Losing Him (Mitchell Family #8)(22)

“So she was already with his cousin? That’s crazy. Didn’t they know how pissed he would be? I’d kill my cousin if he f*cked my girlfriend.”

“Technically, they were broken up. It didn’t matter. The moment he woke up, she was by his side acting like nothing had happened. When he finally was released to go home, his parents threw a party for him. That night he asked her to marry him. I was so sick to my stomach. After all that time, after her being with someone else, he still wanted her over me. Then about an hour later, she disappeared and he was all over me, thanks to pain pills and a few shots of liquor. All along I thought the marriage wasn’t going to happen. I think it was the next night that the truth came out. I got a call from Ty saying that he’d just caught Van and his cousin f*cking in his truck. He was torn up over it. I will never forget the things he was saying about the both of them.”

“So were you an official item after that?”

I shook my head again. “Nope. We hooked up, but he was too upset to talk about a relationship. I wanted to give him time. He needed to get over her, so I could have him forever, so I thought.”

“Obviously, that didn’t work out for you.” He chuckled.

I laughed, but was terrified of the next part coming out. “He ended up going to Kentucky with Van. When he finally came back, he’d changed. He was cold and didn’t act like I meant anything to him. We’d still hook up, but he barely participated. He was just going through the motions.”

“What happened in Kentucky?”

“I have no idea. He never told me. I’d been over a couple times and heard him talking to his cousin, or whom I thought was his cousin. It was Miranda.”

“Wait? He said she was his cousin?”

I had to laugh. It was too hard for me to understand at first. “She is Colt’s cousin on his Mom’s side. Ty and Colt and related through their fathers, so Miranda has no relation to Ty.”

“Still seems f*cked up!”

“Yeah. Anyways, after nearly a year of being just a f*ck buddy, I decided to take things into my own hands again. I thought that if I gave him something he wanted, he would wake up. So, I got my roommate to agree to a threesome. We dressed in skimpy clothes and showed up at his place.”

“You never told me you had a threesome.” He seemed like he wanted a play by play.

“Calm down, cowboy. It never happened. It was close, but someone showed up at his door and everything changed. It was his cousin, with a little toddler. He pushed me out and welcomed the two of them. I thought he was just being a nice guy, but then they showed up at a party. I even had my friend Mike hit on her. Ty was on his ass and then the real show happened. I’d never seen him so jealous. The next thing I knew, they were all over each other, displaying their attraction for everyone to see.”

“He never mentioned them being a couple?”

“No. Then all of the sudden they were. She moved in with him and they got engaged. It all happened so fast. He pushed me out of his life like I never existed. I was so angry. I’d devoted my life and heart to him and he just threw it away, like I meant nothing.”

“Why didn’t you just throw in the towel and move on?”

“It was no longer about being with him. I wanted him to pay for what he’d done to me. He’d used me and threw me out like garbage. He’d called me a whore and let everyone know it. He’d taken every single moment that I cherished and acted as if it never happened. I just wanted him to feel what it was like. I wanted him to hurt. I wanted him to have nothing, just like me.”

“So this is when you went off the deep end?”

“Not yet. I did get him in trouble with Miranda, but she wised up and believed him.” I poured more wine and took a big drink out of it. I was closer to revealing the awful things that I’d done. I was moments away from losing Jessie forever. “Actually it was a while before I did anything else. I calmed down and started dating other people. I was trying to move on, but not doing very well with it. Then Ty showed up on my doorstep. He said that he needed my help. He said he needed my brother’s help, actually. What I’m about to tell you can’t leave this room. It’s illegal and could cost them a lot. I don’t want them to have to suffer anymore. Promise me, Jess.”

“Yeah.” He seemed so confused. “I promise.”

“Ty needed papers doctored saying that he was Bella’s biological father. He wanted my brother to forge a paternity test, so that he could have his name added to her birth certificate.”

Jessie froze and just stared at me. “Hold on, you’re telling me that bastard showed up here asking you to break the law for him? After everything he put you through, he wanted a f*cking favor?”

I ran my hands over my face. “Yeah, he did.”

“That mother f*cker! Who the hell does he think he is? You aren’t a f*cking punching bag. Did he even consider your feelings? How could he come to you with that? Heather, tell me you told him no. Tell me you didn’t help him.”

Tears filled my eyes. This was it. This was where he would stop feeling sorry for me. This was where he was going to stop loving me forever. “I gave him a counter offer.”

“A what? You didn’t? No. Babe, tell me it isn’t what I’m thinking. After everything?”

“Jessie, I just wanted to be with him. I couldn’t help myself. I told him that I’d get my brother to help him if he’d sleep with me. I wanted him to be with me one last time. I wanted to be closer and I wanted him to feel guilty for cheating on his wife, all at the same time.”

Jennifer Foor's Books