexual male doesn’t want a penis stuffed, though I suspect a gay man wouldn’t want his own penis shoved up his ass, either. It’s a truly pansexual threat.” He gave her a slow smile. “Though if you want to experiment, babe, I’m willing. I’ve never tried it myself, but I’ve heard it can be pleasurable.”

She gave him what she hoped was a savage smile. “Yes, I’m thinking of experimenting on you right now, Sean.” Maybe her son had the right idea.

“Try it, little one. I dare you. I’ll have you bound to this bed before you can lay a hand on me, and then we’ll see who gets tortured. Do you know what I want to do to you?”

Don’t go there. Stay the hell away from anything having to do with sex when around Sean Taggart. She wasn’t stupid. It was how he pulled her in. Every time she started to get away, he turned those blue eyes on her, and she was caught. “What?”

All her good intentions didn’t mean a damn thing to her *. When had that part of her body taken over? Pretty much the minute she’d met Sean.

His deep voice pulled at her. “I want to tie you to the bed. It wouldn’t be hard. Ian has his whole house decked out for play. I’m sure there are ropes in the dresser behind you. My bag has a few toys I picked up for us. I’ve been waiting to use them on you.”

Lexi Blake's Books