Below the Peak (Sola)(36)

“Like…” Nara lifted her eyes to his face and found him looking over her shoulder and called, “Astrid.”

Nara turned and distanced herself from Barra quickly, but Astrid seemed to not have noticed or cared how close they were, rather Astrid was the one who looked embarrassed when she met her gaze. After the talk that night in the woods, everything became awkward between them. Astrid would avoid her gaze or would barely speak to her. Nara was confused, did she say something to offend her?

“May I have a word with you, alone” Astrid averted her eyes to Barra. She felt the cold shoulder.

Alright then. Nara thought to herself. She knew where she was not wanted.

“Tell me when you hear more.” Nara turned to Barra. She could see it in his eyes that he didn’t want her to leave, he still had more things to say, like answering him foremost. Nara glanced at Astrid again, her friend didn’t spare her a look. There’s nothing she could do, If Astrid didn’t want to speak with her, it left her no choice but to leave.


Chapter Twelve.

Kalil Kingdom

Abasi looked down and studied the servants and guards below the palace’s balcony coming in and out of the palace carrying out duties. He peered beyond the palace to the houses and fields encased by the morning sky. Ridged hills and edged rock mountains formed most of the land while dried grass covered it. It hadn’t rain for over two months, and the sun has been sucking the life out of the land. He hoped the rain would pour down soon before the rivers began to dry. You dwell in rough areas while he mocks you in his riches. He keeps you chained like a dog. Giving you these small territories like bones without enough flesh to keep you tamed. A true ruler conquers what’s his, he takes it in blood and honor. The voice sublime like a chorus of hymns sung by the maidens in the shrines invaded his mind. His weakening frame trembled against the morning breeze, his cloak flapped. His features twisted harshly. Abasi drained all the wine from the goblet he had brought with him out in the balcony and walked back to his room.

He watched his reflection in the large mirror as he dressed in royal garments. The tan color of his skin was paling and thinning, they were dark bags under his eyes. Ugly scars that looked like they were caused by claws of an angry bird adorned his chest and back. His muscles were withering. He had long stopped requesting his servants to dress him after he had seen their questioning looks and disgusts on their faces after they had seen the marks. He had never looked this horrid like the early days of an ill old man. Had he caught an illness or was it the burden that was on his shoulders deteriorating his health as his wife told him countless times. He inserted the black studded belt on it loop and tied it securely around his trousers. He glanced at his satiated sleeping woman on the bed, the streaming sunlight coming in through the opened doors of the balcony, bathed her smooth face.

A wicked smile took form on his lips. The scars he knew who the culprit was. His dressing maids didn’t know and wouldn’t understand his markings were all from throes of passion. The wicked things his wife did to him. Things that brought gratification to him than anything. Their passion was a remedy to his afflicted conscious. He could only find a peace of mind and serenity when his body was in the throes of passion. And lately, just simple coupling couldn’t get him relief, only the seediest actions did.

Mmmh... and his wife knew exactly what he needed. A musing smile played on his lips as he secured the knot of the cape on his shoulders.

He stepped out the room, his guards immediately taking their position behind him, escorting him as he strolled down the long corridors to the assembly court were the counselors and leaders waited for his presence. Red banners dripped from the high ceiling.

Familiar faces frowned at him with displeasure as he sat on the throne. He returned the gesture. He skimmed through the faces-his son Nikolas sat beside the dark skinned Amahle representative in a dashiki with a silver beard, and a stern expression on his face.

Tension filled the room.

“What are these displeasures you want to address?” Abasi asked with indifference knowing too well what the problem was.

“Your Majesty we can’t go to war with Murisa. It will be disastrous!” one of the council members said. Abasi eyed the counsel infuriated woman coolly. Her face scowling. He clenched his teeth and leaned forward. His heart and mind had finally come to terms with the plan of marching against Murisa, he did not need these additional meetings to falter him.

“You will not only put Kalil in danger but each one of us. This is not what Amahle agreed to when we decided to affiliate with Kalil” The Amahle representative spat.

Abasi snapped his eyes at him, then sneered. “You think Lorenz will always be satisfied with the trade deal you made? Then you're mistaken. Tell me hasn’t he started to ship his men to your ports. His men are not there to only watch their cargos and protect their vessels, they are there to study your people and your ways, and when the time comes, he’ll send his army. He’d force you to surrender. He won’t be gentle about it.”

“I do not believe you” the Amahle representative countered.

Abasi sighed frustratingly and called the man’s name. “Ekene, my friend, was I not the one who approached and told you to alert your king of King Lorenz’s father conquering your neighbor Rary and his plans for Amahle. If it weren’t for me, your fate could have been the same as your enemies.”

Juliet Lili's Books