Without a Hitch(71)

She displays her teeth one by one in a slow, sexy smile. Leaning forward, I’m tempted to haul her into me so I can claim her mouth, but she waves with her hands. She’s on a mission, and I can’t seem to say no to her.

Gingerly, I lift one leg onto the floating bed of doom, then the other. It’s like walking on that godforsaken ferry in Rhode Island. I have no control over the way it swings me around. I hear Tilly’s laughter, but I know I’ll end up face-first on the patio if I glance at her.

“I’ll hold it still,” she explains while holding the material under me. I get my entire body into the death trap with a heavy sigh. “Now, lie down. Relax.”

I cast her an are you out of your damn mind expression, but she’s watching me with something too close to love in her eyes, and it knocks me for a loop. Literally. I drop my head into the dark blue padding and turn my gaze to the sky.

“Okay, lover. Hold these.”

As her supplies land on my belly, I don’t get a chance to reply more than an oof. She moves forward, and fear hits fast.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m climbing in with you.”

Before I can say anything else, she flops down beside me. We swing wildly, and I grasp for her like a lifeline. I wrap my arms around her and haul her to my chest so that when we hit the ground, she lands on top of me.

But it doesn’t happen.

We sway side to side, then just as quickly as we took off, it settles into a slow, gentle rhythm.

“You thought we were going over.” She laughs into my chest.

“Is this going to hold the both of us?” I look at the metal hook attached to the end of a braided rope.

“Take a deep breath, Loch. Close your eyes and breathe.”

Lifting my head, I stare down into her shimmering brown eyes. In this light, I see flecks of gold that match her tanned skin as her silky brown hair blows in the breeze. Then I do the last thing I expect.

I follow her orders and close my eyes. I breathe deeply. Lilacs and the ocean. Her.

My body relaxes as she gently scrapes her nails through my chest hair. “Are you relaxed?”

I nod on a long exhale, somehow knowing she’s watching me closely. “What do you want to talk about, Tilly?”

“We’re going to renegotiate.”

I crack one eye open, already feeling a smile forming. “Is that so?”

“Yes. You’ve already proven you can’t keep your hands off me, so it only seems fair.”

She’s right, and I prove it again by slipping my hand under her shirt. My palm rests on her hip, and I run rhythmic circles over her soft skin with the pad of my thumb.

“I see your point. What are your terms?”

She lifts up on her elbow, and my heart skips a beat as our swinging bed of doom rocks. “We’re not going to fall.” Leaning down, she kisses my chest, right over my heart. Could she feel it jumping around in there? “My terms are simple. If you want to get to know me in every way, spend time with me. Give me your time like you would a, a…”

“Girlfriend,” I supply and watch as her brow furrows, but she shakes her head. “I like having a girlfriend, Tilly. Or at least I used to. So, be my girlfriend.”

“For the next three weeks?” The uncertainty in her tone makes me tense.

“For three weeks, and then we’ll renegotiate, but I have some stipulations.”

A scowl forms on her face, and I feel it everywhere. I flash a smile full of emotion as I lean down to kiss her forehead. Thankfully, I’m getting used to the unnatural movement of the death trap we’re lying in.

“What?” If she were standing, I have no doubt her hands would be balled on her hips. “What are your new stipulations?”

“I want you bare.”

She glares at me, but it quickly morphs into a blank expression. Whatever she thought I was going to say, that wasn’t it. I like catching her off guard. I like the way her face transforms, hiding nothing from me. I just like her, I realize. More than I should. I’ve never asked this of anyone.

Three weeks. I can have her for three weeks. I can’t give her marriage, but I can show her—and myself—that I’m capable of love. Of a relationship. Christine may think she ruined me, but staring at Tilly’s gentle expression, I want to prove to the world that I can do this. For Tilly, I can do this. And for myself.

“B-Bare?” She hides her face in my side, obstructing my view as she laughs.

“Why is that funny?” I frown. Hooking my finger under her chin, I lift her face to mine. “I can’t give you everything, Tilly. But I want you to feel me. Feel what I mean when words aren’t enough.

Nothing between us.”

“You’re trying to break my heart, aren’t you?”

“No.” Her words hurt, and I inhale air that feels too thick to breathe. “No, darling. I’m not. Not ever. I’m not the man who can give you everything you need, but I’m also selfish. I want to give you what I can and hope it’ll be enough.” I shift to my side to see her better, then immediately wish I hadn’t. My body jerks against the movement of the hammock and I tense, waiting for the impact of the ground.

My wild movements shock her momentarily before she flops her arms around my chest. “Lochlan!

I promise you won’t fall out of this thing. If it were a net one, maybe, but this canvas bed is sturdy.

Avery Maxwell's Books