
“Okay, here is the list for you two. One, get your wedding license. Here are the directions. The office closes at five. Two, you need wedding rings. You can stop by the jewelry store on the way home from the license. Third, Beth, you need to get a dress. Eve and I will take you shopping at ten tomorrow morning. That’s the way to do a wedding.” Phoebe leaned back in her chair.

I started clapping and Roman and Eve joined me. Phoebe deserved it.

“Roman, Eve talked to Berg. He and your bandmates will be flying in at eleven in the morning. You will take Beth’s CRV to pick them up at the airport, and this is the hotel where they are booked. Berg said that you and the band have some nice suits from your wardrobe woman in New York, and the suits will come with him. Beth, did you call Eric?”

“Yes, Eric, Tara, and Joey will meet us at the chapel. Eric told me he will get Joey a suit.” I grinned, thinking of Joey in a suit. “That’s it? Everything done?” I asked Phoebe again.

“Wedding chapels kick ass. They make everything so easy. Now you two go get the wedding license before it screws up my groove. By the way, rock star, I booked you at the Hampton Inn tonight. Can’t let you stay here. It’s the night before the wedding.”

Roman looked horrified. Phoebe busted out laughing.

“I’m just messing with you. But, after we leave to go buy a dress in the morning, we don’t want to see you until the chapel. Got it?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Now go. Get your license.”

We left to run our errands. I was thrilled to be near him. This almost felt like a dream. It was happening so fast, but that was the added thrill to the event. Roman and I walked hand in hand to my CRV. I drove because I was familiar with the town, but it almost felt like a date.

Later that night when we got home, we fell into bed. We were exhausted but happy. We decided not to make love but to wait until tomorrow night so that it would be all the more special. We cuddled in the bed and fell asleep. It was the best night’s sleep I had ever had.

Chapter 15 – The Wedding


I stood in my suit, waiting for my soon-to-be wife to walk down the aisle. The chapel was absolutely stunning. The ceremony had been set up on the outside landing. There had to be thousands of twinkle lights in the cozy area. I waited with my best friend by my side. I couldn’t see her yet, but soon…


“Okay, you ready, beautiful?” Phoebe asked me.

I nodded my head. I wasn’t prepared to speak. I was emotional.

“Here is your escort.” Phoebe gestured to Joey.

“Hey, baby.”

“Hey, Mama. You look pretty.”

“Have I told you today that I loved you?”


“Oh gosh, Joey, I love you.”

“I love you too.”

I kissed him on the cheek. He looked adorable in his sharp black and white suit.

Phoebe asked, “Okay, you two ready?”


“Before you turn the corner, read this note. Roman gave it to me.”


I picked this song for you to walk down the aisle to me. Because “Without You” I’ll never make it in this life nor would I want to! Come to me, I am waiting!

Love you for the rest of my life,


“Without You,” sung by Lea Michele, played over the speaker, and my heart beat to the rhythm of the song. It was time for Joey and me to walk down the aisle. We stepped out to the platform behind Eve and Phoebe and everyone stood. Not many people were there, but there were enough to make me nervous. I looked down the aisle and saw him. He wore a black and white suit that looked as though it cost thousands. It looked like the suits that rich men wore. Berg wore a similar one, but where Roman wore a black tie, Berg wore a grey tie.


Phoebe walked down the aisle first and then Eve followed. I saw Beth and she was absolutely stunning. Phoebe had styled Beth’s long hair into a hundred loose curls, and somehow it had been pulled up elegantly with several strands falling astray. Her dress was white and knee length. Overall, Beth was the most beautiful that I had ever seen her. Then I looked at her face and that ended me. The look on her face conveyed all the love that I felt I had inside of me. I could tell that the words to the music were getting to her emotions. Good, because I meant every word of this song. She and Joey walked down the aisle, slow and confident. It seemed as though it took forever, but finally she was where she belonged, beside me.

“Who gives this woman away?”

Joey looked at the minister and then to me. “I do, but only if you promise to share her with me.”

Oh shit, this kid was adorable. I got down on my knee and hugged him. I whispered in his ear, “I promise to share, Joey, and I will love you both always.”

Beth must have overheard me because I heard her gasp. I meant every word. I already loved Joey, and I couldn’t really explain it. I stood up and looked at Joey kissing his mom and then he went to sit down between his dad and Tara. Then I turned to the most beautiful woman in the world.

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses to join Roman Reed and Beth Lowe in holy matrimony commended to be honorable among all. And therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly, and solemnly. Into this these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together, let him speak now or forever hold his peace.”

Sunny Wolfe's Books