Below the Peak (Sola)(43)

He slowly ended the kiss after a surge of assurance welled in him that whoever was sent to follow him was long gone.

“What is it?” her hazel eyes searched his face. He nuzzled his nose on the crook of her neck and shoulder and inhaled her sweet scent. She smelled like the fresh and innocent flowers that bloomed in spring. He lifted his head and looked at her rosy face.

“Nothing is wrong love, I just need to talk.” Disappointment crossed her face. She blinked and climbed off him slowly and put some space between them. He watched as she fidgeted her small fingers in front of her. “How can I serve you, my prince?” She asked, her voice detached and void with emotions. It was the voice she used with other customers. Nikolas gritted his teeth.

“I need to talk to you”, he paced in her neatly small living room. The room had a nice brown rug that covered the wooden floor with a moderate wooden table with two chairs, small utensil cabinet in the corner and a heath and yellow curtains adorned the windows of her home. She had a decent home, all from the high price she demanded. And men were willing to pay because she was beautiful and the best of what she does. Her eyes lit with renewed hope which only made him feel guiltier.

“Would you prefer talking here or...” she blushed and averted her eyes shyly “ the bedroom?”

“Here will be okay. I won’t take long”, Nikolas answered too quickly and picked the bag from the floor. He had to search for a ride heading to the north towns of the kingdom. His head ached when he tried to think where he could find someone traveling at this late hour.

“Is there something wrong?” she asked with genuine concern, her brows furrowed. Nadine neared Nikolas.

“I need you to lie for me. If anyone... especially the guards come looking for me. Tell them I’m asleep and wished not to be disturbed or I have gone out around the city.”

“Are you in trouble my prince?” she loudly whispered, worry mirrored on her lovely face. Nikolas almost gave a maniacal laugh to her question. He probably would be in deep trouble in days to come.

“No, I’m not in trouble. I just have some personal matters I need to take care of”, Nikolas said as he walked to the back door. He saw the curiosity written on her face, wanting to ask more but decided against it. He took some few coins from one of the porches in his cloak pocket and turned to her. “If you can’t do it, that’s fine. I will hold nothing against you,” he said quietly placing the coins in one of her free hands. He kissed her once more before she could protest or register what he was doing and walked out of her house.

Time was against him. He didn’t even know when Schmerz and his force would depart for Murisa. If they left early at the break of dawn, he might as well go back to Nadine and say farewell to his plans. He won’t be able to surpass them while they rode war bred and well-trained horses. He needed at least a day to be ahead of them. He planned as he slinked in the dark streets, searching for any merchant willing to travel. His luck struck when he walked to the local market and found a large young man moving barrels to his tented wagon. He appeared a little older than him.

His rusty oil lamp placed on the muddy ground a few distances from the wagon was the only source of light in the entire square. Nikolas moved closer to the young man.

“Take a step closer, and I will slit your throat” the young man warned him, pointing a dagger towards him.

“I mean you no harm” Nikolas replied quickly. Under the light, he could see the young man tanned face, brown hair and eyes, broad shoulders that stated he carried heavy luggage and used to hard labor. He was dressed in overly sized belted orange tunic with hose and boots. Nikolas cleared his dry throat. “Pardon, where you’re journeying to?”

“I’m heading North to Maji town,” he replied. “What do you want?” the man added sharply still pointing the dagger towards him.

“I would appreciate if you let me join you. I will pay for the accommodations” Nikolas replied glancing around him for any intruders. He didn’t know where the small town is but as long it was in the north of the kingdom he didn’t mind riding with the young man. He took some few coins from his pocket and showed the young man as he held his breath and waited for his answer. The young man studied him with a hard look for a moment. Nikolas hoped the young man wouldn’t recognize who he was.

“If you’re some hooligan I won’t hesitate to kill you.”

Nikolas sighed in relief. He was far from it. “I assure I’m no hooligan, but if you are, I won’t hesitate to do the same to you”, he threatened.

“There’s space in the wagon. You can climb in”, the young man instructed and waited for him to get in before he took his seat. He was bombarded with the darkness and the smell of ale inside the wagon. From back where he sat, Nikolas watched the young man take his seat at the front and pull the reins holding the two horses. Hot pricking sensation rolled over his skin. His heart beat faster, his face paling.

“Stop!” Nikolas yelled, panicking. “I said stop! He shouted again, feeling the walls of the wagon closing in on him. The horses reared and stomped the ground with a whine.

“What’s wrong back there?” the young man questioned, twisting in his seat to look after calming the horse to a stop.

“I…I need to get off” Nikolas muttered under ragged breathing. He crawled his way from the back, feet staggering as they hit the ground.

Juliet Lili's Books