Without a Hitch(72)

You could roll around on here and be perfectly safe.”

“Prove it.” The words are a growled dare that light up her eyes, sending lightning straight to my balls.

“How would you like me to do that, lover?”

The last thread of my sanity snaps as I drag her on top of my body, knocking her book and whatever else she had thrown at me earlier to the ground. Her legs straddle my hips, and with no barrier between these fucking baby trackies, my arousal juts toward her opening. She grinds down on me as she positions herself on her knees, and a pained groan escapes from deep within me.

“Ride me.”

Tilly’s gaze darts around the property. It’s private enough, though in all fairness, it is still a resort.

I’m not one for public fornication, but I hold my breath as I wait for her response. Will she do it?

Won’t she? Does she trust me?

I don’t even realize how much I want this until she lifts the hem of her skirt over her thighs.

Her intrinsic trust in me, for me, could very well be the end of me.



T illy hovers over me, slowly inching her skirt up her thighs, when a voice I recognize filters in over the ocean breeze. I don’t think. I just react. My hands cover hers, gently easing her skirt over her knees.

The voices get louder. Fucking Nova. I bolt upright, my forward motion causing Tilly to shift her weight to the right, and before I can stop it, the hammock shifts. I clutch Tilly to my chest and brace for impact as we tumble to the ground.

We hit with a thud, stars exploding behind my closed eyelids. My balls are on fire, but all the air in my lungs is trapped like a latex balloon is holding it hostage.

“Are you okay?” Tilly’s sweet voice cuts through my pain.

“I think you broke my dick,” I wheeze.

It takes her a minute, but she finally realizes her knee is crushing my groin.

“Oh. Oh, shit. I’m sorry. Do you need ice?” She runs her hands down the length of me like she’s checking for a broken bone.

“Tilly,” I bark through clenched teeth. “A boner is not what I need right now.”

“Oh, god. Sorry.” She pulls her hand away quickly, but we’re so tangled up she doesn’t know where to put it. She’s flailing her arms and legs, trying to untangle us while I attempt to catch my breath.

“Tilly,” I plead. She freezes instantly, one of her legs trapped beneath mine. Her face pales when I lift my lower half and my cock gets pressed into her belly.

“Well, at least it isn’t broken.” She chuckles uncomfortably, and I close my eyes. Moving a hand to the small of her back, I hold her to me as I sit up, ensuring she doesn’t topple over. Again. Just as I do, I hear my sister.

“Well, what do we have here?”

Tilly flinches, but I hold her to me.

“We fell out of the hammock, Nova. What are you doing here?”

Slowly, Tilly angles her head and offers Nova a small wave. Only then do I realize I’m smashing her face to my chest. Reluctantly, I release her. She hastily stands and nearly trips over my legs in the process.

I get to my feet easily but have to adjust myself before facing my sister.

“Nova,” Tilly says. “It’s, ah, so nice to see you. I’m sure you have a lot to talk about. I actually have to check in with Colton. And my sisters. My roommates are probably calling me too, so I should —”

“Tilly.” It’s a command, and I puff up my chest like a preening stallion when she responds in kind.

Grasping her wrist, I entwine our fingers and gently pull her to my side. I lean down so I can whisper in her ear. “Relax.” I love my sister, but Tilly will not freak out on me right now and put an end to us before we even begin.

Her shoulders shake with a fortifying breath. When she turns to face Nova again, my confident girl has returned.

Nova stands at the foot of the patio gaping at us. A hint of a smile shows only in the twinkle of her eye. “I’m sorry I interrupted. I mistakenly thought Lochness would be here locked away by himself. I came to push him out of his comfort zone a little.” She glances down with an amused expression when she realizes what I’m wearing. “But I see someone much more capable has beat me to it.”

Nova’s assistant, Sam, rounds the corner then with two large suitcases. “Oh.” He frowns when he sees me, but it’s gone a split second later.

“Sam,” I say in greeting. Turning to Nova, I give her my best what the fuck look. She smirks.

“So,” Tilly starts, “okay. Are you staying? Here, I mean?” I’ve never seen her ramble. She’s always in control. Squeezing her hand, I try to catch her eye, but she’s actively avoiding me.

Nova runs up the steps and, bypassing me completely, wraps Tilly in an embrace. “How did you do it?” she stage-whispers while flashing laughing eyes my way.

“Do what?” I instantly dislike the wobble in Tilly’s voice, so I lean down to pry the two women apart.

“Get him to wear those.” Nova snorts while pinching the sides of my baby trackies. I swat her away like an annoying gnat that won’t bugger off.

“Oh, God. I’m sorry,” Tilly’s worried gaze cuts me deeply. I don’t know what has gotten into her, but I’m going to find out right this second.

Avery Maxwell's Books