Below the Peak (Sola)(32)

“May they find rest in Valhalla” Schmerz said solemnly.

“We should have waited a little longer for our people in Murisa to return home before launching the attack,” he said, worried for the Kali that lived in Murisa. What would their fate be now?

Maybe this was a mistake he thought, his chest clenching out of grief to agree. His people have bled so much already for their own lives. The lands he ruled now beyond far off the sea where conquered with iron and much blood. They had given their enemies the taste of their swords as did they. Memories of old when he was just a boy himself played before him as though summoned. In this same room and floor, he was now standing on, he recalled when his late father returned home from fighting in a distant land. His father had been wounded, a large gash across his torso blood soaking his mother’s expensive carpet she had bought from merchants of the distant sea. Helpless he was when he was just a boy, he prayed to the Norn in a secluded corner. To spare his father’s life as his mother cleaned and sew his wounds, so they didn’t fester. His father drunk to stupor so he could not feel the prickle of needle on his skin as it tugged and sealed the wounds.

The memories made his own scars he accumulated in the battles he had experienced itch. He rubbed a hand over his hair, frustrated and torn. Going to war against Murisa would be subjecting his people to a great misery. Murisa was a great nation with capable allies who would willingly assist her for the price of being given scrambles of what his kingdom would be left Furthermore, picking up the pieces of their lives after the war would be an enormous task, a task that would carry to the next generation when his reign was over.

He thrust his hand through his graying hair all the while Schmerz remained quiet watching him as he tried to remove the conflict between his heart and mind. In his mind, he saw the rule Murisa had on Kalil. They could not expand and ally with other kingdoms whom he thought to be beneficial for his people without Lorenz’s approval. From the sweat and backs of his people what they mined, produced and cultivated, Murisa demanded a sum of it as a tribute as were the healthy boys were rounded and taken to Murisa for hard labor. Even the coins the Kali used bore the face of Lorenz and not his or the late leaders of his kingdom.

Abasi growled in anger. This was not all that drove his purpose to end ties with Murisa. It was an old unbreakable treaty his forefather had agreed to, that, the king and people of Kalil would be the right arm, sword and shield of Murisa. It gave Lorenz a reason to clamp his claws around Kalil and flaunt with threats.

He snarled and cursed at Einarr his forefather who placed them in this un-saving situation. Although he ruled never-ending lands of riches and commanded a vast army, he still knew he was just a figurehead as long the treaty was upheld. The future as it has been for the past two centuries it was a blight for the citizen of Kalil only if he marched against Murisa did he have the slim chance to give the freedom, he desired his people to have.

What of the thousands of lives that would die at the hand of this course? A voice of fear questioned him.

Abasi looked at Schmerz for answers. Unlike him who appeared conflicted, his General stood coolly before him with his hands crossed behind him. His posture collected, his face exemplifying confidence of a person who had readied himself for the war for a very long time and was waiting for his king to recover from senseless sentiments.

“We cannot fold now! Not anymore!” Schmerz growled, reading his misgiving thoughts.

“I’m your king! Do not use that tone with me” Abasi snarled back. He noted how the General’s nostrils flared and the corner of his lips tipping into a sardonic smile before flattening thinly.

“Forgive me my king for my rashness, but I assure you with my own life that I will see to it victory is ours” Schmerz swore.

Abasi lifted his head, his shoulders lifted and slumped tiredly. “I do not doubt it. Tell me Schmerz… say how can we win without killing ourselves?” he asked, his gaze pleading for another way.

“There is no goal without sacrifice. With big ambition comes great sacrifice” Schmerz replied solemnly.

“I know. Believe me, I know.” He already knew that yet he was not ready for his people to pay the price for the uncertain future. Just then the door groaned, welcoming a third person into the room. Both Abasi and Schmerz cocked their heads to the newcomer. Dagny sauntered to where the two men stood. Much as he enjoyed his wife’s company especially when they both had no clothes on, he had no time to spare her now. Irritated, he asked none too gently “What is it?”

“I could not find sleep when my dear husband needs my whole support in these dark times,” she said, ignoring his coldness. Abasi pinched the bridge of his nose and wanted to laugh at her amiable facade. “I need no comfort. Now go back to sleep” he said impatiently, leveling his cold gaze at her.

Dagny glared back at him, her soft features changing to steel. He could not break from her gaze that brewed into a stormy sea when she spoke, “I am not an ass that you can bend to your will. I am your wife and the queen of this Kingdom. The lives of our people are also my responsibility, so I will not cower and hide. I will remain here and offer what I have for the safety of our population.”

An awkward silence descended into the room. Abasi let out an irritated sigh and briefly looked at her. At least she was clothed in a delicate yet formless long sleeved red dress and made an effort to look proper before she barged in. “Schmerz was just done giving me the report of our first issued attack.” Dagny shifted her attention to Schmerz.

Juliet Lili's Books