Below the Peak (Sola)(41)

Capital city of Kalil

Nikolas gulped the ale and slammed the tanker on the wooden counter. No one in the crummy inn seemed to pay attention to his little outburst except for the innkeeper who gave him a hard stare before continuing with his business. He never hoped anyone would, maybe if he stood on the stool he was sitting on and announced himself as the king’s son maybe then they would and pester him if the rumors had already spread from the northern villages of the border between Kalil and Murisa. He glanced at the plastered people in the inn, they appeared oblivious about the matters of the kingdom, or they simply didn’t care. He smiled bitterly as he kept on looking around the room. Schmerz has successfully been able to contain what got out to the cities from the castle. The image of Schmerz sprung forth in his mind causing his body to shudder. He despised his cowardliness whenever he was in his presence. The man had a way of reducing him to nothing.

The man instilled fear even on the most brazen oldest council members. He dropped some coins on the counter, shoved his hands into the pocket of his coat and strode out of the tavern. It was late night outside as he walked down the hot streets towards the castle. The moon was not bright tonight. The light filtered through the wooden and brick house windows and, porches casting shadows in the streets while noises from nearby taverns chased the silence. No one in the castle would be bothered by his absence. His father had long stopped caring about him and besides he was twenty-two, he no longer needed nursemaids or guards to worry about him. He watched a man and woman stagger in the darkness with their hands roughly grabbing one another’s clothes. Their bashful behavior reminded him of his father and stepmother shagging in the gardens. He had walked in on them. It wasn’t a pleasant sight. He stifled the ale threatening to come out from his throat leaving a vile taste in his mouth. His father was no longer the person he knew. His behavior and physicality changed drastically over the few months of the year. He looked too old and thin with withering skin, fringed hair that threatened to fall if you touched it, trembling at the gentlest wind and had become intemperate, vindictive with no reasons and lewd.

His body swayed a little and fingers shook from the drink he just had. He was a light weight, he never could hold his own down. He kicked a pebble and halted a short distance from the castle. Few of the rooms glowed light from within. It was a grand castle from the outside well kept by the servants and guards, and yet it was agony inside. His glazed eyes darted to the balcony of the king’s room and saw her, his step mother, Dagny. Although the dark hid most of her he could see what she was doing, her hands were stretched out to the sky. She depicted an image that of a devoted follower to the gods, pure and serene as if a divine spiritual being was manifesting in her. Despite her perfect beauty that made men weak and women envious, in his eyes, she looked wrong to like something too evil was lurking under.

And that evil was responsible for his father’s madness. He was helpless where it involved his dad and her. He couldn’t save him from her. His father was beyond smitten despite knowing so little about her. He was obsessed.

It settled oddly with Nikolas that little was known about her, even after hiring someone secretly to dig anything related to her. Same information came up from few people from the small town she claimed to have grown up in. Her father a wealthy trader who died in a sea storm, and her mother couldn’t dare live alone without her beloved, so she killed herself.

Nikolas watched her disappear into the room.

He had waited a minute before he dragged himself, passing the knights stationed in front of the castle and walked inside. He crossed the great quiet hall and turned to the left wing strolling down the long dark corridor to his private chambers when he heard murmurs coming from the right room across. He halted and listened. He recognized one of the voices belonged to Schmerz-he watched the empty corridor for any signs of anyone walking by before drawing near the closed whispering room. A tremor raced through his body, afraid he would get caught. He pressed his foggy head against the wooden door and listened.

“We march to the central villages. Lay them bare.” Nikolas heard Schmerz menacing voice instructing. This is where they strategized the raids against the Murisa Kingdom. He wondered how many wolves were in there. Pretending to oppose the war while in the dark their filthy souls celebrated. He leaned in more closely.

“But that’s too dangerous there’s a larger troop base shared between the Port City and some of the central villages. Guards travel almost every route because of the transportation of goods from the port to the villages and likewise from the villages to the harbour. It’s well-nigh protected like Vessener. And the number of force we have is not enough. We will be marching to a dragon’s mouth and not just ambush if we do as you say” replied a voice very low nearly to whispering, Nikolas couldn’t identify who spoke still it seemed the owner of the voice knew Murisa well enough. He stole a glance at the corridor his head turning to both ends to check if he was still alone.

“Soldiers can be made. We proceed as agreed” came Schmerz snarky reply.

Cruel bastard! He would take the pleasure of snatching young boys for his purpose. A moment of quietness had passed before he heard the sultry voice of Dagny coming from the room.

“You would make such a good husband. Fierce and commanding. I wish we had a son like you”.

He heard Schmerz chuckle. Nikolas didn’t miss the insult in her words. It wasn’t enough they have reduced him to a pathetic eavesdropper like a hungry gossip monger looking to get an earful to spread later, but now they mocked him in closed doors. Humiliation taunted him as he scampered to his chamber.

Juliet Lili's Books