Losing Him (Mitchell Family #8)(60)

Heather brought her hands up to her breasts and played with her nipples. I kept my eyes on what she was doing while my mouth made its way to her calf. I let her leg fall down on the bed while I repeated the process to her other leg.

I cleared my voice while focusing on what she was touching. Without further ado, I grabbed her other leg and spread her wide open. I could see in her eyes that she didn’t want to move slow. With my hard cock in my hand, I teased her entrance, letting her wetness lubricate the tip of my shaft.

She cried out as I entered her and wrapped her legs around my waist again. Her walls were tight, just like it was our first time together. The faster I moved, the more she cried out. Sheer passion ignited her, fueling her drive as she rocked her body into mine, pushing off the bed for a harder hit. She let her head fall back onto the pillow while her eyes closed and tightened herself around my cock. It was only moments before I was ready to explode.

Then she jumped up. I assumed she wanted to switch positions, until she climbed off the bed and stared at me. Her hand came across my face before I knew what was happening. “We could have been happy together. I needed your love and was refused it. Consider that your goodbye!”

I went to reach out as she started to walk away and sat straight up in my bed. After looking around the room, I realized it had just been a dream. Still, that dream had hidden meaning. Heather was tired of my shit and there was a chance that I’d ran out of second chances.

I’d spent the entire day talking to my family members and letting them know that I had made the decision to ask Heather to marry me. They may not have been thrilled, but I felt obligated to let them know ahead of time.

It was easy for me to admit that maybe I could have been better to her. I’d just assumed that she’d always be around. The new version of her wasn’t going to take my indecisiveness.

After calling around, I’d learned that Van was actually visiting with Amy. I knew that I needed to act fast, so I dropped Jacob off at my parents and headed to North Carolina.

Since I was feeling optimistic, I took a one way flight and then a taxi to Amy and Conner’s house. They greeted me at the front door of the house and invited me inside. Amy even hugged me when I got into the living room.

They offered me a beer and I sat down on the couch. Sitting in the dining room was Van. She had a sewing machine out and was working on Heather’s dress. I saw her wave and then get back to work. A guy my height stood up and shook my hand. “Hey man, I’m Colt, Savanna’s husband. It’s good to meet you.”

I smiled. I could tell he wasn’t from around there. His accent was strong. “Good to meet you as well. Thanks for letting me borrow your wife for this. I know it must be awkward.”

Colt put his hands up. “It’s all good. Savanna likes helpin’ people. Ever since our fiasco last year, she likes doin’ whatever she can. Life’s too short to have grudges. We ain’t kids anymore. Besides, I have no qualms with Heather, personally. Hell, she’s the reason I’m with my wife. I probably owe her a thank you.”

I laughed. “I don’t think she sees things that way.”

He just smiled. “So, you’re plannin’ on askin’ her to marry you?”

“I am.” I felt good about it.

“Congratulations. I’m sure your son will be happy.”

I shrugged. “I haven’t asked him. Things have been crazy. This was a very fast decision after she kicked me out of her life. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not doing this to make amends. I’m doing it because I want to be with her.”

He got closer to me and sort of whispered in my ear. “Tell her you love her every day, man. It’s the most important thing you can do for your marriage.” Colt patted me on the shoulder and sat back down.

Conner came out with my beer and sat down beside his cousin. “You like football?”

Who didn’t? “Of course.”

Conner popped a chip in his mouth. “Usually, Ty is here rootin’ for his team. We are die hard Kentucky fans. Colt played football there in college. He was badass too.”

I looked around the room and thought about being with people that Heather had assumed were always the enemy. I didn’t see them that way at all, but I had to ask. “So, tell me the real reason that you’re all being so nice to Heather?”

Amy scooted over and sat closer to me. “She saved my life. What kind of person would I be if I hated her? Every day that I look at my husband, or any of our children, I have Heather to thank. No matter what she did in the past, I think she’s made amends, don’t you?”

I took a swig of my beer and saw the guys’ kind of nodding like they agreed. Colt held up his beer. “I told you my reason. My cousins may have their own opinions, but at the end of the day, I’m thankful for what I got. I can’t live without my wife. She takes care of me and our kids. Life is too damn short for all that nonsense!”

“I hear what you’re saying. I guess I just have a problem with holding grudges. I mean, Heather had secrets for a long time. I had a hard time getting over the fact that she wouldn’t be honest with me.”

Colt raised his eyebrow and looked at his cousin, Conner. “Does she treat you good? Has she ever been unfaithful to you? Is she a good mother?”

“Yes, she’s all those things”

Conner cut in. “Man, you can’t hold things against her that happened that long ago. Look, Ty and Randa have their issues. I know they’ve been through a lot with Heather, but it was in the damn past. When I see Heather, I see a changed person. At the end of the day, it’s your choice what you do with your relationship.”

Jennifer Foor's Books