Below the Peak (Sola)(47)

To give or not to give? If she did, Ingrid would want more and more meant a stomach ache. But if she didn’t, it meant a sulky Ingrid and when would she spoil her naughty again? A little flour won't hurt anybody. Nara made up her mind and leisurely twisted as if she wasn’t about to steal under her mother’s nose. Ever so discretely, she worked her fingers unto the tray and to the yellow toughed up flour.

“Don’t you dare give her” her mother scowled. “I’m disappointed in both of you,” she added looking down at Ingrid. Nara stifled a grin, rose her palm out and pretended to hang her head in shame when her mother looked back at her. Her father’s chuckle bounced in the room.

A short-contented silence filled the kitchen before being replaced by thoughtful words from her father. “The king has requested us to join him for a feast.”

“Has he now” her parents shared a look.


Nara and her family walked the vast hallways of King Lorenz palace, heading for the grand hall. She took a glance at her family. A black frock with a dress shirt hugged her father’s upper frame and matched with a pair of trousers and boots. As for her stepmother, she had on a proper kitenge dress with colored patterns, her hair, boxed braids while Ingrid was just dressed in a modest pink dress. On the other hand, a red long sleeve dress adorned her shapely figure. The maids had done good work on her hair by curling it into deep waves. They all looked splendid and tensed. Her parents had stiff looks on them as they silently walked together. Even Ingrid whom Nara believed had no clue what was going on had a somber expression on her innocent face. What was holding the king back to formally announce the status of Murisa and Kalil relationship? Or were they in negotiation for a truce and she was burning her peace of mind with useless restless thoughts?

They took a turn and descended few stairs that adjoined the hall. Nara perceived the room. Huge chandelier with lit candles hanged above them and illuminated the cavernous room while thick, lush curtains covered the large windows. Front of them stood a large long polished dinner table with a variety of food with people sitting in the allocated seats around the table. They were not the only ones invited. The king’s married daughters and sons with their spouses and other royal family members and lords sat before them. King Lorenz and his wife Avis sat at the end of the long feasting table. The position distinguishing them and giving them a full view of the room, easy to see everyone and monitor everything.

Nara bowed in curtsey before the two Majesties dressed in finery and poised regally on the high back chairs.

“You may sit” came king Lorenz’s nasally voice.

Without wasting a moment Nara and her family sought their seats among other nobles. The room was too quiet, the air buzzed. She could feel the others’ gaze on them as she straightened her skirts beneath the table. She lifted her head and spared a glance at the king. Lorenz was a middle-aged man, who had little wrinkles the corners of his eyes, a broad, long nose and brownish grey hair. He was arrogant, sleazy, greedy and guileful. He whatsoever had no vital skills in the combat department. Nara wasn’t sure anymore his sneaky ways would save them. She inwardly prayed to the gods he’d have a better strategy and he was merely biding time for the right moment to execute it.

Or he would be forced to defend himself with a sword he cannot wield. An embarrassment. Nara reflected grimly. She scanned the familiar faces of the other elites sitting opposite to her. Just to say, they were not happy and smiley. They had stark expressions almost downright grim.

“Many of you are wondering why I am throwing a feast when we could be discussing important issues” King Lorenz voice interrupted her perusal. She turned her head and watched him, and he stared back at her, a little too long then shifted his eyes to another person. “All in due course we’ll approach the subject you all wish to hear” he continued.

Nara stuck her tongue to the roof her mouth in annoyance. This is the reason she disliked the court and its politics and avoided at all cost. The pleasantries, the need to butter and prep someone before the butchering began. In the army. There were orders and executions. Simple as that…

No person in the room needed to be softened with spreads to hear Kalil’s deception. Well except Ingrid. Nara glanced at her little sister. There was nothing she could do to spare her from the upsetting situation they were soon going to discuss.

“But before we get to it, let us all enjoy ourselves.” the king announced with a splitting smile. The queen who’d remained muted all the while was the first to pick up her crystal cup set in front of her and delicately sipped the wine, a gesture for the rest to commence. A relieved sigh was expelled by the lords and ladies in the room, bursting the suffocating bubble. It became airy. Nara squeezed little patience she had left and turned her attention to the food set before her. She picked up the silver sharp table knife with one hand and with the other she used her fork to cut into the roasted wild goose. Nara effortlessly cut a chunk of meat and placed onto her plate. Chopping the meat into sizeable eating pieces, she began to devour them.

The occasional clink of silverware sounded in the room as two servants walked about refilling glasses with expensive wine. Although she was enjoying the exquisite cuisine, something was not right. She tried to ignore the feeling and savor the various dishes, but she couldn’t tune out the off the dark sense after having her fifth bite. Reluctantly she lifted her head, neglecting to eat and studied the room. Her eyes searched about, and her ears became alerted for anything which appeared off.

Juliet Lili's Books