Losing Him (Mitchell Family #8)(65)
I wasn’t used to feeling so embarrassed, but this guy was so gorgeous. To make matters worse, the teacher had him sit right next to me and assigned him as my lab partner. It was the first day that I didn’t want to be in chemistry and also the first time I’d had a panic attack.
As the months went by, my obsession with the new guy, turned into an infatuation. The more I tried to stay focused on school, the more I fantasized about Stoshua. We got to know each other and became close friends. I was too shy to admit that I was interested in him. I’d never dated and I didn’t know how to be in a relationship.
He became my second best friend. On the weekends, we’d watch eighties movies and hang out, studying or going places together. We talked about everything and had each other on speed dial. With my sister being so involved in herself, Stosh was my only confidant. Sure, I could never admit how I felt about him, but it didn’t matter. All I wanted to do was be with him, every second of every day. I fantasized about changing my last name to Wheeler. I designed my wedding gown in my head and named our first born son.
Don’t act like you’ve never done it before. We all fantasize about being swept away by our own version of prince charming. For me, he was my kryptonite. I lived and breathed to be near him, all in hopes of one day to become Mrs. Stoshua Wheeler.
At the end of the school year, a few weeks before prom, I had this feeling like he was going to ask me. Since we had even more classes together that semester, we were together all of the time. He’d come over to study and stay for dinner, or I’d do the same at his house.
Even though I didn’t know for sure, I believed that he liked me as much as I liked him.
I’ll never forget practicing over and over what my conversation with Stosh was going to be. At first, I wrote him notes. After going through almost an entire notebook of paper, I decided that it was better if I just came out and said what I was feeling.
Gaining the courage to put myself out there was nerve racking. Once any other logical option was exhausted, I knew I had to go for it. My sister knew I was up to something immediately. This particular year had been harder for me. As focused as I was on school, I felt like she was leaving me out of things. She hung out with her friends more than she spent time with me. Most nights, she snuck in the house after curfew and smelled of booze. Her defiance was associated with her popularity and the type of people that she hung out with. In some ways I was jealous. Ivy was always having fun, where I was always focused on being the best person I could be. Responsibility was important to me, but not my sister.
With prom being so close, it also meant that finals were even closer. I’d studied for weeks and was sure to ace all of my exams. Ivy came to me one day in
tears. “Will, you have to help me. I’m in big trouble.” Only two people called me Will. Ivy and Stosh. “What’s wrong now? Did you break a nail or something? Did you lose your
favorite mini-skirt? Is your period due?” She raised her eyebrow, like I was out of line. “I’m being serious!” She pushed
me and sat next to me on my bed. “If I fail my exam, I won’t graduate.” “What are you talking about?” She rolled her eyes and stood up to admire herself in the mirror. “It’s Biology.
You know I hate that class. The teacher is pissed at me because he’d never have someone like me. He has it out for me, I swear.”
I shook my head. My sister could never admit that something was her fault. “So, you want me to help you study?”
She gave me a dirty look. “Are you kidding me, right now? Um, hell to the no. I want you to take the exam for me.”
“You’re crazy! I’m not doing that! Besides, I would miss my own final to help you.” She must be insane if she thought I would be willing to trade places with her and let her take my test. My sister was beautiful and very popular, but she sucked at anything that had to do with academics.
“I am going to hook that day. The makeup exam will be the following day and you’ll be all done. Please Will? I don’t want to fail my senior year. I’m begging you.” I walked over to my window. Did she even know what she was asking me to
do? How could I possibly do something so illegal? How could I chance losing everything that I’d worked for?
I’ll tell you how...
I did it for my twin sister; the one who shared the egg that created us. She was my partner, no matter what the sacrifice. I’d do anything to make her happy. In fact, I couldn’t be happy unless I knew she was too.
That was my biggest mistake.
I was already disappointed in myself, but it was something that I felt obligated to do, no matter what the risk was. “Fine. You owe me big for this one.”
“Anything! You just name it.” She wrapped her arms around me. “What would I do without you, sis?”
“Apparently, flunk Biology.”
She snickered as she started to walk out of the room. “Now that you’ve helped me solve my itsy bitsy problem, I can concentrate on getting myself all sexified up for this party tonight. Everyone is going to be there. I’m so excited.”
Everyone wasn’t going to be there. I’d be catching up on biology, in my room, alone.
I only studied for a few hours before I got bored and my mind went back to Stoshua. I was running out of time to tell him how I felt. It was going to happen.
There was a big end of year assembly for the seniors. We were both on the clean up committee and would have to stay after school. When we were alone, I was going to tell him everything. He would finally find out just how crazy in love with him I was. Since I was so sure he felt the same way, I was excited and optimistic.