Without a Hitch(75)

Tilly’s voice carries ahead of her as she makes her way up the beach. It sounds like she’s finishing a call.

“We’re temporary, Nono. Just temporary.” The words smash against my heart as I watch Tilly’s silky hair flow behind her.

“What do you want from her, big brother?”

A sigh that weighs more than I can carry wooshes out on a low groan. “I don’t know. I don’t think what I want and what I can give her coexist with what she needs.”

“Then don’t play games with her, Lochlan. That will make you no better than Christine. If you never plan to give her what she needs, let her go.”

My gaze is still on Tilly as she walks through the sand. Nova’s words make my chest ache, but when Tilly’s eyes find mine? Her smile covers my body like the most sensual caress. I can’t let her go. Not yet.

I’m so in tune with her that I know something’s wrong when she looks back down at the sand.

Tilly isn’t one to shy away from me, so I’m out of my seat and drifting away from my sister without a second thought. “Everything okay?” I ask, reaching for her hand as soon as she’s within arm’s reach.

Tilly flashes me a questioning gaze before gracing me with a smile. “Oh, sorry. Yeah.

Everything’s fine. I was just checking in with my client in Denver.” She glances over my shoulder, and I already know my sister is watching us closely. It’s confirmed when Tilly offers a shy smile. “Is everything all right with Nova?”

“She’s fine. Just being an annoying younger sister checking up on me.”

She pulls free from my grasp and places both hands on my cheeks. There’s a noticeable shift between us in this moment and my eyes burn. I’m startled to realize tears are forming at their corners.

The fear that our end is near causes my knees to buckle and it takes all my strength to remain standing before her.

“I’m glad you have her.” She pats my face like you would a small child, then sidesteps me to walk toward my sister. “Sorry about my freak-out earlier. We’ve been in a little bubble, and I forgot the outside world exists.” Her smile is warm and friendly, but it’s also sad, and the sledgehammer goes to work on my heart again. “How long are you staying? Do you want to stay for dinner? I’m sure we can get some groceries in that big kitchen we have. I’m a great cook.”

“We’re on vacation,” I bark, then shake my head. Calm the fuck down, Blaine. “Sorry,” I mutter.

“We’re on vacation. You’re not cooking anything. We can go out.”

“No, no. That’s okay. Now that I know Lochness isn’t alone, I’m not going to stay. I only flew out here to check on him, but I’ve got plenty of work to do in New York. I’ll be back with Kitty and Dad for the gala in a few weeks.”

Tilly’s gaze darts to mine. I haven’t told her anything about our time here, and I feel like a prick.

“They’re coming for the winery gala at the end of the month. That’s when Ross will make an announcement either way.”

She steps to my side, seemingly forgetting about my sister, and pats my chest. My heart squeezes painfully when she straightens out my T-shirt so I don’t have to. “We’ll get the deal for you, Lochlan. I know it. We’ll make a good team.”

“Yeah,” I force out as my throat attempts to close. “We do make a good team.” I close my hand over hers and hold it to my chest. It isn’t until Nova clears her throat that we break the trance we’re in.

“Geez. Sorry. I—I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Your brother makes me crazy, I think.” Tilly laughs while yanking her hand free, and I feel the loss deep in my bones.

This connection I have with her is so intense. It terrifies and delights me at the same time. I just hope I don’t burn to the ground when it comes to an end.



“S o, you were already planning to be on vacation?” I ask, crossing my arms. “Did you trick me?”

Lochlan’s laugh is deep and warm, like dark chocolate melting on my tongue. He doesn’t laugh like this nearly enough.

“No, darling.” As soon as it’s out of his mouth, his cheeks flame, and I can’t help but tease a little.

“First Pepper and now darling? Who knew you were so verbally demonstrative?”

“I’m not. Usually. But there’s nothing usual about you.” His tone indicates he isn’t sure how to handle that information, so I let him off the hook.

He’s sitting in a patio chair, one knee bouncing while he plucks imaginary lint off the other.


He stares at the ocean, watching the sun start its descent, but he turns instantly when I say his name. “What’s the matter?”

Why does he always assume something is wrong? “Nothing’s wrong. I was just going to say, I’m sorry I pushed you into wearing those. You really don’t have to. I didn’t mean anything by it. You look very sexy in your suits. I just wanted to push you a little.”

He nods and glances down at the dark gray cotton. “They’re not…” He pauses as his face contorts. “They’re not terrible.”

My laughter eases some of the tension in his shoulders, and I climb back into the hammock. “You can’t even say that without grimacing, lover.” Folding my hands behind my head, I let the gentle sway soothe my frazzled nerves.

Avery Maxwell's Books