
“It’s weird, isn’t it?” I asked him.


“Us having fun and not having to worry about the kidnappers coming downstairs to ruin it.”

“See, that is why we will last forever. Because we had fun with each other during one of the darkest times in our lives. Now, our future is bright!”

“Will we have to wear shades?”

Roman smiled at me and got out of the CRV. He walked around to my side. Roman and I had developed this little game. We both loved music and since we were the same age, we were familiar with the same songs. When one person said a famous line of a song, the other had to catch it and make a reference in return. So far, neither of us had ever been stumped.

He opened my side of the vehicle, took my hand, and helped me out. He was smiling. He unlocked and opened the front door before he turned to me and scooped me up so he could carry me over the threshold. I giggled the whole way and then I remembered something.

“Your back!”

“My back is fine. I haven’t had any trouble out of it since the detox.”

“That’s fantastic!” I kissed him.

He shut the door with his foot, and I took the keys and locked the door while still in his arms. He walked me straight to the bedroom.

“Are you in a hurry, Mr. Reed?”

“Uh yeah, I haven’t been with you in more than three weeks. It feels wrong, not being with you for so long.” He looked as though he’d just figured that out. He put me on my feet carefully. Then he turned on the lamp to the dimmest setting.

“Did I tell you how beautiful you looked tonight?” Roman said.

I laughed and he walked back toward me.

“Yes, a couple of times. Are you going to sing ‘Wonderful Tonight’ to me?” I smiled.

He smiled and then he started singing it to me. It was amazing to have a husband who could sing any song at my request. We danced for a while, and when he finished singing, he kissed me. It was a hungry kiss.

He took off his suit quickly and laid the pieces on the chair in the corner. He wore only his boxer briefs. I felt nervous all of a sudden. I wasn’t sure why. He kissed me and I kissed him back. His hands went to the back of my dress and he started to unlace it. Once the dress slipped down, he bent to pick it up and drape it over the chair. He looked back at me with a hungry expression. I wore a white corset with panties, stockings, and a garter belt.

“Wow, you look so sexy.”

I felt sexy.

“Is it bad that I just want to take off the panties and leave the rest on?”

I laughed. “They have snaps just for that line of thinking.” I unsnapped one side of the panties. Roman removed his boxers and pulled down the bed sheets. He was fully erect. He walked over to me and gently laid me on the bed. He unsnapped the other side and pulled off the lacy panties.

“I am afraid I’m not going to last long. You just look so sexy.”

I smiled. I spread my legs for him and he lay between them and started kissing my neck. His hands snaked out to hold down my hands with his. He had done this before, but for some reason I felt nervous.

“Oh, Beth…” He kissed on the top of one of my breasts, and with his teeth, he made one of them pop out of the corset. He grabbed the nipple gently with his teeth and started sucking. I breathed heavier and then he entered me.

I started to hyperventilate and the next thing I knew, I was crying.

“Beth! Beth!”

I finally registered Roman’s voice and looked up at him. The expression on his face was one of horror. He realized what this reminded me of, and I didn’t really realize it until I saw the disgust on his face.


He started to get up.



“No! That sick bastard will not ruin my wedding night! We do this.”

“Beth, this shouldn’t be a chore to get done. I can wait. Maybe after some therapy…”

“No. Please? Tonight.”

He looked as though he was warring with himself.

“Beth, did Jason only rape you while you were tied down on bottom?” I could tell that he hated even saying the words, but he knew they were necessary.

I nodded.

“Okay, let’s roll gently.”

I put my arms around him and we rolled with him still inside of me. I was now on top. We held each other while I calmed down. After a minute, I leaned up, putting my hands on his chest. He groaned while I sat up and I was deeply impaled by him. He looked at me and I watched him.

“You okay?” he asked me.

“I think so,” I answered, still not one hundred percent sure.

“Just go slow. If you get scared, we will quit. Promise me!”

I nodded. I thought I could do this.

I started riding him slowly.

“Look at me, Beth. Look at me and know who I am. Know that I would never hurt you, no matter what. Know that I’m your husband, your best friend, your lover, and your partner in crime. Know that I’m yours!”

I did. I continued to ride him and soon I started to feel pleasure. Once Roman saw that I was enjoying myself, he started to enjoy himself too. He was trying not to make any noise, trying not to spook me, but little did he know it only fueled my desire for him.

I leaned over him, putting my hands on his shoulders and kissed him—really kissed him—and I felt his hands go to my butt. He started kneading my cheeks with his hands while thrusting up into me. He broke the kiss.

Sunny Wolfe's Books