
“She got them, but she didn’t open them until today. Phoebe told me she was very moved.”

“Oh thank God. Does it look like I have a chance?”

“Well, she wanted to call you, but she doesn’t have your phone number.”

“Oh f*ck, I didn’t even think about that. Why didn’t you give it to her?”

“Phoebe was the one with her and you have her number, but she doesn’t have yours. The only reason I have yours is because you called me. Besides, I don’t know if Beth would be thrilled to know we have been talking behind her back. I think it would be safer to wait until you show up.”

“Do you think she will see me?”

“According to Phoebe, Beth is mentally feeling better. Her meds are back into her system, so that’s a plus. And, she has been sleeping with your monkey and she named him Mr. Coconuts. Also she told Phoebe that she never has loved any man as much as you.”

My breath caught in my throat. Beth still loved me.

Eve continued, “But I got the impression that isn’t the biggest hurtle that you need to jump. She’s worried that you are too much of a rock star, if you know what I mean.”

“She thinks I will get bored with her and leave her. I remember her telling me that. Fuck, what do I do? Quit? Is that the only way she will feel safe?”

“She won’t ever let you quit. That’s the point. That’s why she won’t be with you. I told you Beth is not selfish, and she won’t keep you from your dreams.”

“Shit, there has to be some common ground…a compromise?”

“I don’t know, rock star. You have to make whatever decision that you think is best for you. I just thought that you would want to know that she does, in fact, still love you.”

“Thanks, Eve.”

“You’re welcome and good luck with your decision. It can’t be easy. At least she didn’t ask you to choose.”

“Yeah, lucky me.”

I hung up.

“Five minutes until the meet and greet,” Heather warned.

What was I going to do? I would give up this lifestyle in a heartbeat, but would I regret it? Would I blame her just because she didn’t trust me? Why didn’t she trust me? I needed to talk to Berg. Maybe he could shed some light on this for me. I felt anxious.

“Berg! Come over here.”

“What’s up?”

“I need to talk to you after the show. It’s important.”

“Sure thing, who were you on the phone with?”

“We’ll talk after the meet and greet. These things still give me panic attacks.”

“That’s why we hired the body guards.” Berg pointed out two huge muscled men that nobody with a right mind would f*ck with, and then he patted my back.

Chapter 9 – Beth

Phoebe left three hours earlier, and since it was almost nine p.m., I was hungry and in need of a shower. I kept thinking about what Phoebe said. She was absolutely right; it was time to get over feeling sorry for myself. I grabbed my phone.


“Hey, Eric, how are you?”

“Good and you?”

“I am doing much better. Thank you for asking. I was wondering if you minded if I come get Joey tomorrow. I know it’s a school day, but I really miss him.”

“Sure, you’re his mom. It’s fine with me. Just come by here in the morning before I leave for work.”

I smiled. “Eric, I was thinking about taking him back permanently next Friday. I want to take a little more time to make sure I am completely okay with my meds and clean the house and stuff. I was thinking about painting his room before he comes home. Maybe redecorate it with Minecraft or Batman.”

“Beth, I know you. You don’t have to make it up to him. He’s ten, and he’s fine.”

“I know, but I miss him, and I want him to be excited to come home.”

“Trust me. He’ll be excited. He misses you, but he understands that you’re safe now. Maybe you could get Roman Reed to sign a picture of himself or something.”

“Uh…I thought I told you about us breaking up?”

“No, you told me about you and him at the hospital, but the time Joey and I came over, he wasn’t there, so I assumed he was working.”

“I broke up with him,” I reluctantly admitted.


“You know how I am when I go into a depression. Do you really think Roman Reed would want me all mopey?”

“I don’t know him, but he would be lucky to have you. You are so hard on yourself. You are a great mom. You’re fun to be around, and hell, you were my best friend.”

Tears tracked down my face. “Eric, I am so sorry if I hurt you.”

“Honestly, it was the best thing for Joey. You shouldn’t watch your parents fight. It’s not fair for a kid. Now you and I can concentrate on being a good team for Joey’s present and future.”

“You’re probably right, but if it makes you feel better, I miss you too.”

“It does.” He paused. “See you at the house at nine in the morning?”

“Yep, I’ll be there. Take care.”

“You too.”

Sunny Wolfe's Books