Below the Peak (Sola)(29)

“Welcome back home. We have missed you,” Kami said gently.

Nara tightened her arms around her conveying she felt the same, before letting go and walking to the different larger room.

“I thought that you were sleeping.” Nara sat across her on the bed after drying herself and wearing her sleeping gown she retrieved from the wardrobe.

“I was, but I wanted to see you,” Kami replied and handed her tiny green twigs. Undoubtedly, she appeared to have been sleeping if her sleepy dark eyes were any indication but still looking good. For one, her thick long kinky hair was twisted in braids, and a warm bronze radiance flushed her even and lush dark-hued skin.

Nara curiously examined the thin twigs in her palm that was half the size of her small finger.

“It is malmun has a bitter taste, but it is good for aches. Chew it all” Kami insisted, pushing the hand Nara held the twigs towards her mouth. In one go Nara threw the twigs in her mouth and chewed. Her eyes teared and blinked repeatedly, the malmun was unsweet, an acrid taste filled her mouth. Intrigued of her mother’s new status Nara’s gaze dropped to her stomach and witnessed the small bulge sitting there. Earlier in the bathing chamber, she couldn’t see the swell of her belly since they were both standing and the shawl Kami had draped around her hid it but now as they sat on the bed it was prominent, her clothes had pulled up and snagged around her midriff.

Her quick examination did not go unnoticed.

“That man! He blabbers off like a parrot these days!” Kami complained and rolled her eyes. “And here I’ve been secretly congratulating myself for marrying a reserved, quiet gentleman.” After the death of her real mother, her father remarried a few years later when he left for Amahle to sign a treaty that allowed Murisa passage to use Amahle’s province úsh seaport without being heavily taxed when they transported goods from Rary one of Murisa’s territory. Their marriage, a duty to their kingdoms had later blossomed to love and bore Ingrid in the process. Now a second baby was on the way.

Nara swallowed the last bits of the twigs and laughed softly. “When are you expecting?”

“Beginning of winter, I believe. Soon you’ll have another sister or brother.” Kami smiled widely.

“I’m very happy for you.” She smiled. “What is it?” worry crossed her features when her mother’s eyes became glassy, and a tear dropped.

“Do not worry, your words have touched me deep enough to burst the dam of my uncontrollable emotions. At least you are not crying with me like how Ingrid does.” Her mother gave a choked laugh, moist pooling in her eyes. “She cries out of guilt and confusion whenever I scold her, and it happens to be one of those days I am overwhelmed with everything.” Nara relaxed at her mother’s words. “Good thing she’s asleep then” Nara referred to her eleven-year-old little sister.

“How uncaring I am for not asking how your journey was although your wounds give me the impression that it was not altogether pleasant.” Kami pointed.

Nara sighed tiredly and recounted the days she had been gone while she did her hair in one long braid for the night. She shortened the story and only retold the first days they arrived at Latrell, how one young man, crippled from the waist down left her with a great impression after seeing his determination to learn anything just to protect his mother and two young brothers and farm from rustlers. The young man had turned out to be great in archery. He reminded her of herself when she was a recruit, terrified yet excited at the prospect of being a soldier. Her face soon turned dark when she retold of the unfortunate events that happened in Latrell. Sadness settled on her mother’s face.

Kami sighed softly like she too had faced a great ordeal the days Nara was absent. Then finally in a tender yet strong voice Kami spoke, “Why don’t you take a rest from your work and stay home for a while. Your father and I will be happy if you do that. Ingrid will surely love to have your company around. She has been missing you a lot.” At the words, the image of her restless father pushed forward into her mind. Nara lifted her head from the tail of her hair which her fingers were busy braiding and met her mother’s gaze. Nara knew something was wrong, she could feel it. She searched her mother’s expression.

“Is whatever troubling you and father have to do with what happened in Latrell?” she asked, uneasy weight settling in the pit of her stomach. Her mother’s lips thinned and shook her head slowly. Nara took in how her mother placed her hand on her swollen stomach and rubbed it delicately like she was afraid the weight of her hand would injure the little being growing inside her.

“You do not need to worry about your father and me. You know how complicated court matters can be as always. However, what occurred in Latrell, I can’t bury it in my mind. It makes me worry for you even more.” Kami placed her hands on hers and squeezed tightly briefly. “Mmmh… It will please me if you consider it. Now please rest you must be exhausted.” Her mother stood up from the bed and placed a chaste kiss on Nara’s forehead before walking out the door.

Lies. It was more than mere court matters stressing her father. Still, when she pondered what the real problem might be, her head refused to cooperate, her temples throbbed. Nara could no longer withstand the sharp jabs pricking her skull. She had little strength left to exhaust over thoughts. Nara let out a deep breath and strode to the lamps sitting on the counter shelves she typically kept small mementos she collected in her travels. Nara blew the flames, sending the room into darkness and went straight to her bed. Before she knew it, her eyes closed to sleep.

Juliet Lili's Books