Below the Peak (Sola)(50)

“What do you want elves?” A sentinel positioned behind one of the crenels shouted, aiming his crossbow toward them.

Calemir and Finn looked up, noting huddled guards across the crenels with crossbows in hand, ready to shoot the cocked arrows.

“We come in peace. We are here to see King Lorenz” Calemir stretched his empty hands up in gesture he meant no harm. The guards remained quiet, not believing him as more marched and joined the other guards who were gravely staring at them.

A few dead humans wouldn’t be a problem for the price of getting the Urd. It irked him how the human guards were standing above them so fearless when it truth they were quailing inside their armors. He could have his sword drawn and slaughter half of them before they could recover from a bat of an eye.

Aside him, Finn tipped his head and shouted. “We are here to discuss of Kalil.” The mention had the reaction Finn had hoped, seeing the humans huddled more tightly and lowered their crossbows directly toward him and Calemir. The guard-who’d spoken-and who apparently seemed to be the person with authority over others, hesitated for a minute. Another guard walked up to him and mumbled something to him. The guard in charge nodded and ordered. “Open the gates!”

Guards armed with spears, bows and swords encircled them the second they stepped over inside the wall. A lanky guard on a brown mare broke from the circle and appeared in front of the two elves, keeping a steady gaze on them. “I am Hagen, sworn warrior of Murisa. I have orders to escort you to the king’s castle.”

“Lead us to him,” Calemir’s tone was curt.

Humans stopped on the streets and from the windows of their homes, gawked at the two elves in a mixture of shock and fear before moving to the horses they rode. Their eyes lingered as they studied the no ordinary horses with dark blue shinning skin with red markings and with full silver eyes except for the gold slits in them.

Good, the distraction is working Calemir mused as the man, Hagen showed the way. The horde of humans which had formed parted to the sides as they ambled forward to the king’s residence. Calemir disregarded the waves of emotions pouring and accompanied by murmurs rising from the crowd staring at him and lord Finn. It had been such a long time he had been in the presence of the likes. He couldn’t recall when he’d encountered so many of them. Fighting and maintaining Forod's borders from intruders would cut you from outsiders Calemir thought grimly, his fingers tightening on the reins. It wasn’t long when they reached the impressive structure established in the spacious yard. Hagen climbed off his horse, he and Finn dismounted too and followed him through the stairs between the two large immortalized wolves. They were guided in the lit hallways, swiftly passing and ignoring the guards craning their necks to get a good look at them and prove they weren’t hallucinating.

He heard muffled angry voices as they strode and took the stairs leading to another wing. Finn glanced at him, arching a brow. ‘What do you think is happening?’

Calemir sent him a look that conveyed whatever it was, was none of their concern. The voices became more distinctive, one of a man and a woman when they made another corner and took winding staircase that leads to a large illuminated hall.

Calemir did not need his sixth sense to feel the ominous air in the room even before the humans came to their view.

He perceived their expensive attires-their attention fastened on the woman standing alone among them. She stood rigidly, her fingers clenched in a tight fist as if restraining herself from doing something violent to unleash the anger he felt coursing inside her.

This must be the woman he heard. Intrigued, Calemir studied her. She was dressed in an elegant red dress which hugged her from neck to foot, her sleek dark hair falling like gentle waves on her shoulder and back.

Somehow and surprisingly, he was slightly disappointed he could only see one side of her face since she was sending a murderous look at the man at the high end of the table, who was clothed in a gorgeous coat with a jeweled crown on his brown hair and look of wrath on his face. King Lorenz. The man, Calemir concluded putting it together.

“Perhaps this is a wrong time to introduce ourselves?” Finn spoke beside him, his voice echoing in the room and drawing everyone’s attention to them. As it was expected, the humans here too were stunned to see them. Eyes widened threatening to pop out as gasps, shrieks and screams left their gaping mouths. Looks of pure disbelief, terror and awe crossed their faces. One noble jolted from his chair and fell.

Such manners.

Finn unabashedly enjoyed at their expense and savoring the attention while he, on the other hand, his attention was elsewhere. Still upon the woman.


The smooth male voice echoed clearly in the grand room. It was accented and impossible to ignore. Despite raging inside, Nara could not resist to twist and seek its owner. Her stomach dropped, and surprise overtook her for a long moment. She gaped at the two strangers in shock and horror. They stood just in front the entrance of the room, tall and foreboding. Her gaze drifted to the one who had spoken and was now wearing a smug expression. He was a good-looking man, and he was very much aware of it. His dark midnight blue hair was plaited to one long braid in the middle, the sides of his head cropped short almost near his scalp, his unique style emphasizing his high cheekbones, strong jaw and lips. Dark, thick lashes fanned and accentuated his gray eyes. She had never seen such an attractive man until today. He was also garbed in a ritzy tunic which hugged his lean upper frame well with trousers and boots affirming his lithe impressive height. He struck a casual pose in such a way that suggested he was familiar and no stranger to everyone in the room. She had a feeling it was all a false front from a glimpse of his eyes. “Our immediate presence must be actually surprising and shocking. Pardon our ill manners.” The elf spoke in Nyr and inclined his head to a slight bow then lifted his head again. “I am Finn Horrindor” He drawled and looked at the other elf. “This is Calemir son Gwainor prince of Forod.”

Juliet Lili's Books