Below the Peak (Sola)(37)

Ekene remembered that day that had been over seventeen years ago, he also remembered how he and his people had stood ready with weapons and beasts on the shores of the sea of Gali.

He recalled the fear in the Murisa’s General’s eyes when the man saw the feral leemu and faru his people rode. These were not the domesticated ones; they were beasts bred for war. Leemu, a large furry mane mammal with tough scaled skin and long sharp teeth like tusks and sharp claws intended to tear flesh and bone while faru primitive looking with a square long muzzle and long face and massive bodies and horns to impale and stumpy feet to stomp its prey to death.

Ekene looked at Abasi, and the corner of his lips tipped slightly. Abasi was about to exhale in relief, thinking he had managed to convince the representatives and gained firmer ground to draw the others when another person spoke. “Think of our children….” the room erupted with grumbles and protests. Abasi sat quietly and perceived the angry lords before him.

“You have doomed us all. Who knows Lorenz’s force is coming to our doors as we speak.’

“Sitting on the throne had made you bored, and now you wish to entertain yourself with our lives.”

“This is like the Dark ages.”

“We were foolish to allow an Einarr to sit on the throne. From the beginning, they have brought darkness upon us…”

One lord after another raised their voice. Each word got in his ears and pierced his conscience. His head throbbed to each new voice ringing in the hall.

Was I wrong? Abasi agonized as doubt began to crawl and tap his bones with a chill. They look, but they do not see. You see the twisted world we live in. The lords are a belly full of their riches. They have forgotten the ruler who pulls their puppet strings. It is your duty to remind them, husband. Once they witness a small victory, they’d remember and be on your side. The words his wife had whispered in his ears some night ago, when they were alone sounded in his mind. Abasi locked his jaw, his fist set hard on the armrest of the throne. His lower eyelids twitched with resolute determination. He would see his plan through. He was willing to be the villain in the eyes of his people.

Several minutes passed before the hall was silent again and hostile eyes were back on him, waiting for his response. Anger and hatred were inscribed on their faces. He noticed how rigid they sat as if they were tethered on a tight leash which they could not wait to break free and jump him.

He cleared his throat.

“As the king of Kalil, I declare war against Murisa so let every one of you know and be ready” Abasi announced in a low, dangerous tone. A wave of gasps and disbelief rolled over the high table. He leveled his gaze at the General, Schmerz. A man he knew wouldn’t dare deceive him since his hatred for the people of Murisa ran so deep in him it was terrifying.

“We proceed as decided, devouring them as a snake would its prey. From the head to its tail. Spread the word to every household that no man, woman or child is to travel to Murisa unless they invoke death to themselves.” He watched the fear in other council members’ faces as they glanced quickly at Schmerz. “And for the rest of you, weaklings get out of the hall!” He shouted, his voice booming in the room. He was so tired, he closed his eyes, feet trembling beneath his royal robe, and listened to chairs scrape the floor and feet shuffling as the council members departed from the hall.

Opening his eyes, Nikolas stood beneath the stairs to the throne, hands pinned on his back. Dressed fitly, Nikolas wore a rustic waistcoat with an excellent linen shirt underneath and his black breeches tucked into black riding boots. He also had blonde hair, handsome face with grey eyes. His son possessed the likeness of his late wife. Even his personality was the likes of his dead mother, reserved and sensible, never condoning violence unless necessary and left without a choice. Nikolas was a lover, not a fighter. The only resemblence to him was his tall figure, hair and his deep bass voice that was too sophisticated for a twenty-two-year-old boy. Nikolas hadn’t spoken a word throughout the meeting.

Abasi stared at him. He used to love his son so much because he reminded him of his dead wife, but now he detested the sight of him. Nikolas had become a shadow reminder of his weakness. Nevertheless, curiosity itched him to know what his son wanted to say. “Speak.”

“Your Majesty...Father, may I have a word with you alone” Nikolas asked and looked at the guards standing on his sides and the corners of the room. Abasi signaled the guards to leave the chamber.

“This is utterly madness father! What has gotten into you? Are you that greedy for power that you would jeopardize years of peace?” Nikolas spoke furiously as soon as the last guard fled the room. Abasi noted his red face, nostril flaring, his eyes cold as the winter storms. He has never seen his son this furious, he wished his anger was directed towards his masterful course. It could have been more useful.

What a waste. Abasi pitted. Maybe it was madness taking over his being, but he won’t watch his son or anyone deter him from his glorious plan. He would do what his father and the ones before him had failed to do.

“Don’t lecture me boy!” he bellowed, banging his fist on the chair’s hand.

“I’m doing what all of you can’t do. You’re all cowards. I’m giving you the greatest present that you’ll ever have…sweeter than being with the most valuable whore in the sheets.” Abasi grinned at his own statement, he knew someone who could oppose his statement. Nikolas paced about the floor, his head low then stopped and glanced at him. His forehead creased. “Is it more lands father…? I can negotiate with the Oad and come to proper terms without either of us shedding blood.”

Juliet Lili's Books