Below the Peak (Sola)(33)

“-It was a success I suppose despite losing our warriors” he continued as he observed his wife mutter a fervent prayer for their fallen before lifting her eyes to his.

“So, what do you plan for us to do next?” she asked. Abasi directed his gaze towards Schmerz, “General what do you advise us to do?”

“For we do not know when our enemy will strike, we should be ready all the time My King. Allow me to spread the word among the military posts. My men to stand ready and patrol the borders and all the main routes to the provinces.” Schmerz looked at them gravely, “as we protect our own we should continue our course. Destroy the very people who make the nation.”

Chapter Eleven


The rays of the late morning sun streamed into the bedroom and fell on the neatly tied bed as warm air wafted through the opened windows. Nara sat on a chair and was putting on the last boot so she could wonder off outside after a long restless sleep when Ingrid walked in and rushed in for a hug. Unprepared from the sudden hug a look of surprise crossed her face, and a heavy breath left her lungs from the impact of her sister’s determined hug.

“If you do not let me go we will fall” She warned Ingrid who had her hands wrapped around her neck, feet crossed around her waist, and chin tucked on the nook of her neck. Ingrid’s hand reluctantly let loose and dropped to her feet. Nara straightened; the hem of the loose dress she wore hanging on the ankles.

“Come here” Nara smiled and hugged her tightly and spun on her feet. Giggles erupted from the young girl as the room turned in her eyes.

“Enough” Ingrid breathlessly protested. Nara laughed softly and sat her small light frame to the floor.

She smiled at her and watched her flushed tawny face as she struggled to catch a steady breath. Ingrid who had just turned twelve years old was clothed in a light floral dress, her thick hair styled in well twisted locks which were adorned with jeweled pins.

“Mother told me you were here. You came last night” Ingrid said looking up at her with a bright smile while she perched herself on the bed.

Nara nodded.

“How have you been?” Nara asked distracted as she busily opened a drawer and picked the sheathed small dagger.

“I’m well” Ingrid scrutinized her face while scrunching her nose. “And you?”

“I’m fine”, Nara tucked in dagger into her boot. She was grateful the remedy her mother gave her had completely healed the ache, and she had also noticed earlier this morning when she examined herself in the large dresser mirror positioned at the corner of the room, the blackness around her eye and the swell on her face was barely noticeable now.

“Mama is going to have a baby” Ingrid squealed.

“Yes. Are you excited you’re going to be a big sister?” Nara gave her a grin, an elated warmth latched onto her chest, she was yet to get the good news.

“I’m happy” Ingrid replied enthusiastically with a big smile.

A lively look swept over her sister’s face as she chewed her ear off being excited for the new baby, wondering if it’s going to be a boy or girl and how she’s going to play with him. All the while Nara listened, nodded and commented when needed. Most of all she soaked in her sister’s innocence. It was refreshing for her tainted soul.

Shortly after the brief time she spent with her sister, Ingrid soon lost interest in her when her friend came looking for her. Ingrid had eagerly left her with promises she’d be back home early. Reluctantly, she let her go but not before telling her to be careful. Her sister’s safety mattered to her considerably especially with everything that’s happening. She hadn’t slept well, slaughtered children from the attack haunted her in sleep.

Shortly after eating breakfast, Nara decided to leave. She came across the maids going about the manor as she navigated the short corridors of the house. She took the flights of stairs that lead outside. It was hot outdoors the heat burning through her clothes to her skin. Unlike its neighboring province in the west Fisher Port, where the season’s weather made you feel warm, and the sea breeze cooled you by night or the Ruhig mountains in the east where the temperature was cold like a fresh waterfall in this time of the season, in Vessener the heat was hot and sticky. Her back tingled under the single drop of sweat sliding beneath the dress.

Nara strolled down the high-end area occupied by nobilities, forwarding through the twisted paths that lead to blacksmiths sector. Her fellow peers strut by her, engrossed in themselves under the reticent atmosphere. With pressing affairs of her own and lest one of them noticed her and decided to pull her aside to engage in small chats, her feet picked up pace hasty to leave the area. She hurried and left the king’s wall.

On the streets, people strode about one way or the other. The streets hummed with life, colorful stores were opened as merchants sold their goods while children played and chased dogs and chickens even the birds chirped loud as they flew above landing on nearby trees and rooves.

The restlessness she had been feeling since she woke this morning rode on her back, nagging with each step she took. It was time for her to find out where her kingdom laid since the attack. She was sure the news had reached the king already. Would he command their force to match forward? Nara could not say, for King Lorenz was a complicated man.

She quickened her steps to the military base. As she hurried down the streets, a figure in a worn straw wide brim hat and a green cloak that reached the ankle of tall boots, caught her eye. Nara regarded the person across from the road she was on. She understood the purpose of the hat but not the cloak, it was odd for someone to wear such a dark cloak in the current hour and weather. Even the desperate court ladies she knew who would sacrifice their comfort for fashion would not subject themselves to such kind of torture.

Juliet Lili's Books