“He can’t hear you,” they said.

I tried get the glass to break but no such luck. A familiar face walked up to me while two of them grabbed my arms and forced me in place. “You didn’t think Weldon was going to let you sit this one out, did you?”

“You fucking piece of shit!”

But Stoll just grinned.

Two men, both strangers, entered the next room and approached my brother. My heart sank. The guards holding me forced me to my knees. Stoll stood there and lit up a cigarette. “This is going to be fun.”

Struggling was useless but I did it anyway when a bunch of other men stepped into the room, about four of them and one of them grabbed Colton’s shoulder and forced him to the floor. “No!!!!!”

But my struggles were met with a sharp blow to my ribs that made me double up in pain. “You can’t do anything, Jake. Might as well enjoy the show.”


The view on my large screen TV was breathtaking. And so was the beautiful boy awaiting his fate—a fate that happened to be in my hands. Maybe in another time, another universe, I would have protected him but this wasn’t it. In this reality, the only way for him to get his hands on another living moment where he breathed would be to get past what I’d laid out for him.

I didn’t know the names of those men. They were just strangers lined up by my people to do the job they were supposed to do. They were nameless, faceless strangers as far as I was concerned. But these strangers were about to play an important role in Colton’s life.

I watched as they grabbed Colton and dragged him to the floor. They were trying to get him to take off his clothes but of course the boy was resisting. Didn’t he know how futile that was in his present situation? They grabbed his arms and one of them placed a hand on Colton’s mouth to keep him from screaming while the others grabbed his legs and forced those jeans off him. Colton was crying when they ripped off his underwear and forced him to get naked from the waist down. The t-shirt came off then without much trouble. A beefy older guy in a muscle shirt grabbed Colton and lifted him off the floor. Three of them had to restrain him to hold him in place and the rest of them were busy feeling him up, touching and groping everywhere and Colton kept begging them not to and continued to struggle.

One of the men took out a knife and placed it at Colton’s throat. That’s when he finally stopped resisting. “You want to bleed to death right here?” The man’s heavy voice couldn’t have been more of a threat. Honestly, I’d never seen Colton naked before this and I got to say he was no less perfect than his brother.

“Good choice,” the man said when Colton responded to the threat with compliance. One of the men had a hand on Colton’s chest and he lowered it all the way down to his thighs. The boy looked uncomfortable but hadn’t said a word since the man’s threat. One by one they all touched him, everywhere they could reach and Colton had tears in his eyes but he still hadn’t said a word.

“Look at that we made him cry,” one of the men shouted and the rest of them had a good laugh over it. “We haven’t even begun to do anything yet, boy!”

They started touching his cock and his balls, and Colton squirmed in their hold. They placed a hand over his mouth and tried to get him hard. The boy looked devastated when their stroking and fondling gave him an erection.

“Quit acting like you don’t like it you little shit,” one of them grunted and pinched his nipple hard until Colton was screaming into the other guy’s hand.

One by one they stroked him, one guy after the other, each one of them trying to get him to get harder and it worked. I watched as one of the men grabbed Colton’s cock in a firm grasp. The man’s hand went back and forth, stroking hard and fast until Colton looked like he was about to cum and when he got that close the man stopped abruptly. They all got another laugh out of it and they made Colton go on his knees.

One of them stood in front of the boy, with his fully erect cock and the frightened look on Colton’s face gave me a full erection of my own. When Colton didn’t comply immediately they punched and hit him. I watched the big brawny guy forcing his dick down Colton’s throat while Colton’s eyes watered and he choked and gagged but they wouldn’t let him go. They were all surrounding him, their massive cocks out and each one of them using the boy’s throat like it was a hole to be used and discarded.

All that struggle and the hitting made Colton’s mouth bloody and there were bruises forming on his chest. By the time the third guy was done I was afraid the boy’s jaw might be ripped from its socket and the men must have realized it because they didn’t go any further. Instead, they hauled him back to the floor and two of them grabbed his hands, and the two more on his legs. Colton was back to begging them to let him go but that’s when the big one placed his boot on Colton’s chest and pressed down. “Let you go?” he scoffed. “Boy, we’re just getting warmed up.”

I decided it was time to go beyond that TV screen.


Walking into that room wasn’t a coincidence but I had to convince Stoll and the others that it was so they wouldn’t be alarmed. The minute I entered I saw Jake on his knees on the floor with those assholes surrounding him. I felt strangely protective of him. “Everything okay, Doc?”

Kol Anderson's Books