
I ran free!

Chapter 11 – Roman

I flew on the red-eye flight heading to Tennessee. We’d had a f*cking fantastic concert at Madison Square Gardens. The audience had been on fire! I enjoyed every moment because I knew there might be a chance it would be my last.

I wanted Beth back, and I would do anything to make it work. I wanted her; hell, I needed her. I talked to Berg after the Michigan concert. Berg, being as full of wisdom as I was accustomed to, pointed out, once again, how would I feel if Beth was a rock star and I was a stay-at-home dad? How would I feel knowing she used to f*ck at least three different men a week for years and years, loving it? Then decided to marry me? How would I feel about her living on the road with men throwing themselves at her?

Yeah, I wasn’t thrilled with the thought either.

So I understood. Berg and I talked through different thoughts concerning the band. I could leave the band or we could change our recording destination to Nashville. Berg wanted me to stay in Phantom, but he was also my one true friend.

I thought back to our previous conversation.

“Roman, I just want you to be happy. Have some ankle bitters and make them call me Uncle Berg.”

“I don’t know. Asking everyone to record albums in Nashville is selfish.”

“Let’s be honest. The guys would rather record for several months in Nashville than for you to quit. How many bands make it through a lead singer quitting? You are offering them a choice. You have the right to quit. Our contract with our record label is ending soon. Look, I’m turning forty-two in a couple of weeks. I could go another five years or start something else. We both have enough money to last the rest of our lives. The question is which do you want more, the fame or the girl?”

“The girl.”

“Then I think you know your answer. I don’t know if it makes you feel any better, but I wish I’d met someone. Hell, I am starting to think I missed out. Maybe leaving the band would be best for us both. We have been doing this for eight years. You can’t be married doing this shit. Think of how many marriages survive the rock and roll scene.” Berg’s expression turned pensive.

“I’ll talk to her.”

My flight would land at seven a.m., and then I would take a taxi, check into a hotel, and shower. Shit…I didn’t ever remember being this nervous about anything in my life. Eve had it set up for me to meet Beth in front of her house at eleven in the morning.

Chapter 12 – Roman

Sitting in the back of the taxi, I felt antsy as hell.

“Sir, we’re here,” the cab driver said. I handed him two twenties.

“Keep the change.”

I got out of the cab and slammed the door a little too loudly. I looked at Beth’s cute little house. It was quaint. I strode up the walkway and saw the door opening. Beth was backing out of the house and locking the door.

“Okay, Eve, luckily I only got one speeding ticket, but I’ll probably have to go to court. It was more than twenty five miles per–”

She turned around. Our eyes locked. She looked so beautiful with her hair down, falling in soft waves around her shoulders. Her makeup looked natural and complemented her pale complexion. She wore jeans with boots and a red shirt.

Wow, she was breathtaking, and it felt as though a year had passed since I’d held her. She looked so healthy compared to the last time we’d seen each other. We both said nothing but slowly started walking toward one another.

“Roman,” she whispered. “What…what are you doing here?”

“I came back for you, Beth.”


“I have something I wanted to give you.” I walked closer to her and dug into my jeans pocket. I took her hand and I placed an object into her palm.

“Oh my God! I can’t believe you have this.” Her voice hitched. She looked down at the leather and lace I’d threaded together.

“You told me once that I would know if I were in love. I know. After the sixth day in that basement without you, I decided I was going to go get you or die trying because I couldn’t live another day without you. When I decided I had to kill Andrew to get to you, I searched the cell for this. It was the only thing besides you that mattered to me in that whole damn house. This is us, Beth. Leather and lace. We belong together, that I know.”

Tears formed in Beth’s eyes, and her hands were visually shaking.

“Beth, I will give up everything for you. Just don’t make me live another day without you.”

“You still love me?”

“I never stopped.”

I gently grabbed her face and kissed her as hard as I could. I didn’t want her to doubt the level of my decision. I felt her instantly fall into the kiss. I was not alone in this.

But then she broke away. “I can’t let you give up everything for me.” Her eyes searched mine. She must have been wondering what I was thinking because I knew I had a shit-eating grin on my face.

“Beth.” I reached for her again just because I couldn’t be this close to her without holding her. I held her head in my hands and kissed her again. “Nothing makes sense anymore. Without you, everything that was once important is nothing. I want to spend the rest of my life with the love of my life.”

She jumped into my arms. “Oh, Roman, I love you too! I love you so much!”

Sunny Wolfe's Books