
Moreland: Is it true that your stepson is a huge fan of yours?

Reed: Yes, he claims he’ll take over for me when I am ‘too old’ to sing anymore. The problem with that is Joey is a horrible singer. I’ll work on teaching him the guitar, so fans, no need to worry.

“Congratulations! We certainly wish you the best.”

“Thank you, and now I have to go because my bride is waiting for me.”

“This reporter, for one, is very happy for the couple and wish them a happy marriage.”

“When did you give this interview?” I was stunned.

“Last night. We found out a few reporters knew. We’ve learned from the past it’s best to give them what they want, and then most of the time they go away.”

“How do you know Joey can’t sing?” I looked at Roman.

Berg laughed.

“You didn’t hear him singing to the music last night? He is the cutest little kid but his voice…it’s not going to happen.” Berg pointed out.

I elbowed him for saying that about my son, but it was true. Joey and I had no vocal talent.

“What is this about Phantom? Is this a decision that the whole entire band made or what? I thought we were going to talk about this.”

“We are. It’s just something that Berg and I came up with before I came back to you. If you want me to leave the band, I will. I told you this,” Roman explained.

“Berg, what’s your opinion?” I turned to him.

“I told Roman that he was my best bro, and that his happiness is important to me. We have been doing this a long time, and we’re getting older. I’m starting to wonder if I’m missing out. Seeing you and Roman together, being so in love, I missed out on that. Maybe it would be best to just quit.”

“What about the other bandmates?” I asked.

“Berg and I own the band, Beth. The other members are technically hired,” Roman said as he fried bacon.

I took a moment to let that set in.

“What do you want me to do?” Roman looked at me.

“I don’t want you to leave Phantom. I trust you. I want you to live your dream. I promised that in our wedding vows,” I told him.

“You trust me?” He seemed pleasantly surprised.

“I do, I mean, am I going to be okay with women throwing themselves at you? No, but that just goes with the job, right?”

“Not if my wife goes on tour with me.” He looked at me expectedly.

“What? Like what you said in the interview?” I asked.

“Yeah, Berg and I cut albums here in Nashville during Joey’s school year and then we’ll tour during the summer months. You and Joey can come with us. We have bodyguards now, and I would make sure both of you are protected.”

“It would be like a summer vacation,” Berg pointed out. “We go to Italy, France, and Greece, to name a few. Joey would love that.”

“I would have to talk to Eric.”

“Eric and I talked a little bit at the wedding. I brought it up, Joey going with us. Eric said he was fine with it as long as I make sure to have security on both of you.”

“Both of us?” I asked.

“Yeah, Eric still loves you, Beth. I can see it. He just wants you two to be happy and safe. I know you and him will have to talk more about it. I just wanted to see if he would be open to the idea and he was. Of course, we would have to get Joey back to Eric for his visitation.”

“Wow, this is a lot to take in. So, Phantom will live on. We’ll do like what you said in the interview. Make albums here and tour during the summer. Joey and I will go with you when we can, and if we can’t I will trust you. You’ve never given me a reason not to trust you.”

Roman smiled as he whisked the scrambled eggs.

“Baby, no need to worry. Berg wouldn’t let me cheat anyways.” He winked at me, and I blew him a kiss.

I turned to Berg. “You can have all the groupies.” I smiled.

He smiled, but it didn’t look as though his heart was in it. He seemed sad, and I couldn’t help but wonder if he felt left behind.

“So, what will the other bandmates think about this?”

“They’ll be fine. If not, they can look for new groups to be a part of.” Roman put the toast in the oven. “Berg is moving to Nashville. The others can rent while we record or settle down here. It is up to them.”

“Berg? How do you feel about moving to Nashville?” I felt bad that I had made such a big difference in these guys’ lives.

“I like Nashville, and to be honest, I was getting sick of LA. We need to be in Nashville because of Joey. He has school and his dad, so it wasn’t even up for debate moving here. Besides, Roman is my family and I love the change of seasons in Tennessee. It’s magnificent here, plus I think I have a thing for the southern ladies.”

I was looking straight at Berg when I saw a piece of raw bacon hit him in the face. I busted out laughing, and Berg didn’t seem surprised by the flying food.

“Well, I guess pigs do fly,” I said and we laughed harder.

Chapter 20 – Beth

Berg left, but apparently, he wasn’t going to return to LA today. He wanted to stay and search for a new place to live and to look for studios around the area. Luckily, Nashville had a lot. I had to call the police to clear out the people on our front lawn. I knew they are fans, but they were messing up my grass. Then I called Eric and talked to him about us touring in the summer with Roman’s band.

Sunny Wolfe's Books