Without a Hitch(73)

“Nova!” I try not to raise my voice, but something has Tilly spinning, and I’m not willing to let her turn this into something it’s not. “Stay here for a minute? I need to talk to Tilly.”

I don’t wait for either of them to respond. When Tilly doesn’t immediately move with me, I lean down and toss her over my shoulder.

Nova laughs hysterically, but at least it knocks Tilly out of whatever funk she was in.

“Put me down, Lochlan.” She smacks my ass, causing me to stutter-step. My hand lands on her behind a second later, and I keep moving into the house. “Hey!”

I don’t stop until I reach the bedroom. Using my foot, I slam the door shut, then flip her onto the bed. A satisfied smirk appears on my face when she lands with a bounce. She’s up on her knees in an instant. Here is my determined spitfire.

“What happened out there?”

“What happened?” she hisses. “What happened?”

“That’s what I asked.” A full smile slides onto my face as she gets worked up. Her brows draw together, and her hands land on her hips. Right where I want to squeeze. It takes great effort, but I return my gaze to hers.

“What happened is I nearly fucked you out there for the entire world to see. Then we were interrupted by your sister. Your sis-ter!”

“Yes. And?”

“And?” she splutters. “And? And your sister saw us.”

I glance down at my appearance, then give Tilly a once-over. What the hell am I missing here?

“Oh, for crying out loud.” Tossing her hands into the air, she stares at the ceiling as her nostrils flare. “Not saw us naked. She saw us together. This—us—is not real. It’s a business proposition. I don’t want people thinking I slept my way into anything. What will she say when my company starts invading your hotels?”

“This,” I grumble, “is us for the next three weeks. The real us. We will handle the rest when the time comes, and my sister will not say anything. I promise you.”

Her shoulders droop just before her chin falls to her chest.


“You want a real relationship for three weeks. It’s always going to come back to this. There’s a time limit because neither of us will compromise.”

My hands tug at the baby trackies, and I suddenly wish I had my suit on. I feel too exposed like this.

Tilly, always in tune to my needs, softens her gaze as she slips off the bed. “You don’t have to wear these, lover. Not for me. If you’re more comfortable in your armor, then that’s what you should wear. Go talk to your sister. I’m going to head down to the water’s edge to check in with Colton and my sisters.”


“We’re good.” She flashes a practiced smile and a horrifyingly cute thumbs-up. “We have a plan to stick to. I’ll be back soon.” She’s gone before I can stop her. Grabbing one of the Tshirts she purchased at Target, I slip it over my head and go in search of my sister.

She’s lounging in the hammock with Sam.

“What the fuck?” I snap.

Nova rolls her eyes, but I swear something sparks in Sam’s gaze. “You idiot,” she scolds.

My patience is nonexistent. “What now, Nova?”

“First”—she sits up, forcing distance between her and Sam, so I offer my hand to haul her up —“it’s Sam. My assistant. Nothing is happening.” I don’t have to look at him to know he flinched at that comment. Before I can delve too deep into my thoughts, she continues. “Secondly, what the hell is going on with you and Tilly? Whatever it is, I love it. I love it so damn much. Don’t mess this up.”

“It’s not what you think.”

Sam sits up in the hammock, and I force myself to be cordial. I hired the dickhead, after all. “Sam, could you give us a minute?”

He looks between my sister and me before nodding. “I’ll go check on our room.”

“Room?” I growl my displeasure.

“Jesus, Lochness. We showed up at the last minute. There was only one room left. But it’s fine.

Doesn’t look like we’ll be staying long anyway.”

Nova and I sit in silence as Sam walks down the path. On the horizon, I can see Tilly, and my shoulders relax.

“You like her more than I realized.” My sister leans in and shoulder-bumps me.

I tug on my earlobe, and before I can stop myself, my hand reaches for the vest I’m not wearing.

Nova grins and shakes her head as she plops down on the top step. I join her, keeping my gaze on Tilly.

“You know, I spoke to her brother-in-law this morning,” Nova says.

“Colton?” He may be my friend, but I don’t want him anywhere near my sister.

“No, one of the other ones. His wife is the photographer that shot my fashion show a couple of years ago?”

“Halton,” I grunt. I don’t know him well, but Colton’s entire family is made up of good people.

“What did he have to say?”

“Well, I mentioned I’d met Tilly.” My gaze snaps to hers. “I didn’t give anything away. I don’t need details about why she uses a fake name at these weddings, or why she’s keeping it a secret that she’s spending time with you, but it was an interesting conversation.”

Avery Maxwell's Books