Without a Hitch(77)

“No. Not all at once, but…”

His fingers skim the edge of my panties, and thinking goes out the window. My body is on fire, and I need him to keep touching me. Teasing me. Torturing me out of my comfort zone and into this bubble where only he and I exist.

“Wha-What do you want to do on vacation?”

He pauses his forward motion on my leg to stare at me, but he’s shaking his head like he misunderstands. “What do I want to do?”

Lifting up onto my elbows, I try to read his expression. “Yes, Lochlan. What do you want to do while we’re here?”

“Besides you?” His lip curls. It’s almost a smile, but not quite.

I pull my knees together when his hand inches higher. Something in his tone has me on edge. Not with fear, but sadness. “Yes, lover. Besides me.”

His cheeks puff out as he releases an exasperated breath, and he scrubs his free hand over his face. “I don’t know, Tilly. I want to do whatever you want.” I’m already shaking my head, and his eyes go wide. “No? Why not?”

“I have my list, but before we do anything on it, you need to make your own list. Tit for tat.”

“Fine,” he says like a curse. “Snorkeling. And then I want to do everything on your list. That’s what I want. I want you to have fun.”

I purse my lips into a tight line, gearing up for a fight, when he interrupts my thoughts before I can argue.

“The sun is almost down,” he says out of nowhere.

My head swivels left to right like I just realized we’re still outside. Me lounging in the hammock, him hovering above me. “Uh-huh.” My breath catches as he ghosts his pointer finger over the cotton of my panties, then slips his fingers under my ass. He’s so freaking good at distracting me with his thumb that lands just above my clit. He’s cupping my pussy, and it clenches with wanton desire.

Lochlan’s hand grips me tighter, and my eyes go wide as he swings me side to side. With hooded eyes, he lowers his mouth to my cheek. “My opinion of this goddamned contraption might have just changed.”

He straightens with new determination and lifts my dress with his free hand. He’s so tall standing above me. It makes me feel safe and confident in a way I’ve never felt before. As he slowly strips me naked, I’ve never felt more seen. Not because I’m before him in a bra and panties. No. I feel seen because he gets a part of me no one has ever bothered to search for.

Why does the man I can’t keep have to be the one to break down my walls?

“I’m trying, Tilly. I’m trying so damn hard,” he whispers, gently laying kisses around my navel.

Did I speak my fears out loud? Or is he having the same concerns as I am?

“Stop thinking so hard, darling. There will be plenty of time for that later.” His teeth nip my hip bone as his fingers slide into the soft band of my thong, yanking it from my body. “Bloody fucket, you smell so damn good. Everywhere. Every fucking where you smell delicious. You smell like…” His words are muffled as he dives into my heat, already slick with arousal, but I swear he said “mine.”

You smell like mine.



I have to stop saying shit like this. Nova’s warning rings in my ears, but try as I might, I just can’t quiet the dangerous words buzzing around my head.

What do I want? Why did my chest ache so painfully when Tilly asked me what I wanted? She’s cast a spell over me, and I quickly realize the walls I’ve built around my heart are no match for her.

I had every intention of seducing her slowly tonight. In a bed, for Christ’s sake, but with her spread out before me on this floating devil, my intentions are blown to hell.

I drag my hands to the underside of the hammock and hold her to me. With her body steady, I suck her clit into my mouth. The bloody floating bed of doom has its uses, after all.

“Lochlan.” Her voice is a hoarse whisper. She’s fighting to remain quiet, but I won’t have it. I won’t be satisfied until this entire resort hears her calling my name. “Fuck me,” she whimpers as my tongue flits roughly against her tiny bundle of nerves that vibrates under each ministration. “Please, Lochlan. Now.”

My body complies before my brain processes her words, and I stand in a rush. Hooking my hands under her legs, I spin her so she’s sideways across the hammock and grin maniacally. I love this new position. She’s at the perfect height for my cock. Her teeth bite down on her lower lip, and I drop my trousers, suddenly oddly at ease with the way the cotton slips free with a gentle tug.

Tilly slips her hand between her legs, reaching for me, but I swat her away. If she touches me now, I won’t last. I’m too on edge. Stepping forward, I grab both sides of the hammock and gently rock her into me.

I’m physically incapable of tearing my gaze away from how my cock glides between her lips.

With each downstroke, she coats me with her wetness, and a groan starts in my toes, working its way north, vibrating through my veins.

“I don’t have a condom on,” I warn. If she objects, I’ll tear this house down until I find one, but her eyes shine in the waning light. She bites into her bottom lip and gives a nod of consent that shreds my heart.

I blink rapidly as my eyes grow hot with unshed tears. I haven’t cried in years, and this woman is reducing me to a blubbering mess with her pussy. I’m losing my damn mind.

Avery Maxwell's Books