When they saw me they all straightened up a bit and brought Colton to me. He had a bit of blood on his mouth, probably from all the roughhousing. I wiped it off his lip with the tip of my thumb and brought it to my mouth. I licked it off and smiled when Colton seemed to look at me with concern. “It’s not fair Colton,” I said. “There’s so many of us and just one of you. Hardly a fair fight, don’t you think?” I turned to the others. “Let him go!”

They did as they were asked but I noticed a tiny bit of confusion. Colton stood to one side of the room, cowering, and shaking miserably. There was a table to one side and there were random items on it, including a rather scary looking flogger. But I wasn’t going to use that, not yet. For now, I had better plans. “Remember what I told you,” I said, walking up to that table. I ran my hand over the smooth surface. “The only way to be free is when the ability to make decisions has been taken away from you.” I walked up to Colton again and grabbed his upper arm, forced him to stand up straight. I tried to kiss him and he resisted. “Do you really want to do that, Colton?”

“I’m sorry, sir.”

He was clearly a fast learner because that wasn’t a statement anyone else would have made after everything that had happened. “Apology accepted,” I said and tried again and this time he gave in. I looked in his eyes. “I want to hurt you, Colton. I want to hurt you so bad no one’s ever hurt you before.” Before he could resist or try to get away, I grabbed his shoulders and dragged him to the table. He started to cry, and I could feel him shaking harder as I positioned him against the table’s flat surface and pushed him onto it from behind. I ran a hand all over his back, all the way down to his thighs and he squirmed. My dick was hard. All it took was some spit to moisten it and I found myself getting swayed by everything around me and mostly by Colton and the fact that he was Jake’s brother.

Impatiently, I entered him and the result was screams from the boy’s throat. My cock felt constricted, that’s how tight he was and it didn’t get much better when I kept pushing. “If you die now Colton,” I breathed out the words. “It would be poetic.”

The screams didn’t die down but they paused for just a while when I stopped. My cum was dripping out of him and a mixture of blood and cum was on my dick. But if he thought that was the end of it, he was wrong. The minute I let go of him, one of the men came up and did what I had done, and I watched as each one of the tried to become more merciless than the other. I watched until his eyes glazed over and his screams died down.

I didn’t stop them.


I took a seat on the couch and watched all this unfold.


Compassionate Care For the Terminally Ill said the brochure. The same saying and other banalities were a fancy way of saying this was the place people came to die. In some ways, a hospice is worse than a morgue. At least dead people don’t have sight, they don’t feel pain. This was a waiting room for death and as such provided no real comfort except if you found some solace in the fact that your loved ones weren’t the only ones rotting away.

The nurse showed me to her room and I braced myself. Not that any amount of bracing helped. The minute I saw her, laid out on her death bed a part of me died. I wanted to run. I wanted to pretend this wasn’t happening but I was afraid she might not make it until the next time. So, I had to make every time seem like the last and make sure I didn’t say or do anything inappropriate, anything that would hinder our mutually shared dying experience.

“Hey,” I touched her hair lightly. She never got chemo so she never lost her hair, but it was no longer the shiny and lustrous brunette she had throughout her childhood and her teenage years, the hair she hated because it would never style the way she wanted it. Memories of the two of us playing games in our backyard and watching TV instead of napping came back and I wiped the stray tear before she could see it.

Aubrey opened her eyes. We were only two years apart but she looked like a million years older. Her eyes retained the same glassy look I’d become used to ever since she’d started taking that insane medication they put her on. If I tried, I could still see my older sister somewhere in there, beneath these glass walls that had once been eyes that saw the world with a ridiculous positive energy that I had always been envious of. But gone was that energy, the drive to make things different again. There was just a bit of my sister left and I found it when she smiled at me. “Trey….” She said but it resulted in a coughing fit so I had to wait for her speak. It was hard to not cry and hard to not show her just how miserable I was inside. “I’m glad you came,” she pressed on my hand.

“Why’s this happening to us?” I blurted out.

I know. Not my finest moment. But watching her suffer like this always got to me. I couldn’t bear to see her this way after I’d seen her at her best, after I’d seen her enjoy every damn moment of her life so much.

She pressed my hand again and tried to kiss it. “It’s life, Trey. People die.”

“You’re not dead,” I reminded her.

“Sometimes I really question that.”

“Aubrey, you’re not that weak.”

“I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough for you,” she said with tears in her eyes.

Kol Anderson's Books