Below the Peak (Sola)(46)


Chapter Sixteen

“When are, you planning to get married?” her mother’s question was like a whip to her conscious as she kneaded dough for buns they would make next morning. Her mother had dismissed the maids to assist her, stating she wasn’t going to be rendered useless in her own home just because she was pregnant.

Nara slowly lifted her head from the bowl filled with dough and skeptically looked at her mother who stood across the kitchen arranging cleaned pans, bowls and cups on the shelves and cupboards. Where is, this coming from?

“I mean... I’m only curious” her mother continued, glancing at her over her shoulder for a second and continued arranging the cups. “Your friend Helle has married already. Do you not wish to?”

Since her return, she had not hung out much with her friend.

“What so if she’s married, do I have to be too now?” Nara bit out and quickly made an apologetic face. “Did father put you up to this?”

“No dear that’s not what I mean and your father did not either” Kami shook her head.

“Why are you eager to chase me away when you have always been telling me that you had missed me so dearly?” She watched her mother place a ceramic plate in the cupboard and close it.

Outside the large kitchen windows, the evening sun waned.

“That’s ready” her mother commented, her gaze motioning to the dough as she approached heavily and stood on the other side of the table she was using. The dough had risen. Nara poked it, and it filled back to its round shape. She rested her floured palms on the table. Her mother sprinkled some flour on the plane surface of the wooden table and placed the dough on top. “The reason I’m asking is that you never talk about such matters. Do you not want children of your own?” Kami asked, her gaze holding hers. “Besides I’m tired of hearing other mother’s boasting and chattering who their daughter or son is promised to.” she rolled her eyes, teasingly.

In customs, girls were courted as early as age fifteen and got married at age twenty. In other circumstance, some got married at age twenty-three which was considered late. At twenty-four, Nara was well past the age of betrothal. She would be regarded as OLD by many. Surprising despite her being a recluse, there had been men who had sought her hand in marriage. Both two men had been wealthy merchants she had never actually held a conversation with but seen them about a few times in the King’s wall. Story short, she had politely refused them because of her disinterest in them and not because of her parents’ opinion about the two men wanting to use her to climb the social ladder. It was not the lack of suitors that she was still unwed. In all truth, she did not enjoy maiming or killing anyone, not a pleasant activity in her opinion. And it wasn’t because unlike the law enforcers and other guards whose duty were to walk around the alleys or stand regal and firm for hours on different corners of the castle and protect the king, as an Elite, she has the privilege to wander and have adventures in various parts of their kingdoms and further. But above all, it was the honor that came along with serving. Nara felt a real sense of honor when she fought for her kingdom. Her heart swelled with pride knowing she among others were a pillar and keepers for their nation’s peace. Civilians needed not to worry who’d watch over them as they slept and worked their days. That was her responsibility. A duty she was ready to perform. In her mind when contemplating, marriage brought commitment, being tied down and divided attention. Something she wasn’t interested in wholly or sure she’d be able to juggle nor commit to.

“I am happy as I am. I do not need a husband” Nara answered in an uninviting tone for further discussion.

Her mother stopped rolling the dough and looked at her. “I am not saying you are not happy. As your mother, I care about you and your happiness is the most important thing to me. I just do not want you to be alone.”

“I am not lonely. I have you, father an Ingrid” Nara countered.

“There only so much we can give you. Sometimes a person needs more, somebody else to share a part of themselves” Her mother said softly.

Nara rolled her tongue in her mouth and said nothing. She was content with her life. She did not think she needed someone else to express herself to, on the contrary, she thought to add more people in her life in these crucial times was not wise. It would be too much of baggage to worry about.

“Now I should sit down; my feet hurt. I look like a bloated whale” her mother said with one hand on her back and the other on her belly as she sat on a wooden arm chair next to her.

“Your feet don’t resemble such abomination. You are beautiful every day” her father voiced. He stood at the entrance with Ingrid’s frame sticking behind him. A smile displayed on his lips, his eyes warm. In a dress, Ingrid slipped past him and moved to where she was. Nara pulled her closer to her, Ingrid’s shoulder’s resting on her side.

“Thank you, dear. You’re handsome as ever” her mother said, her voice all lovey-dovey, it made Nara cringe and almost gag in her mouth. She’d never be comfortable with her parent's show of affections to each other.

As her parents kept adoring each other, she felt a tug on her cloth. Ingrid had her fingers clutched to her dress. Nara inclined her head down and met Ingrid’s gaze. “Is that dough for bread?” Ingrid softly whispered. Nara grinned immediately knowing what her sister wanted. Nara only nodded. Her little sister’s brown eyes lit up and mouthed to her, “Can I have some?”

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