Below the Peak (Sola)(34)

What a peculiar person, Nara mused, ruling out the person may be sick after noticing the person’s determined strides, very brisk as if in a hurry to attend an urgent matter. For unknown reasons, she was curious to put a face on the mysterious person as she continued to stare inquisitively, taking notice how its fair hair glossed in the sun. As if sensing her probing eyes, the mysterious person came to a halt and turned, locking eyes with her for few heartbeats then looked away and hastily walked on.

No, it cannot be. Eyes narrowed suspiciously, Nara crossed to the path which the lady was on and trailed her, hurrying under the shades provided by the canopies and townhouses extended roofs, leaving some distance between them to not make her intentions known. She squeezed herself between the crowded footpaths and tried to not lose the mysterious lady agile footsteps which seemed to gain momentum each second. The lady didn’t glance back again, instead started running, her steps fast and soundless as if she was air bound.

An unhinging feeling settled in her stomach. Nara sprinted toward her, the air in her lungs thinned as she tried to close the distance increasing between them. Someone groaned and cursed at her for pushing them out of the way. “Sorry” She turned and apologized hastily when she looked forward the lady took a turn between a shabby looking townhouse and a tavern. She followed, not wanting to lose sight of her.

Is she one of Abasi’s spy? Her mind spun while she gave chase after the mysterious woman down the narrow mossy path and wished she was not carrying the sword case which moved awkwardly on her back, jamming her shoulders as it swung with her movement.

For lungful minutes, Nara chased the tail of green woolen cloak in the meandering winding paths between buildings when suddenly, her target’s quick strides decreased in motion and came to a halt in the overshadowed passageway. The lady turned, lifted her head upward. Indigo eyes honed on her.

Goddesses’ name! Nara froze still and gaped. An elf!

The elf was beautiful, with an oval face, high cheekbones, nose and well-proportioned lips. The elf was also taller than Nara, her stance upright and subtle like a cat.

“Why are you pursuing me?” asked the elf in Nyr with a faint accent to her voice.

“Why are you here?” Nara asked, giving the elf a quick, thorough look. There was no visible weapon on the elf, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t have one, a small dagger could be hidden perfectly somewhere within her attire. As if the elf needed one. Nara had no doubt the elf could’ve her neck snapped with just her bare hands before she could draw the dagger hiding in her boot.

Instincts warned and urged her to stand ready. Nara willed her tensing muscles to relax.

“You have not answered me. Why are you following me?” the elf retorted with a pointed look.

“What brings you here?” Nara challenged with an edge to her tone that said, ‘this isn’t game’ of who can answer a question with a question.

The elf’s lips twitched in irritation. “Are people of Forod not welcomed here?”

There was a second of silence before Nara gave in first coolly. “It’s not often we see an elf in our midst except trade day that is why I’m curious to know your purpose here but, of course, your kind are allowed here.” The words felt terribly wrong to her ears and tasted foul on her tongue. She found no pleasure of their sight, not after what they did to her people. The elves had declared the humans to be beneath them to associate with. They were immortals, and humans were mortals, a clear distinction of who belonged where in the hierarchy of beings. Human existence seemed to displeasure them and had enraged them further when some of the elves had taken humans as their lovers. That’s when the Dark War began, led by non-other than the elven prince who had set to annihilate them.

“Are you afraid that I was sent to spy on Murisa or be in alliance with Kalil?” the elf taunted.

Nara stiffened. It can’t be. Abasi wouldn’t sort help from them, the little doubt was squashed with the memory of her fighting Kalil warriors not too long ago. Well, not everything is what it appears to be.

Alarm shot through her, and she shuddered inwardly. Nara commanded herself to remain calm and not let the elf see fear wrecking her resolve. She lifted one leg and slowly drew a step closer to the elf.

“I forewarn you, come any closer I will hurt you” the elf declared. Nara’s nostrils flared but didn’t move another step. Nara was aware of the elf' uncanny abilities. Abilities that her own kind gossiped, envied and feared in secret even though many of them have not bared witness to what they could really do. The elf could kill her in a blink, but she would not forfeit her life without a fight. “Leave me be to my ways, and I promise I won’t break your bones,” the elf stated. A dangerous threat. Nara heard it loud and clear.

Nara bit the insides of her cheek until she tasted blood then slowly stepped back. Today she drew the short stick, it was best to let the elf go but time she won’t be lenient. The elf be damned!

“Good choice,” the elf commended and took off running without a glance back. Sourly Nara watched the elf vanish at the end of the alleyway that poured unto crowded streets.

Has she let another foe run free like they had left the nykr, Kalil General? It was all she could think of. Belatedly, Nara pursued the elf with all her strength, her. She emerged in a throng of busy life goers, her chase wasted. She exhaled harshly through her nose, her lungs burning for a steady breath and in a futile attempt, she scanned among the walking forms for the elf. The elf was long gone.

Juliet Lili's Books